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CRCT Review 7 th Grade Social Studies. Small group with total control. No citizen participation. Oligarchy.

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1 CRCT Review 7 th Grade Social Studies

2 Small group with total control. No citizen participation. Oligarchy

3 What word comes to your mind when you see this? Democracy

4 Unitary, Confederation, or Federal???

5 China's Air Pollution

6 Religion of Jewish people???

7 What type of economy? The central government has complete and total control. Command

8 Parliamentary or Presidential??? Executive----Legislative branches are connected.

9 Unitary, Confederation, or Federal???

10 Gandhi

11 Fastest growing religion in the world???

12 Tariff, Quota, or Embargo??? No trading between countries. A tax on imported goods. A limit on the amount of goods that can be imported. tariffembargo quota

13 One leader with total control. No citizen participation. Autocratic

14 Tiananmen Square

15 What type of economy? Traditional

16 Parliamentary or Presidential??? Executive and Legislative branches are separate. EJ

17 What type of economy? Market

18 Who is this person? What country did he govern? Nelson Mandela

19 Desertification

20 Unitary, Confederation, or Federal???

21 What is the main indicator for how a country’s economy is doing? GDP (Gross Domestic Product)


23 Yangtze River Pollution

24 Developing or Developed country? Country #1Country #2Country #3 Total GDP$1.446 trillion$344.7 billion$1.758 trillion per capita GDP$41,500$7,600$15,300 Population below poverty line 9.4%35%51.3% Life expectancy 81.48 years68.74 years76.66 years Literacy rate99% 86%

25 Africa

26 How are Judaism, Christianity, and Islam similar? 1.All have a holy book. 2.All began in the Middle East. 3.All are monotheistic (one god).

27 African Education Issues

28 Who were used in the New World as slaves and laborers during colonial times? Africans- known as the Atlantic Slave Trade

29 Southwest Asia (Middle East) 2 1 3 4 5 6

30 Iraq, under the leadership of Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait in 1990. This led to the United States intervening with military Operation Desert Storm. What was the name of this conflict?

31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Africa

32 The Holocaust Warning: Contains Graphic Content

33 Who holds the power in… ◦Unitary Government ◦Confederation Government ◦Federal Government Central Leaders Local Government Shared by Levels of Government

34 What is capital? What is its relationship to GDP? factoriesmachinery technology

35 Rebuilding Japan after WWII

36 South and East Asia 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

37 Which country has the highest standard of living? Which country has the lowest standard of living? Country Life Expectancy (years) Infant Mortality Rate (percent) Literacy Rate (percent) Israel79896 Saudi Arabia683663 Iran702879 Iraq676358 Israel Iraq

38 Rank these from 1-3 in terms of citizen participation with 1 being the least citizen participation and 3 being the most participation. ____________ Autocracy ___________ Democracy ____________ Oligarchy 1 3 2

39 What is human capital? What is its relationship to GDP? Education and Training

40 Ganges River

41 A person who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise??? Entrepreneur – The person. Entrepreneurship – Their business.

42 Africa

43 Mao Zedong


45 Africa Africa Historical Understandings

46 Question 1: What was the main goal of the Pan- African movement? To get Africans to think of themselves as one people and to work together.

47 Pan-African Movement

48 Question 2 Which group of people did some European powers use to be their “enforcers”? Local chiefs

49 Question 3 What was Nelson Mandela’s attitude toward the people who had been responsible for the old government of South Africa? He felt that all races needed to work together in the new government.

50 Question 4 What decision did F W de Klerk eventually make about the country’s apartheid laws? He recommended that the laws be repealed.

51 Question 5 Why did Europeans first take an interest in the African continent? Because of the slave trade

52 Africa

53 Question 6 What is the name for a system of acquiring (taking over) colonies in order to provide raw materials for a stronger country? Imperialism

54 Imperialism in Africa

55 Question 7 What was the name of Nelson Mandela’s political party? The ANC – African National Congress

56 Question 8 The use of African people to help European officials administer a colony was known as what form of government? Indirect Rule

57 Question 9 What conflicts broke out in Nigeria after independence was declared? Religious conflict between the Christians in the southern part of Nigeria and the Muslims in the Northern part

58 Conflict after Independence Muslims in the north Christians in the south

59 Question 10 What is the definition of assimilation? Giving up one’s customs and adopting those of another culture

60 Assimilation Assimilation means to take on the cultural traits of another cultural group. Changing your culture to fit in with another… much like a chameleon changes his color to fit into a new surrounding.

