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Welcome to Third Grade! LES…Where everyone “Counts!”

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2 Welcome to Third Grade! LES…Where everyone “Counts!”

3 Third Grade Team Mrs. Rubye Carter Mrs. Kelcy Fender Mrs. Beth Kirincich Mrs. Katie Munn Mrs. Tonya Seay

4 Morning Procedures Unpack Bookbags Get a pencil Complete Morning Assignment Read and/or take AR tests Restrooms Accelerated Math

5 Schedule 7:30-8:15…..Lugoff Live, Restroom 8:20-9:30…..Math 9:30-10:25……Language Arts 10:25-10:45…..Recess 10:50…….….Restroom Break 10:58-11:28….. Lunch/Restroom 11:30-11:45……SSR/Read Aloud/AR 11:45-12:35………Related Arts 12:40-1:20………Science 1:30-2:15……..Social Studies 2:20-2:35……. Pack Up and Dismissal *** Subject to change from day to day!

6 When work is complete: Self-selected reading Receive small group instruction in math/reading Complete any unfinished work in folders with teacher assisting on assignments the students do not fully understand Complete assigned projects Take AR tests to reach monthly goals Complete unfinished tests Make up any missed assignments because of absences Receive individual assistance on assignments missed because of absences Journal writing Accelerated Math Differentiated Instruction

7 AR in the Classroom Students must score 80% on a test Our yearly goal is 60 points Students are expected to earn AT LEAST 2 AR points per week

8 Curriculum Focus Our curriculum is guided by the South Carolina Academic Standards. These standards outline state requirements for your child’s learning program and what students across the state should be able to do in certain subjects. Common Core standards will also be taught. We do not know what type of assessment will be used in May at this time.

9 Reading Students are encouraged to read as much nonfiction as possible. A large portion of the PASS will be nonfiction reading. To develop comprehension skills when reading stories, be sure to ask questions such as: Who are the characters? What is the setting? What is the plot? What is the problem in the story? How was the problem solved? How is the story told? (point of view) Why did the author write this story? Compare the character at the beginning of the story and at the end of the story. How is he/she different?

10 South Carolina Studies Weekly South Carolina Studies Weekly is a newspaper that features information about South Carolina. These papers have been ordered and once they arrive, we will begin using them regularly. Students will be tested on each newspaper. Please watch my newsletter for information about tests to be given. Students are encouraged to bring the newspaper home each day and read it.

11 Testing Please read our weekly newsletter and other information that will be sent home regarding testing.

12 Emphasis on Writing Students will be expected to write a story with a beginning, middle, and end. Types of Writing……Expository, Persuasive, Descriptive, and Narrative Creative writing and journal writing are important

13 SPELLING Spelling tests will be given on Friday unless the teacher decides otherwise. Students will be given 12 basic words and 8 challenge words each week. A pre-test will be given on Mondays to determine basic words for the week. Students must be able to spell the basic words. Students will not have to spell the challenge words (these will be written on the Smartboard) however, students MUST be able to recognize the words and be familiar with each word’s meaning. Challenge words are words introduced in Science, Math, or Social Studies.

14 Weekly Tests Weekly tests are given in Math (weekly cumulative review on Fridays) Reading (comprehension review on the story of the week- given on Wednesdays) Spelling(pre-test Friday, test the following Thursday) Please read the Weekly Newsletter for any additional tests that may be given in the classroom Science (beginning the second nine weeks)

15 TEXTBOOKS Students are encouraged to bring their textbooks home to review the material that has been covered in class. Students should read the reading story at home each night, even when it is not assigned as homework. It is not necessary for students to bring all of the textbooks home each night. Please be sure to return the books to school each day. Textbooks are limited and each student should have his/her own. Students will have to pay for any lost or damaged books.

16 Study Guides/Other Tests A study guide will be sent home to help students prepare for any major tests in science. By signing and returning the study guide, students will receive five (5) bonus points on the test. Any test not given on a weekly basis (science, social studies, language, math chapter tests, etc.) will be announced in the newsletter.

17 Munn’s Minutes is a weekly newsletter informing you of important information related to your child’s classroom. It will contain: Skills for the Week Spelling/Challenge words Tests to be given Weekly story to be read Changes in dates (if necessary) Upcoming Events Munn’s Minutes (WEEKLY CLASS NEWSLETTER)

18 HOMEWORK/PLANNERS Homework is given to reinforce/review what has been taught in class. Homework should be completed independently and then checked by a parent. Homework for a third grade student should take approximately 30-40 minutes. Students are encouraged to purchase a planner ($5.00) to write homework assignments. Planners also serve as a communication tool between school and home.

19 SEAGUL Third grade SEAGUL students will attend classes two days per week. This year, students will attend on Mondays and Fridays. Please see your child’s teacher if you have any concerns.

20 Discipline Plan School Wide Rules: 1.Act Safely 2.Be Responsible 3.Care for Self, Others, and the Environment Each student will start the day with a GREEN card. GREEN…..Students will receive a verbal warning before they flip a card YELLOW…….10 minutes of supervised walking during recess RED……20 minutes of supervised walking during recess WHITE……. Silent Lunch, Parent contacted by note and phone PINK………Referral to office

21 CONFERENCES/MAP TESTING Third grade students will begin MAP testing soon. Conferences will be scheduled to share the results with you. MAP testing will be given in the areas of language, math, and reading. Please schedule a conference if you have comments, questions, or concerns you would like to share. You may call the school and leave a message. We will return your call as soon as possible.

22 THIRD GRADE SPECIALS Christmas Program Historic Camden State House Watch Munn’s Minutes for information about these and other events.

23 Toad-ally Terrific Tees Third grade students will be ordering T- shirts to be worn on field trips. The cost of the shirt is $10.00. An order form is available tonight. You may pay cash or write a check payable to LES.

24 Contact Us You may contact us by calling the school and leaving a message at our extension By writing a note in the planner Using e-mail (the quickest way to reach me!)

25 E-Mail Addresses EXTENSIONS: Carter….5205 Fender….5253 Kirincich Munn……5232 Seay

26 QUESTIONS? I will be happy to answer any general questions you may have that were not addressed in this presentation. If you have any personal questions or concerns, please fill out the sheet on the desk and I will be in contact with you! I thank you for coming and look forward to working with you this year.

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