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 Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are the venereal disorders that are caused by a variety of pathogenic microorganisms.  In almost all the countries.

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2  Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are the venereal disorders that are caused by a variety of pathogenic microorganisms.  In almost all the countries STDs are the most common of all infectious diseases. Among which Syphilis, Gonorrhea, and AIDS are predominant

3  INFECTIOUSDISEASE - CAUSATIVE ORGANISM Bacterial  Gonorrhea - Neisseria gonorrhoeae  Syphilis - Treponema pallidum  Non gonococcal urethritis -Chlamydia trachomatis -Ureaplasma urealyticum  Chancroid - Hemophilus ducreyi Viral  Herpes Genitalis - HSV 1 0r 2  AIDS - HIV  Hepatitis - Hepatitis A, B, and C

4 Parasites  Trichomniasis -Trichomonas Vaginalis  Giardiasis - Giardia lamblia  Scabies - Sarcoptes scabiei

5  The fundamental factor that contributes for the spread of infection is sexual intercourse. It spreads both by homosexism and heterosexism.  To avoid the spread of the disease, it is important to identify the group of individuals who are more at risk.

6  Men aged 18 – 34 years  Women aged 16 – 28 years  Commercial sex workers  Homosexual and Bisexual men with multiple partners  Frequent travelers (truck drivers)

7 Control of STDs Good clinical practice – which, includes:  Accurate diagnosis,  Effective treatment, and  Intensive follow-up to ensure the cure of disease.

8 It is an infection to the epithelium of the urethra, cervix, rectum, or pharynx that is caused by the organism called as Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Signs and symptoms:  In men, the incubation period is 2 – 14days  women it ranges from 7 – 21 days  discomfort in urethra  dysuria  purulent discharge  meatus may be red and swollen.


10 Diagnosis In male:  Signs and symptoms and  Gram stain of urethral discharge showing gram negative diplococci. In female:  Signs and symptoms and  Culture of cervical discharge showing gram negative diplococci

11 Disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI) This is more common in women than in men  Mild febrile illness  Malaise  Polyarthritis  Skin lesions often on the periphery of the limbs  Genital symptoms are often asymptomatic Detected by culture

12 Gonococcal arthritis  Similar to DGI  Fever  Severe joint pain and  Limitation in movement of the joints (swelling, redness, and warmth)

13  Treatment for uncomplicated gonorrhea  Ceftriaxone 125 mg IM single dose  Or  Ciprofloxacin 500 mg PO single dose  Or  Cefixime 400 mg PO single dose  Or  Ofloxacin 400 mg PO single dose.

14 In pregnancy:  Ceftriaxone 125 mg IM single dose. Treatment for complicated gonorrhea:  Ceftriaxone 1gm IV / IM once daily for 3 – 7 days. Or  Ampicillin / ammoxicillin 1 gm PO q. 6 hours for 3 – 7 days.  NSAIDs preferred in gonococcal arthritis along with antibiotics.

15  It is a contagious systemic disease caused by the spirochete Treponema Pallidum which is characterized by sequential clinical stages.  Primary syphilis  Secondary syphilis  Latent syphilis  Tertiary syphilis  Cardiovascular syphilis and neuro syphilis  Congenital syphilis

16 Primary syphilis: Incubation period is 14 – 28 days Characterized by –  Skin lesions (painless)  Regional lymph nodes are moderately enlarged

17 Secondary syphilis: Starts from 6-8 weeks after chancre (skin lesions) appearance Characterized by –  Mild fever  Malaise  Headache Dermatological manifestations like  Facial macular rash and  Genital ulcers may present Generalized Lymphadenopathy Diagnosis by signs & symptoms + +ve VDRL


19 Latent syphilis The late stages of syphilis called as latent syphilis (appears after 1 or 2 years of infection) patients are asymptomatic with elevated VDRL titer. Diagnosis can be made by +ve serology and prior history of syphilis.

20 Tertiary syphilis May present with –  Aortitis  Irtis  Gumma Diagnosis by H/o syphilis + positive VDRL It may cause end organ damage.

21 Cardiovascular syphilis and neuro syphilis May present with –  Ophthalmic / auditory symptoms  Signs of meningitis  psychosis  Dementia Diagnosis CSF abnormalities Positive VDRL.

22 Congenital syphilis  In pregnant women with syphilis, T. Pallidum can cross the placenta at any time during pregnancy  Transmission of syphilis during pregnancy can result in fetal death, prematurity or congenital syphilis  Symptoms can be seen during first month of life (early congenital syphilis) or in later stages of childhood or adolescence (late congenital syphilis)


24 Clinical manifestations  Early congenital syphilis resemble with secondary syphilis  Late congenital syphilis resembles with latent syphilis.


26 Diagnosis:  Venereal disease research laboratory ( VDRL ) test.  Rapid plasma regin ( RPR )  T.Pallidum hemagglutination assay ( TPHA ).  ELISA.

27 Treatment of primary, secondary and latent stages of syphilis:  Procaine penicillin: 600 – 1200 mg IM OD for 12 days Or  Doxycycline: 100 mg orally q.8 hours for 15 days Or  Tetracycline: 500 mg orally q 6hours for 15 days.

28  Treatment of cardiovascular / neuro syphilis  Crystalline penicillin – 18 – 24 million units IV q. 6 hours for 10 – 14 days Congenital syphilis:  Crystalline penicillin- 50,000 units/kg IV q. 12 hours during first 7 days of life for 10 days.

29 Organism : Herpes simplex virus Signs and symptoms:  Fever  Headache  Erythematous ulcers (chronic cases)  Local itching  Vaginal / urethral discharge Diagnosis Clinical presentations / culture

30  STDs are common infectious diseases in both developed and developing countries especially in young adults.  Recent advances in technical medicine assures 100% cure for most of the STDs.  The advancements in the diagnosis of STDs help in early detection and management of diseases, which minimizes complications and healthcare cost.

31  Applicable for STDs also  Avoiding sexual contact with infected persons i.e. by avoiding multiple sex partners  Using proper physical and chemical barriers during intercourse.


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