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How to write an e-mail Step-by-step guide.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write an e-mail Step-by-step guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write an Step-by-step guide

2 Model e-mail An e-mail usually has the following structure: Salutation
Body Complimentary close Write the in the form of a business letter. Keep a formal tone. The three parts are explained on the following slides.

3 SALUTATION Subject: Introduction:
Make the subject line precise, short and simple. Introduction: Write an appropriate salutation, e.g. Dear Sirs. Introduce yourself and refer to previous correspondence, if any. State the reason(s) why you are writing.

4 BODY Structure the contents of your in clearly defined sections. Make sure you address all the issues mentioned in the instructions. Arrange the contents logically.

5 COMPLIMENTARY CLOSE End the e-mail appropriately.
Write a complimentary close taking the salutation into consideration, e.g. Yours faithfully.

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