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AAHPERD 2014 | St. Louis, MO Brian Mosier University of West Georgia Derek J. Mohr J. Scott Townsend Appalachian State University Thursday, April 3rd,

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Presentation on theme: "AAHPERD 2014 | St. Louis, MO Brian Mosier University of West Georgia Derek J. Mohr J. Scott Townsend Appalachian State University Thursday, April 3rd,"— Presentation transcript:

1 AAHPERD 2014 | St. Louis, MO Brian Mosier University of West Georgia Derek J. Mohr J. Scott Townsend Appalachian State University Thursday, April 3rd, 7:30 – 8:30, Convention Center 121-122

2 To illustrate how a common exemplary PE activity experience for PETE majors is used to positively impact teacher candidates ability to teach well. PurposePurpose Talking PointsTalking Points  What is “Grade A” PE?  Why do “Grade A” PE?  Grade A PE @ UWG  Grade A PE @ ASU  Making the Grade: Q & A

3 What is “Grade A” PE “Grade A” PE is a common exemplary PE experience for PETE Majors.  Taught when? Situated early in the program, prolonged experience  Taught by? Highly qualified, well trained, aspirational PE instructors  Taught how? Using research-verified, teacher-tested C & I models Why use “Grade A” PE “Grade A” PE is used to:  Address teacher socialization – live a shared, high quality PE experience  Showcase best practices – master the model and model the master  Integrate – key experiences across PETE program derived from “Grade A”

4 PETE majors at UW are provided the following “Grade A” experience: When?  Prerequisite to entering the HPE Program  Introduced in a 2 day/week. 5 weeks. 70 minutes/lesson; 15 week fitness evaluation Taught by?  Taught by the University PE Instructor C & I Model used?  Modified Direct Instruction/Teaching for Personal and Social Responsibility & Personal Fitness Education  PE Metrics, skill-based rubrics, and online quizzes  Pre/Post Fitnessgram and Skill and Dispositions Assessments each semester Courses Used?  Introduction to Health and Physical Education and Skills and Strategies Courses:  Introductory Course – Ultimate Frisbee

5 Sample Integrations Sample Integrations  B1 > IM: Lesson Planning > S & S: Evaluation & Observation  B2 > Practicum: QPE & FG > S & S: Evaluation & Observation  B3 > Practicum: QPE & FG > S & S: Evaluation & Observation > Assessment: Grading Systems  B4 > Student Teaching: Capstone Integrations of B1-4. Pre-req 10-70 min classes PE Metrics Disposition Eval FG Eval Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Grade A Skills and Strategies Skills and Strategies Skills and Strategies Assessment Student Teaching InstrStrategies Elementary Practicum Secondary Practicum

6 PETE majors at ASU are provided the following “Grade A” experience: When?  1 st semester in PETE program – 2 nd half of semester  2 day/week. 7 weeks. 75 minutes/lesson Taught by?  Co-taught by Senior-level PETE majors & University PE Instructors C & I Model used?  Hybrid Sport Education/TGFU/TPSR Model (SPARK HS)  Pre/Post Fitnessgram, Skill, Knowledge, and Dispositions Assessments Courses Used?  University PE Activity Program courses including:  *Badminton Basketball Crossfit *Badminton  Jogging/Conditioning Volleyball Weight Training

7 Sample Integrations  B2 > IM: Unit & Lesson Planning > M & E: Grading System > C & A: Sport Ed  B3 > PIA HRF: Fitnessgram > PIA G & S: Obs of Grade A & Peer Teaching  B4 > PEA Practicum: Teach Grade A  B5 > Student Teaching: Capstone Integrations of B1-4. Block 1 2 days/week 7 weeks 75 min/class SPARK HS Sample Evals Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5 Grade A M & E Curr & Admin PIA HRF PEA Practicum LEA Internship Student Teaching InstrMethods PIA Games & Sports


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