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Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

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1 Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Antonio Rodriguez; Shayan Bhattacharya University of Houston-Downtown Biology 1310

2 Introduction One X and one Y chromosome in each cell.
Are unable to respond to male sex hormones called (Androgens). People with this syndrome may have female characteristics or signs of both male and female sexual development. Happens in 1 to 5 in every 100,000 people.

3 Continued Intro… In genetic males, a mutation on the X Chromosome is sufficient to cause the Syndrome. In genetic females, Both of the X Chromosomes have to be altered to cause the syndrome. Women are the carriers.

4 Different stages of AIS

5 Different Classifications of AIS
Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS) patients are phenotypically female. They are almost always raised as a girl. During puberty, female characteristics develop but no pubic hair or menstruation occurs. No uterus or ovaries. The testicles are located internally.

6 Complete AIS

7 Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
People who have this classification of the syndrome are phenotypically male, female, or indifferent. Depending on how severe the condition, PAIS patients may have a variety of ailments. Some of the these ailments include micropenis, gynecomastia, and lack of virilization are to name a few.

8 Partial AIS

9 Mild AIS People affected with mild AIS are phenotypically male.
The most common symptom is infertility

10 Common Treatments/Quality of Life
There are no known treatments. The individual is typically inclined towards living as the gender most prevalent in their anatomy. People with Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome can get cancer. Depending on your condition you can have a pretty normal life. Women do not have a uterus so they are infertile.

11 Surgery for Testicular Removal

12 Affects on Family and Society
Parents have to be extremely careful how they handle the situation Lack of proper education to the general pubic can result in shaming and bullying AIS is a very complicated disease and needs to be approached with care Possible cures may be expensive due to the fact that a cure hasn’t been found yet The issue needs to be widely discussed in order for people to understand and for victims of AIS to feel more at ease There are many support groups that can be of use to victims of AIS

13 Current Research/Focus
No cure has been discovered as of yet Researchers have been working on this for over 50 years It is very complicated but hopefully there will be a breakthrough in the near future Extensive research is still being done

14 Works Cited "Androgen insensitivity syndrome." Genetics Home Reference. Genetics Home Reference, 07 Apr Web. 13 Apr < "Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group (AISSG)." AISSG. AISSG. Web. 13 Apr < Heydt, Jennifer. "Effects of Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome." Misericordia University. Misericordia University. Web. 13 Apr < Koch, Christian, and Stephen Kemp, eds. "Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Treatment & Management." Medscape. Medscape, 05 Mar Web. 13 Apr < "Mild, Partial or Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome." Partial or Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome – N.p., n.d. Web. . < University of Granada. "Androgen insensitivity syndrome: New guidelines for study of rare in which a person is genetically male but looks female." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 6 February < Images

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