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F INANCIAL L ITERACY G RADE 6 L ESSON 4 A NALYZING A DVERTISEMENTS : T HEY S AID …W HAAAT ? SS.8.FL.2.2 Analyze a source’s incentives in providing information.

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Presentation on theme: "F INANCIAL L ITERACY G RADE 6 L ESSON 4 A NALYZING A DVERTISEMENTS : T HEY S AID …W HAAAT ? SS.8.FL.2.2 Analyze a source’s incentives in providing information."— Presentation transcript:

1 F INANCIAL L ITERACY G RADE 6 L ESSON 4 A NALYZING A DVERTISEMENTS : T HEY S AID …W HAAAT ? SS.8.FL.2.2 Analyze a source’s incentives in providing information about a good or service, and how a consumer can better assess the quality and usefulness of the information.

2 Advertising is the act or practice of calling public attention to one's product, service, or need etc., especially by paid announcements in newspapers and magazines, over radio or television, on billboards, etc. What is advertising ? Does this ad get your attention? What does it make you think about a slurpee?

3 A DVERTISING T ECHNIQUES  Testimonial  Bandwagon  Glittering Generalities  Emotional Appeal  Plain Folks Appeal  Scientific Appeal  Slogan  Expert Opinion  Snob Appeal  Repetition  Bribery  Name Calling

4 T ESTIMONIAL A celebrity or well-known person uses the product.

5 B ANDWAGON The Bandwagon technique suggests that everyone is using a specific product, so you should too. You want this product because everyone else wants it.

6 G LITTERING G ENERALITIES Uses appealing words without giving any concrete idea. This technique uses words that sound good but have little real meaning.

7 E MOTIONAL A PPEAL Influences you to buy products or services through playing on your emotions.

8 P LAIN F OLKS A PPEAL The aim of this technique is to attract you by using common people to advertise a product or service.

9 S CIENTIFIC A PPEAL This technique provides consumers with survey (scientific) results. Statistics are used to market the product.

10 SLOGAN A catchy phrase or statement often used to sell a service or a product.

11 E XPERT OPINION Experts approve this product, so you should use it.

12 S NOB A PPEAL Snob appeal uses the suggestion that the use of the product makes the customer part of an elite group with a luxurious and glamorous lifestyle.

13 R EPETITION The product name or keyword or phrase is repeated several times.

14 BRIBERY Bribery offers you something “extra.”

15 N AME CALLING Name Calling is a technique used to show a competitor’s product in a negative light.

16 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS : What do companies hope to gain through advertising? What techniques do advertisers use to sell their products or services? How does one evaluate the helpfulness and reliability of information presented in advertisements?

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