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 How many times have you moved? Most people move every six years Warm Up.

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2  How many times have you moved? Most people move every six years Warm Up

3   Most people migrate for  Economic opportunity  Cultural freedom  Environmental comfort  Migration- the permanent move to an new location Where and Space  Emigration- migration from a location  Immigration- migration to a location  Net migration subtracts people coming vs going.  Net in migration vs net out migration Migration Intro terms Where are most people migrating towards?

4   Push factor induces people to move out of their present location  Pull factor induces people to move ion a new location  Three types of Push vs. Pull Factors  Economic  Cultural  Environmental Push vs. Pull Factors

5   If you could move anywhere in the world where would it be?  Is this an example of a push or pull factor? Elbow Buddy Interview

6   The major reason for migration  Chase Jobs: Different resources different jobs  Natural resources: miners and engineers (Scotland)  Industry: factory workers, scientists  Rapid population growth: services and facilities  Migrating to USA and Europe Economic Push vs. Pull Factors

7   Cultural push factors slavery and political instability  Slave trade in 1700’s  War in Europe and Africa  Creates Refugees- people who have been forced to migrate from their homes and cannot return for fear of persecution of race, religion, nationality, etc.  33 million refugees in need  External  Palestinians  Afghanistan  Internal  Sudan  Colombia Cultural Push vs. Pull Factors Extra Credit Research how we can help Historical examples Mexico-USA Berlin Wall and Communist Russia

8   Pulled toward attractive regions and pushed from hazardous ones  Elbow Buddy Push or Pull  Colorado  Florida  Arizona  New Orleans  Sahel in Africa  Oaklahoma Environmental Push and Pull

9   An Environmental or cultural feature that hinders migration  Environmental  Mountains, deserts, ocean  Cultural  Government  Passport  Visa Intervening Obstacles


11  You are going to meet and discuss with an adult who has immigrated into the United States. Ask them the reasons they came here? (Push/Pull) What obstacles did they face? Create 5 more questions Record all the response to all 7 questions. Immigrant interview

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