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English III Celebrations…. In Unit 4, you’re going to learn how to.

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Presentation on theme: "English III Celebrations…. In Unit 4, you’re going to learn how to."— Presentation transcript:

1 English III Celebrations…

2 In Unit 4, you’re going to learn how to

3 personal pronoun + verb be + going to + infinitive verb + complement Future Tense: Going to… I buy new books. am going to

4 personal pronoun + verb be + going to + infinitive verb + complement Future Tense: Going to… I You buy study new books. English. am are going to

5 personal pronoun + verb be + going to + infinitive verb + complement Future Tense: Going to… I You He buy study new books. English. am are is show his project. going to

6 personal pronoun + verb be + going to + infinitive verb + complement Future Tense: Going to… I You He She buy study listen new books. English. to music. am are is show his project. going to

7 personal pronoun + verb be + going to + infinitive verb + complement Future Tense: Going to… I You He She It buy study listen clean new books. English. to music. the bedroom. am are is show his project. going to

8 personal pronoun + verb be + going to + infinitive verb + complement Future Tense: Going to… I You He She It We buy study listen clean be new books. English. to music. the bedroom. friends for ever. am are is are show his project. going to

9 I You He She It We They buy study listen clean be eat new books. English. to music. the bedroom. friends for ever. corn. am are is are show his project. personal pronoun + verb be + going to + infinitive verb + complement Future Tense: Going to… going to

10 I You He She It We They buy study listen clean be eat new books. English. to music. the bedroom. friends for ever. corn. am are is are show his project. personal pronoun + verb be + not + going to + inf. verb + complement Future Tense: Going to… going to not

11 I You He She It We They buy study listen clean eat new books. English. to music. the bedroom. friends for ever. corn. Am Are Is Are show his project. Verb be + Personal pronoun + going to + inf. verb + complement + ? Future Tense: Going to… going to ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

12 Object Pronouns I You He She It We They me you him her it us them

13 I am going to buy her something special. My friends are going to buy me dinner at Thai restaurant. Let’s send them some flowers. Object Pronouns

14 Present contiuous for the future. What are you doing for New Year’s Eve? We’re going to The Sea Grill for dinner. We’re meeting friends there at 8:30. My best friend is getting married in May. It is going to be a fun wedding.

15 Are you going to the party this weekend? You can use responses like these if you’re not sure about your answer: I don’t know I’m not sure Maybe It depends

16 English III Celebrations…

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