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JOSE S. SANTIAGO M.D.. Anatomy and Physiology of Bone Bone function Provide protection and support Make movement possible Produce blood cells Store and.

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Presentation on theme: "JOSE S. SANTIAGO M.D.. Anatomy and Physiology of Bone Bone function Provide protection and support Make movement possible Produce blood cells Store and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Anatomy and Physiology of Bone Bone function Provide protection and support Make movement possible Produce blood cells Store and release calcium and phosphorus

3 Anatomy and Physiology of Bone Bone structure Osteoblasts -create bone Osteoclasts- reabsorb bone Osteocytes- Mature bone cells

4 Anatomy and Physiology Bone structure Ossification Bone formation Remodeling Breakdown and renewal of bone

5 Classification of Bone: According to shape 1. Long Bone (diaphysis,epiphysis, metaphysis) 2. Short bones 3. Flat bone 4. Irregular bones 5. Sesamoid bone

6 Total number of bones 1. Axial bone- 80 bones 2. Appendicular bone -126 bones Total -206 bones

7 AXIAL BONES:SKULL CRANIAL BONES 1.Frontal 2.Parietal 3.Sphenoid 4.Temporal 5.Occipital 6.Ethmoid

8 AXIAL BONES:SKULL FACIAL BONES: 1.Nasal 2.Zygomatic 3.Maxilla 4.Mandible 5.Lacrimal 6.Vomer

9 Axial Bones: E. Vertebral Column (Spinal Column): Types: 1. Cervical = 7 2. Thoracic = 12 3. Lumbar = 5 4. Sacrum = 1 5. Coccyx = 1 Total = 26

10 Intervertebral discs Intervertebral fibrocartilage- lie between adjacent vertebrae in the spine and act as shock absorbers

11 Intervertebral discs Annulus fibrosus- the outer layer made up of fibrocartilage Nucleus pulposus- soft, gel-like inner portion

12 Herniated Nucleus Pulposus Slipped disc or herniated disc - occurs when all or part of a spinal disk is forced through a weakened part of the disk

13 AXIAL BONES: Thoracic Cage 1.Sternum Stern/o 2.Ribs Cost/o 3.Thoracic vertebrae

14 Gross Anatomy of a Long Bone 1. Diaphysis Shaft Composed of compact bone 2. Epiphysis Ends of the bone Composed mostly of spongy bone

15 Appendicular Skeleton (Upper) A.Pectoral girdle Connects arms to the thoracic cage 1.Clavicle-collar bone 2.Scapula-shoulder blade 15


17 APPENDICULAR SKELETON Upper extremity B.Humerus-arm bone Shoulder joint:

18 APPENDICULAR SKELETON Upper extremity C. Forearm: 1.Radius: - lateral bone 2.Ulna: - Medial bone :

19 APPENDICULAR SKELETON Upper extremity D. Wrist Bone (Carpal) Proximal Row: 1.Scaphoid 2.Triquetrium 3.Pisiform 4.Lunate Distal Row: 1.Hamate 2.Capitate 3.Trapezoid 4.Trapezium

20 APPENDICULAR SKELETON Upper extremity E. Bones of the Hand: Phalanges 14/hand Metacarpal

21 Appendicular Skeleton (Lower) A.Pelvic girdle Connects the legs to the axial skeleton Hip bone: 1.Ilium 2.Ischium 3.Pubis 21

22 APPENDICULAR SKELETON Lower extremity B.Femur-Thigh bone -strongest bone of the body


24 Lower Extremity C.Tibia Shin bone D.Fibula Splint bone

25 APPENDICULAR SKELETON Lower extremity D. Tarsal bones 1.Talus (keystone bone) 2.Calcaneus (heel bone) 3.Cuboid 4.Cuneiforn (3 bone) 5.Navicular E. Bones of the foot 1.Phalanges: 14 2.Metatarsal bones: 5


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