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English III Around town…. In Unit 6, you’re going to learn how to.

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1 English III Around town…

2 In Unit 6, you’re going to learn how to

3 Is there a restaurant near here? Yes, there is. There’s one on Main Street. It’s across from the department store. No, there isn’t one.

4 Are there any cash machines near here? Yes, there are. There are some outside the bank. Yes, there’s one over there. No, there aren’t any.

5 Can May Must Play Go Sleep Eat Travel … Modal verbs Regular and Irregular verbs … They need to use an auxiliar. They don’t need to use an auxiliar.

6 Can May Must Modal verbs … Could May Must … Present Future Past Conditional

7 I You He She It We They Can Can’t Use cellphone here. Listen to music in class. Go to a museum today. Pass English II examination Understand the subject.... Could Couldn’t

8 English III Around town…

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