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Pregnancy. Conception When the sperm and egg meet in the fallopian tubes.

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Presentation on theme: "Pregnancy. Conception When the sperm and egg meet in the fallopian tubes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pregnancy

2 Conception When the sperm and egg meet in the fallopian tubes


4 Conception

5 Chances of Conception Timing intercourse so it occurs around time of ovulation Sperm live in female’s body up to five days Egg can be fertilized for the first 12 to 24 hours

6 Implantation Fertilized egg attaches to uterine lining and begins to grow

7 Signs & Symptoms Early in pregnancy: Missed menstrual period- (amenorrhea) Breast tenderness Morning sickness More frequent urination Probable Sign: Positive Pregnancy Test Positive signs: Ultrasound or x-ray of fetus, fetal heartbeat, fetal movement

8 Nutrition and Pregnancy All nutrients must increase ◦ Calcium-builds bones and teeth and healthy nerves ◦ Protein-muscle and other tissue ◦ Iron-makes red blood cells and supplies oxygen to cells ◦ Vitamin A-eye development and bone growth ◦ Vitamin B complex-nervous system ◦ Folic Acid-spinal fluid and closes tube that contains Central Nervous System

9 Embryonic Growth ◦ Placenta: organ filled with blood vessels that nourish the baby in the uterus. This is how the baby receives oxygen ◦ Umbilical cord: connects the baby to placenta  Nourishes baby, removes waste ◦ Amniotic Fluid :watery fluid surrounding a developing fetus in the uterus

10 Umbilical cord

11 Trimesters Pregnancy is broken into three parts First trimester - months 1 to 3 Second trimester - months 4 to 6 Third trimester - months 7 to 9

12 First Trimester Month 1-3 Most critical stage because all major organs begin to form Baby receives good and bad substances through the umbilical cord Heartbeat can be seen around 6 weeks by ultrasound and heard around 9 weeks by doppler

13 Weeks 5-8 By the end of the first month, the heart is no larger than a poppy seed, but has begun to beat



16 Second Trimester Month 4-6 Bones and cells replace cartilage All parts of the body mature Size starts to quickly increase Gender can be defined around week 20 Baby begins to hear!


18 Third Trimester Month 7-9 Baby is fully developed During the 9 th month, the placenta provides antibodies to help protect the baby and the lungs are now mature


20 Labor Labor is the final stage of pregnancy in which the uterus contracts and pushes the baby out of the mother’s body Stage 1 - Dilation Stage 2 - Passage Through Birth Canal Stage 3 -Afterbirth

21 Labor Process Stage1-Dilation: ◦ Contractions of the uterus cause the cervix to dilate or widen. ◦ Babies head rests on cervix in 95 percent of pregnancies ◦ Contractions break amniotic sac that surrounds the baby

22 Labor Process Stage 2-Passage Through Birth Canal ◦ When cervix is fully dilated, the baby passes through the birth canal ◦ First breath and cry is to clear lungs of amniotic fluid.

23 Labor Process Stage 3-Afterbirth ◦ Placenta is still attached to baby by umbilical cord ◦ Placenta=afterbirth; contractions continue until this is pushed out as well ◦ Umbilical cord is cut.

24 Fetal Development

25 Cesarean Section A method of delivering a baby surgically, by an incision in the abdomen Reasons to have C Section: ◦ Baby is too large, mother’s pelvis is too small ◦ Cervix is not dilated ◦ Umbilical Cord prolapses (comes out of place) ◦ Excessive bleeding ◦ Placenta Previa (blocks cervix)

26 Boy or Girl?

27 Identical Twins Eggs and DNA split

28 Fraternal Twins Two eggs fertilized

29 Drugs and Pregnancy Any medicine should be doctor approved, even over the counter. Use of drugs can cause birth defects, premature labor, or miscarriage Baby can have drug addiction- withdrawal

30 Tobacco and Pregnancy Smoking accounts for 30% of low birth weight babies, 14% premature births, and 10% of infant deaths Can impact growth, mental development and behavior of child until age 11.

31 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Defined: a group of alcohol related birth defects that include both physical and mental problems. ◦ Alcohol consumed during pregnancy quickly passes through the umbilical cord to the fetus

32 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome ◦ Defects: Learning Disabilities  Serious behavior problems  Slowed growth  Physical deformities including a small skull, abnormal features, and heart defects

33 SIDS Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Often occurs during an infants sleep Occurs in infants younger than one year old Usually unexplained

34 Premature Birth 3 weeks before the baby is due The baby has not had enough time to fully mature

35 Postpartum Period Physical Changes ◦ Hormone levels return to normal ◦ Woman may feel exhausted ◦ Discomfort from episiotomy Psychological changes ◦ Postpartum depression

36 Breast Feeding Prolactin- stimulates breasts to provide milk Oxytocin- stimulates breasts to ejects milk ◦ Breast feeding is encouraged.

37 Breast Feeding-Good for Baby Easy Digestion No Preparation Available It has all the nutrients, calories, and fluids your baby needs to be healthy. It has growth factors that ensure the best development of your baby's organs. It has many substances that formulas don't have that protect your baby from many diseases and infections. In fact, breastfed babies are less likely to have: ◦ Ear infections ◦ Diarrhea ◦ Pneumonia, wheezing, ◦ Other bacterial and viral infections, such as meningitis

38 Breast Feeding-Good for Mother Returns uterus to normal size quickly Burns calories/weight Delays return of period (Iron) Releases hormones that promote mothering behavior Reduce risk of ovarian and breast cancer

39 Assistive Reproductive Technologies Artificial insemination-sperm are placed into vagina by means other than sexual intercourse Sperm banks Embryo transfer-embryo is transferred into uterus, usually from a lab.

40 New Assistive Technologies In Vitro Fertilization- egg is fertilized by sperm in laboratory dish Cloning Gender Selection


42 What are some responsibilities of a baby sitter? Personal Experiences?

43 Take 10 1. List your daily activities on a day like today. (include times) 2. At the end, write down 3 future goals you want to accomplish in the next two years

44 3. Plan the day (by hour) of a 6 month old baby. All 24 hours must be included.

45 Listen NDuAb9A NDuAb9A A parent for two minutes!

46 Realize… Parenting NEVER STOPS What you would have to give up to take care of a child A baby is a serious consequence of intercourse Both parents are equally responsible legally until he/she is 18 Severe lifestyle changes Many factors can reduce the chances of becoming a teenage parent including having goals you don’t want to give up, talking with parents, resisting peer pressure, abstaining from sex, or using birth control consistently and correctly.

47 Decision Making How much does it cost to have a baby? Work in groups to find out how much a baby costs for the first year.

48 Why might a teen be pressured to have sex? What are some influences on decisions regarding sex?

49 Consequences of Sex What are the consequences: Physically Emotionally In a relationship

50 Communication

51 Effective Communication

52 Setting boundaries Why is it important to set sexual limits for your self?

53 Situations Decide three possible options and three possible consequences for the following scenarios.

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