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Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa A California mission located in San Lois Obispo. By Isabel.

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1 Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa A California mission located in San Lois Obispo. By Isabel

2 Table of Contents Introduction Location People of the Mission Daily Life of the Mission Hardships Conclusion Interesting facts Bibliography

3 Introduction Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa was founded in 1772 by Father Serra. It was used as a mission from 1772 -1972.

4 Location Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa is located in San Luis Obispo.

5 People Men The men hunted deer, bear cubs, rabbits, squirrels, and birds. They made weapons, traps, and snares. They also fished in nearby bays and rivers. Occasionally they ate whales that died because they came too close to the shore. Men wore little or no clothing at all. Women The women took care of the family. They gathered insects, elderberries, grass seeds, and wild cherries called islay.

6 Fray Serra Fray Serra was the founding father of nine missions. He was born on November 24, 1714 and died in 1784, in his mid 50’s. He founded nine missions before he died.

7 Daily Life At sunrise they are awakened by bells. Then they headed to the church for mass, church lessons, and morning prayers. They went to breakfast after church. The Indians were served a mush made of corn or grain, called atole. Then they go to work. There were many jobs at the mission. The men did the ranching, ironwork, construction, carpentry, tanning, leather making, and farming. The women made baskets and soap and cooked the food. The women made clothing for the Chumash, friars, and soldiers. They wove blankets too. At the mission they raised livestock, including horses, sheep, mules, and cattle and they planted fruit trees, wheat, beans, corn, and other vegetables. They grew olives to make olive oil and they grew grapes to make wine. The women started to use wheat and corn flour instead of acorn flour. After the morning work ended they ate lunch. They were served a soup called pozole, that was made of meat, vegetables, and grain. After lunch they took a siesta. A siesta is a rest. They did a little work in the afternoon. Then they gathered again for mass, dinner, and prayers.

8 Hardships There was lots of conflict at the mission. Some converted to Christianity because they believed in the religion, others did it because the Spanish provided shelter, food, and access to new tools. Some became unhappy and frustrated right away. Sometimes they were punished because they stole from the mission. If they tried to escape they were punished in front of the other Indians. The Spanish brought diseases like chicken pox, measles, smallpox, or syphilis that killed many Chumash.

9 Conclusion I think Mission San Luis Obispo is a very interesting and beautiful mission. I encourage you to learn more about this mission and to visit it someday.

10 Interesting Facts It was the 5 th mission out of 21. It was the only mission with an L shaped church. It was named for Saint Louis, Bishop of Toulouse.

11 Bibliography This power point used information from the following resources: Lyngheim, Linda. The Indians and the California Missions. Langtry publications: Van Nuys, CA, 2000 Edgar, Kathleen J. Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa. The Rosen Publishing Group: 29 east 21 street, New York, 2000

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