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Home-cells by Merritt 2011 fifth grade May third.

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Presentation on theme: "Home-cells by Merritt 2011 fifth grade May third."— Presentation transcript:

1 Home-cells by Merritt 2011 fifth grade May third

2 Cell Membrane-our doors We use our doors like a cell membrane does.

3 Cytoplasm-our hose/sinks, toilet, and bath tub or shower. We use water and the cytoplasm is mostly made out of water.

4 Lysosome-breaking stuff in the house I used this because it breaks down food, and I do it too but breaks glass vases with my baseball bat.

5 Mitochondria- the food Beause it gives us energy.

6 Ribosome- kitchen I used the kitchen because we make stuff in the kitchen that gives us protein.

7 Endoplasmic reticulum Moving things through the house.

8 Golgi body-closets Keeping proteins with you like a closet keeps clothes.

9 Nuclear membrane-my parents bedroom I can only go in when I have permission but I sometimes have to get something and I sneak in.

10 Chromosomes-rules Things to know in the house.

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