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Revolutions in Europe and Latin America Chapter 20.

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1 Revolutions in Europe and Latin America Chapter 20


3 Age of Ideologies Ideologies – systems of thought and belief that guides an individual, social movement, institution, class, or large group Conservative – monarchs and officials, noble landowners, and church leaders

4 Old Order Conservation force created an agreement call the Concert of Europe. An agreement to work together to restore the old order, political and social order that existed before the French Revolution and Napoleon. This group didn’t support the natural rights idea

5 Liberals and Nationalists Liberals consisted of business owners, bankers, lawyers, politicians, newspaper editors, and writers Middle class – bourgeoisie Bourgeois Liberalism Believed in government with a constitution No divine right Liberty, equality, and property

6 Liberals Continue First, they believed only male property owners or others with a financial stake was able to vote Later, supported the principle of Universal Manhood Suffrage, giving all adult men the right to vote Supported the laissez-faire ideas of John Smith and David Ricardo

7 Nationalist Unity Due to the many wars, marriages, and treaties, rulers had lost territories causing much diversity within the empires Nationalist that shared common heritage began try and unite together; they wanted a sense of identity This bred intolerance and led to persecution of other ethic or national groups

8 Central Europe Challenges Balkan Peninsula – southeastern Europe Various religions Ethic groups Serbs revolted against the Ottoman Empire 1804-1813 – leader Karageorge Unsuccessful but gained a sense of identity 1815 – Milos Obrenovic Successful revolt Russian assistance

9 The Russian helped the Serbs set up a self-rule type government, autonomy, within the Ottoman Empire Later Ottoman sultan greed to independence Russia continues to defend Serbian interests

10 Greece Revolt 1821 revolted against the Ottoman Empire “a national war, a holy war, a war the object of which is to reconquer the rights of individual liberty” 1830 Greece received independence European powers – German king to show they did not support the nationalism

11 Revolts popped up throughout Europe Spain, Portugal, and other Italian peninsula states Troops sent out to destroy the uprisings Could not remove all together Social reformers and agitators urge working class to support socialist ideas

12 Revolutions of 1830 and 1848 Louis XVIII formed a constitution that allowed limited freedom, it was set up with two house legislature Charles X believed in absolutism Rejected the constitution Suspended the limited voting freedom Suspended legislature

13 Liberals and radicals, favor extreme change, were not in favor of Charles X ideas Rebels took control of Paris Charles X fled to England

14 Liberals wanted a constitutional monarchy vs. the radicals wanted a republic Louis Philippe – “citizen king” because he owed his throne to the people Middle (bourgeoisie) class prospered under his rule Suffrage was allowed among the wealthiest Other policies favored the middle class at the expense of the working class

15 The Spirit of Reform Belgium (Austrian Netherlands) was awarded a Dutch king with uniting with Holland Resentment developed quickly Language was different Religious beliefs different (Dutch Protestant vs. Belgians Catholic) Dutch believe in trade while Belgian relied on manufacturing

16 Belgium Belgium was not happy about the merger and Dutch king Revolted and received independence in 1831 Liberal constitution

17 Poland Later Poland was divided between Austria, Russia, and Prussia (Iran) Russian was awarded most of the territory of Poland Poland Nationalist had an uprising in 1830 to secure independence, however was unsuccessful Poland was crushed by the Russians, while many were brutally beaten Many escaped to other countries such as western Europe and the United States

18 French Revolt - 1848 By 1840, the people of France was becoming impatient with the new found constitutional monarchy under Louis Philippe They wanted suffrage for all adult males Recession, period of reduced economic activity, was setting in Government was blamed Revolution was at the forefront again in France

19 “February Days” February, 1848, the people had become angry Government reform Louis Philippe resigned A group of Liberal and Socialist leaders proclaimed office by announcing the Second Republic Many differences between the two groups on how the government should be ran

