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The future cohesion policy: clusters as critical instruments to implement smart specialisation Claus Schultze, Policy Analyst, European Commission, DG.

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Presentation on theme: "The future cohesion policy: clusters as critical instruments to implement smart specialisation Claus Schultze, Policy Analyst, European Commission, DG."— Presentation transcript:

1 The future cohesion policy: clusters as critical instruments to implement smart specialisation Claus Schultze, Policy Analyst, European Commission, DG REGIO, TACTICS workshop 21 June Brussels





6 1. Fragmentation and duplication of public investments for R&D and innovation within and across regions 2. Lack of critical masses for innovation activities in regions 3. Lack of cooperation between knowledge economy actors: science, business, administration, social partners, creative individuals… 4. Missed opportunities in cross-border innovation (policies) 5. Priority choices driven by pressure from lobbies - short political cycles - weak strategic approaches - short term views 6. Gap between policy documents and policy mixes – inertia 7. Insufficient drive, immature tools for outcome-driven policies Responding to shortcomings in regional innovation policies in regional innovation policies 6

7 Source:

8 Smart Specialisation ?

9 From smart specialisation to RIS3 = ex-ante conditionality for smart use of SF in the future SF programming period 2014-2020: strengthening RTD/innovation and increasing access to ICT and its use ≠ Operational Programme To meet the ex-ante conditionality (ERDF and EAFRD): Based on SWOT analysis (including ICT) Concentrate resources on a limited set of priorities Encourages private investment in RTD Monitoring and review system Chapter on digital growth: balance of support to the demand and supply of ICT technologies; objectives "e-" + derived from the NRPs: national level multi-annual plan for budgeting and prioritisation of investments linked to EU priorities. Cohesion Policy

10 Europa 2020 inclusive sustainable smart Cohesion Policy SF 2014-2020: Thematic objectives 1.Research and innovation 2.Information and Communication Technologies 3.Competitiveness of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) 4.Shift to a low-carbon economy 5.Climate change adaptation and risk management and prevention 6.Environmental protection and resource efficiency 7.Sustainable transport and disposal of congestion on major network infrastructure 8.Employment and support for labour mobility 9.Social inclusion and poverty reduction 10. Education, skills and lifelong learning 11. Increased institutional capacity and effectiveness of public administration

11 Analysis Governance VisionPriorities Action Plans Evaluation





16 1.Does the strategy identify the main weaknesses in the national/regional innovation system? 2.Does the strategy take account of key bottlenecks and ‘failures’ in the system? 3.Does the strategy make use and propose ‘corrective measures’ with respect to outcomes of previous programmes /measures? 4.What is the right balance of investment in support of the strategic objectives? 5.Are all the ‘necessary and sufficient’ conditions in place for delivering the strategy? 6.Is there evidence of ‘policy learning’ embedded in the strategy?

17 Example: Finnland

18 Example: Berlin/Brandenburg


20 Source: Eurada - "No-Nonsense" Guide to build S³-minded Regions

21 “Innovation has nothing to do with how many R&D dollars you have. When Apple came up with the Mac, IBM was spending at least 100 times more on R&D. It's not about money. It's about the people you have, how you're led, and how much you get it.” Steve Jobs

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