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JOSE A.S. SANTIAGO M.D.. Body Cavities Dorsal Back Cranial Brain Spinal Spinal cord 2.

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Presentation on theme: "JOSE A.S. SANTIAGO M.D.. Body Cavities Dorsal Back Cranial Brain Spinal Spinal cord 2."— Presentation transcript:


2 Body Cavities Dorsal Back Cranial Brain Spinal Spinal cord 2

3 Body Cavities Ventral -Front 1.Thoracic 2.Abdominal 3.Pelvic

4 Cavities VENTRAL Front Thoracic cavity Heart, lungs, aorta, trachea, and esophagus Diaphragm separates thoracic and abdominal cavities 4

5 Cavities VENTRAL Front Abdominal cavity Digestive organs, spleen, kidneys, and ureters 5

6 Cavities VENTRAL Front Pelvic cavity Reproductive and urinary organs Excluding kidneys and ureters 6

7 7 Directional Terminology Anatomical position Always orient to this standard Standing erect Arms at side Head forward Palms forward Feet facing forward

8 8 Directional Terms Superior or cranial Inferior or caudal Anterior or ventral Posterior or dorsal Medial Lateral

9 9 Directional Terms Superior or cranial Inferior or caudal Anterior or ventral Posterior or dorsal Medial Lateral

10 10 Directional Terms Plantar-sole of the foot Dorsum-upper portion of the foot Peripheral-away from the center Supine-lying on the back,face up Prone-lying on the abdomen,face down

11 Abdominopelvic Regions Right hypochondriac Epigastric Left hypochondriac Right lumbar Umbilical Left lumbar 11

12 Abdominopelvic Regions Right iliac Hypogastric Left iliac 12

13 Abdominopelvic Quadrants Right upper quadrant – RUQ Right lower quadrant – RLQ Left upper quadrant – LUQ Left lower quadrant - LLQ 13

14 Planes Sections and planes for internal anatomy Sagittal Right and left sides 1.Median(midsa- gittal) 2.Parasagittal 14

15 Planes Sections and planes for internal anatomy Frontal Coronal – anterior and posterior 15

16 Planes Sections and planes for internal anatomy Transverse Horizontal – superior and inferior Cross-section 16

17 Positions Used for special procedures Supine Patient lies on his back Prone Patient lies face down 17

18 Positions Used for special procedures Right Lateral Recumbent/Decubitus Patient lies on his right side Left Lateral Recumbent/Decubitus Patient lies on his left side 18

19 Positions Used for special procedures Fowler’s Patient is sitting with legs bent or straight Trendelenberg Patient lies supine with his head lower than his feet 19

20 Positions Used for special procedures Lithotomy Patient is on his back with the legs and thighs flexed and abducted 20

21 21 Additional Roots Anter/ofront Caud/otail Dors/oback Infer/oinferior Inguin/ogroin Medi/omiddle

22 22 Roots Phren/odiaphragm Poster/oposterior Proxim/onear Super/osuperior Ventr/ofront


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