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Mara Manson, Ed.D Adelphi University March 28, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Mara Manson, Ed.D Adelphi University March 28, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mara Manson, Ed.D Adelphi University March 28, 2014

2  Become an edTPA scorer ◦ Apply ◦ Completion of Training Modules ◦ Interactive Session ◦ Scoring Portfolio  Insight to all of the rubrics  Understanding of specific content

3  Accepted the responsibly to officially pilot the edTPA with four teacher candidates (Spring 2013)  All Teacher Candidates unofficially piloted the edTPA (Fall 2013)

4  1 st meeting with University Supervisors ◦ Overview of the edTPA  What is it?  What is the purpose of it?  What is the role of the University Supervisor ◦ Review of edTPA rubrics  Go through each of the 15 rubrics

5  2 nd Meeting ◦ Scoring the edTPA  Review sample edTPA from pilot  Review data from the portfolio  Align components of edTPA with the focused rubric

6  3 rd Meeting (faculty and teacher candidates) ◦ Invite all program full time and adjunct faculty to an edTPA presentation. ◦ Invite all current teacher candidates. ◦ Presentation on the content of all three edTPA tasks.

7  Provide all appropriate information during placement request ◦ Videotaping  Pave the way during the three-way meet and greet (University Supervisor, Teacher Mentor and Teacher Candidate)

8  Weekly seminars ◦ Introduction to the edTPA website and the Pearson Platform. ◦ Review of submission process ◦ Create handouts and PowerPoint's that specifically address Academic Language and completing the edTPA ◦ Mentoring concerning the Context for Learning ◦ Mentoring concerning Task 1, 2 &3 ◦ Mentoring concerning connections to research ◦ Mentoring concerning the development of assessments

9  Mentoring concerning time stamping and cutting of video  Mentoring concerning Language Function; syntax and discourse  Mentoring concerning evidence of feedback  Mentoring concerning student work samples  Mentoring concerning differentiated learning  Mentoring during individual lab work

10  Meeting - small group of full time pedagogy faculty  Identify courses in the major where edTPA content is already included  Identify other courses where edTPA content could be included  Map and determine overlaps and gaps within courses.  Make decisions regarding the infusion of edTPA content within specific courses.  Create new assessments that align with the edTPA assessments.  Reflect – Review – Revise

11  1 st Methods Course – Curriculum and Teaching in Physical Education (Undergraduate and Graduate)  2 nd Methods Course – Elementary Methods (Undergraduate and Graduate)  3 rd Methods Course – Secondary Methods (Undergraduate and Graduate)  Adapted Physical Education (Undergraduate and Graduate)  All Practicum and Internship Experiences  Motor Development and Motor Learning  Health and Fitness Methodology  Technology

12  Review teacher candidates scores for each of the three edTPA tasks  Look for patterns of high and low scores within each rubric  Review the curriculum mapping  Identify courses that are linked with specific content  Modify course content to better meet the needs for supporting students throughout their course of study  In a perfect world….teacher candidates will be educated and prepared for the edTPA. Completing the edTPA portfolio will be a comprehensive evaluation of which they are prepared and ready

13  Teacher Development Team – meets once a month to reflect and discuss program issues  Reflect  Revise  Implement

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