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Creating the New Republic Washington’s Inaugural Address Government Bureaucracy Bill of Rights Virginia Declaration of Rights Virginia Statute for Religious.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating the New Republic Washington’s Inaugural Address Government Bureaucracy Bill of Rights Virginia Declaration of Rights Virginia Statute for Religious."— Presentation transcript:


2 Creating the New Republic Washington’s Inaugural Address Government Bureaucracy Bill of Rights Virginia Declaration of Rights Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom Hamilton’s Financial Solution “The Deal” Whiskey Rebellion, 1791 Foreign Policy French Revolution and Division

3 Political Parties 1796 Legacy of Whiskey Rebellion Federalists and Hamilton Democratic-Republicans and Jefferson Election of 1800 Outcome of election Changing of Rules Republican’s Gain Power Jefferson’s Administration Marbury vs. Madison Louisiana Purchase

4 What Caused the War of 1812 British Objectives Outcome of War Washington Burning Francis Scott Key Battle of New Orleans and “Old Hickory” Treaty of Ghent

5 James Monroe Tariff of 1816 Growth of Federal Court System 1819 McCulloch vs. Maryland 1824 Gibbons vs. Ogden Florida and Jackson Adams-Onis Treaty 1819 Spain and Latin American Monroe Doctrine

6 Transportation Revolution National Road Canals and Riverboats Railroads Industrialization in North Industrial Revolution Eli Whitney Textile Industry Urban Growth and Immigration Nativism Germans and Irish Labor Unions Agriculture and South “King Cotton” Eli Whitney Cotton Gin Interchangeable parts Enslaved and Free African Americans Growing population Release from slavery Free Slaves in North and South

7 Louisiana Purchase Missouri Compromise Henry Clay “Great Compromiser” Disputed Election of 1824 Andrew Jackson vs. John Quincy Adams Corrupt Bargaining for Presidency New Era of Politics-Age of Jackson Election of 1828 Nullification Crisis Native American Removal Act

8 New Party Emerges Whigs Van Buren and Presidency Tippecanoe and Tyler Too Second Great Awakening Universalists vs. Unitarianism Mormons and Joseph Smith Revivalists Literary Reforms Social Reform Utopian Communities Shakers Prison Reform Education Temperance Women’s Movement African American Abolitionists

9 Manifest Destiny Pushing West Oregon California Texas War with Mexico Relationship Key Battles Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo

10 Effects of War with Mexico Wilmot Proviso Congress Struggles to Compromise Fugitive Slave Act Territorial Disputes Crisis Deepens Dred Scott vs. Sanford Bleeding Kansas Harpers Ferry Election of 1860

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