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The “Scramble” for Africa European imperialism in Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "The “Scramble” for Africa European imperialism in Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 The “Scramble” for Africa European imperialism in Africa

2 The Legacy of Colonization COLONIZATION is the occupation and control of one nation by another. While Europeans had had contact with Africa for centuries, it wasn’t until the late 16 th century that colonization occurred and European countries began to impose direct rule of law over Africa. By 1914 most of Africa was under colonial rule.

3 What caused this competition and Scramble for Africa (1885- 1910)?

4 Industrialization The Industrial Revolution during the mid-19 th Century brought many advances to technology – –need for raw materials –new markets –Factories produced consumer goods at a faster rate then ever before. Colonial rule allowed countries access to raw materials, as well as customers for their goods.

5 Nationalism During the 19 th Century, there was a rise in Nationalism-a strong sense of identity with and pride in one's nation. This resulted in competition between European nations. This competition often resulted in wars between nations.

6 The Scramble for Africa One of the causes of the Scramble for Africa, (1885-1910) which resulted in the colonization of almost all of Africa in just twenty-five years. No major nation wanted to be without colonies. The competition was particularly strong between Great Britain, France and Germany the strongest European nation-states in the late 19th century.

7 The Berlin Conference *The Berlin Conference (1884-1885) regulated European colonization and trade in Africa. Its outcome, The General Act, set the beginning boundaries of European control and the start of the Scramble for Africa.


9 Social Darwinism Ideologies of racial hierarchy were prevalent in Europe in the 19th century (the idea that some races were better than others). Many Europeans viewed themselves as the most advanced civilization in the world, and some saw it as their mission to "enlighten" and "civilize" people in the rest of the world.

10 Bibliography "Berlin Conference." Wikipedia. 9 Apr. 2006 < Berlin_Conference>. "Unit Two: Studying Africa through the Social Sciences." Exploring Africa. 9 Apr. 2006 <http://exploringafrica. tytwo.html>.

11 “White Man’s Burden” This feeling of racial superiority and "responsibility" was captured in a poem written in 1899, The White Man ’ s Burden by the British poet Rudyard Kipling. Many inaccurate and racial- based stereotypes of African peoples, which existed at the time, were used to justify colonialism in Africa.

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