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Monroe Doctrine- 1823. Following the War of 1812, the United States gained Florida from Spain, and claimed land in the Oregon Territory President Monroe.

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Presentation on theme: "Monroe Doctrine- 1823. Following the War of 1812, the United States gained Florida from Spain, and claimed land in the Oregon Territory President Monroe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monroe Doctrine- 1823

2 Following the War of 1812, the United States gained Florida from Spain, and claimed land in the Oregon Territory President Monroe issued a new policy regarding America’s role in the western hemisphere

3 According to the Monroe Doctrine: – North and South America were off limits to outside countries – N. & S. America would be democracies and republics, not monarchies – The U.S. would consider interference with N. & S. American countries by other countries an act of war – The U.S. would not interfere with European affairs

4 Create Your own Monroe Doctrine Must have the 4 main parts of the Monroe Doctrine written in your own words using your own make believe countries Must have color Must include a one paragraph summary (on back) comparing your Monroe Doctrine to the real thing

5 Jacksonian Era

6 Before Andrew Jackson, presidents and politicians in the U.S. had all been similar – Wealthy plantation owners from the South (mainly Virginia) – Successful business men from the Northeastern states (New England) George Washington- Virginia Planter John Adams- New England LawyerThomas Jefferson-Virginia Planter James Madison- Virginia Planter James Monroe- Virginia PlanterJohn Quincy Adams- New England Lawyer

7 Andrew Jackson, Tennessee hero at the Battle of New Orleans, won an overwhelming electoral victory and became president of the United States He was the first president born west of the Appalachian mountains

8 Jackson’s presidency defined democracy, in contrast to previous aristocratic presidents – Aristocracy- government in which power is given to a select few believed to be best qualified I believe the people should all have a say in who their leader is.

9 Jackson’s presidency- eliminated land requirements for voting rights Known as the time of the ‘Common Man’ because more commoners were able to vote

10 Jackson also put many of his friends in power – “Spoils System”- practice of giving government positions to friends & supporters, regardless of qualifications You spoil me!

11 Andrew Jackson used the power to veto more than any president before him

12 Tariff of 1828 Placed high tariffs on foreign goods Forced South to buy high priced products from North Jackson hated it put his job to enforce it Helped industrialized North Hurt agricultural South

13 Nullification Crisis South Carolinians argued states are sovereign (self-ruling) and could nullify (cancel out) the tariff and other acts of Congress S.C. threatens to secede if tariffs enforced President Jackson threatened to send federal troops to collect the tariff revenues.

14 Andrew Jackson blocked the re-chartering of the National Bank in 1832 (this means that the national bank was closed down)

15 – Jackson took government funds from federal bank & put into state banks Lots of bad loans, money lost, etc This led to the Panic of 1837- an economic depression

16 Time to Talk What what? The money just went poof gone? What happens if a bank shuts down? Can you get your money? How are you going to pay bills?


18 Many Natives resisted -Seminoles went to war -Cherokees appealed to the Supreme Court.

19 Supreme Court ruled in favor of the “Cherokee Nation” Jackson ignored the ruling

20 Indian Removal

21 Natives would for, their protection, be moved westward, where their “white brothers will not trouble them” Trail of Tears- 1830 Jackson forced Native Americans from the East to reservations in Oklahoma Territory



24 Time to Write List three things that Jackson did during his presidency that he is remembered for.

25 Photo of Andrew Jackson in 1844 (one year before his death) 1767 - 1845

26 Write a four line poem to OR from Andrew Jackson If it is TO Andrew Jackson you will be complaining about what you would like changed (things you think Jackson did wrong) If it is FROM Andrew Jackson you will be defending what he did Before the 4 line poem it will be addressed to someone i.e. Dear Andrew Jackson After the poem you will sign it Sincerely and the person/group you are representing 20 point assignment 5 points – heading and signature 10 points – 4 line poem 5 points – creativity

27 Examples: Dear Andrew Jackson, You will not stab our backs again, You may have took away our land, You may have given us another home, No matter what I’ll have my family and someday you’ll stand alone. Sincerely, Cherokee Family Dear National Bank, I give you a “zero” in rank. I’m going to veto this renewal, No it’s not a prank. Sending my disapproval. Sincerely, Andrew Jackson

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