20 “June Days” By June, the upper and middle class had won favor in the government They closed national workshops Working class became angry and took to the street in protest 1500 died with 2 day, while 3000 were executed for participating Socialist were feared and distrusted

21 Political Order National Assembly issued a constitution for the Second Republic Strong president One-house legislature Suffrage to all adult male Louis Napoleon won an overwhelm number of the votes – 90% Nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte Napoleon III – emperor

22 Revolution Surges Issues that causes the revolutions Liberals wanted political powers Protection of basic rights of all male citizens Workers relief from harsh condition during the Industrial Revolution Nationalists to throw off foreign rule

23 Austrian Empire Revolt uprising where breaking out all through Austria major cities Students demanded change Journalist in Budapest, Louis Kossuth demanded an independent government, end to serfdom, Written constitution to protect basic rights

24 Italy Revolts Revolts were even in Italy People wanted a constitutional type government Set up independent republics from Venice to Naples Expelled the pope from Rome to set up a nationalist government There was resistance of the new governments, so many were overturned French restored the pope back to power in Rome

25 German Rebellion Again, students were demanding national unity and liberal reform Republic vs. Monarchy Prussia’s Fredrick William IV was requested to be crowned of united Germany Rejected the offer By 1850, the revolts had dissolved because Military force was a key reason No mass support

26 Revolts in Latin America Revolts were spreading rapidly throughout Europe and into the Latin American countries The discontent of the people was long lived Social Racial Political system

27 Social and Ethnic Peninsulares – members of the highest social class High positions in government and church Creoles – European descended Latin Americans Resented their second-class status Mestizos – Native American and European descent Mulattoes – African and European descent Denied status, wealth, and power

28 Latin American had witnessed how North America overthrew the British government, and they wanted the same type of change Creoles were unsure and scare to act on their desires/wants Simon Bolivar, young creole who tried to inspire the people with the idea of “liberty, equality, and fraternity” Napoleon invaded Spain in 1808, he removed the Spanish king and announced his brother king, Joseph Bonaparte

29 Haiti The slaves of Haiti had heard of the many revolts around the world. They wanted the same for themselves, freedom Toussaint L’Ouverture, an educated former slave, was willing to lead them to independence Fought hard for the cause, many tried to stop them 1798, slavery was abolished 1804, declared itself an independent country

30 Mexico and Central America Mexican wanted power over themselves however they were afraid of change Father Miguel Hidalgo, creole priest in Mexico, encourage the people to stand up and be free, “My children, will you be free?” “el Grito de Dolores,” the cry of Dolores Within a year Hidalgo was captured and executed Followers scattered

31 Another priest, Father Jose Morelos, wanted to continue the fight He wanted social and political reform Abolish slavery Vote to all men He too was captured and shot in 1815 Mexico received independence 1821 Republic of Mexico

32 South America Native American had rebelled against the Spanish since early 1700 with little success In 1800, things changed, Simon Bolivar changed their fate. He was a great leader In 1810, Bolivar saw a chance to rebel in his native country, Venezuela Revolutionaries had many set backs Bolivar exiled on the island of Haiti, twice

33 An strategic idea was developed by Bolivar March over the Andes and attack the Spanish in Bogota In 1821, the Spanish was surprised Bolivar became known as “The Liberator” He teamed up with Jose de San Martin European military training Assisted Argentina win freedom from Spain Defeated Spaniards in Chile then into Peru

34 Bolivar tried to unite the countries that he helped free into one nation called Gran Colombia The rivalries between the countries made this impossible and they split into four independent countries Colombia Panama Venezuela Ecuador

35 Brazil’s Independence After the royal family returned to Portugal, the king left his son Dom Pedro to rule Brazil The king told his son, “If Brazil demands independence, proclaim it yourself and put the crown on your own head” Dom Pedro had the opportunity to act on his fathers advice in 1822. He became emperor of Brazil He adopted a constitution that provided the following for the country: Freedom of press Freedom of religion An elected legislature

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