61 Question 11 Why was Kenya criticized after independence even though it was led by Africans? The government was controlled by only one party known as the KNAU.

62 Question 12 Why did many of the boundaries of the new African states created after World War II cause problems? The boundaries split tribes and kinship groups

63 Partitioning of Africa Under Colonial Rule

64 Question 13 Who was the first black president of South Africa? Nelson Mandela ◦Member of the Tembu Xhosa Tribe

65 Question 14 When Great Britain took over South Africa and the Dutch settlers moved farther north, which African group fought that expansion? Zulus

66 Question 15 Which organization was formed to work for equality in the country of South Africa? The ANC – African National Congress

67 Question 16 Which European nation first colonized South Africa? The Netherlands ◦Also known as the Nederlands and ◦Holland

68 Question 17 What is the apartheid system? A system of laws that segregated the races ◦These laws were repealed in 1994.

69 Question 18 What percent of the population of South Africa was black when the country achieved independence? 70%

70 Question 19 About how long after Mandela was imprisoned did he become president? About 30 years

71 Question 20 Which two South African leaders worked together to end Apartheid? Nelson Mandela and F W deKlerk

72 South, Southeast, and East Asia

73 Standard: SS7G10 The student will discuss environmental issues across Southern and Eastern Asia. a.Describe the causes and effects of pollution on the Yangtze and Ganges Rivers. b.Describe the causes and effects of air pollution and flooding in India and China. SS7G11 The student will explain the impact of location, climate, physical characteristics, distribution of natural resources, and population distribution on Southern and Eastern Asia. a.Describe the impact climate and location has on population distribution in Southern and Eastern Asia. b.Describe how the mountain, desert, and water features of Southern and Eastern Asia have affected the population in terms of where people live, the types of work they do, and how they travel.

74 Mountains ◦Himalayas (Mt. Everest) ◦Mount Fuji-Japan ◦What other landforms do these mountains help to make?

75 Himalayas—Mt. Everest

76 Varied climate regions-- ranging from tropical and wet, to humid, to dry desert conditions. Many natural hazards-- monsoons, typhoons, volcanoes, and earthquakes

77 Influence of water-- Rivers, seas, and ocean currents: How do they influence agriculture, trade, and transportation?

78 Important bodies of water—South China Sea, Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, Ganges River, Indus River, Pacific Ocean, Yangtze River, Mekong River, Yellow River (Huang He), Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan.

79 Yellow River

80 Monsoon--a seasonal shift in the prevailing winds that influences large climate regions Typhoon--a destructive tropical storm occurring in the western Pacific Ocean or the China Sea, similar to a hurricane

81 Economic Characteristics Varied economies in the region ranging from subsistence/commercial agriculture to high-tech industrial manufacturing Active participation in global markets

82 Many newly industrialized countries--South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore Japan is the economic leader of the area China is in a transition period- -from a centrally planned economy to more of a tradition free market economy

83 Agricultural advancements and technology are enabling greater food production-- “Green Revolution” Environmental degradation deforestation fishing is important

84 Many countries are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) which was set up with the US main crops are rice and tropical crops such as bananas

85 Cultural Characteristics Areas of extremely dense and sparse population severe contrast between rural and urban areas serious religious conflicts-- primarily between Hindus and Muslims

86 deep respect for ancestors Religious diversity-- Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism, Shinto, Confucianism are the major religions

87 India has a strict caste system--(similar to a class structure) once born into a caste it is next to impossible to move out of that caste

88 Cultural heritage ◦Silks ◦Batik ◦wood and ivory carving ◦ideograms--unique alphabets ◦jewels

89 Important cities--Tokyo, Japan; Beijing, China; New Delhi, India

90 Prominent Religions of Southern and Eastern Asia

91 Hinduism One of the oldest religions in the world Practiced most widely in India 3 rd largest religion in the world Developed in India, it’s origins are based upon the religion practiced by the Aryans (invaded the country from the north around 1500 BC). Rituals and hymns known as Vedas, of The Books of Knowledge led to the development of the religion known as Hinduism

92 Hinduism is polytheistic, meaning they worship many gods Hindus believe that all of these gods are part of a supreme spirit named Brahman Believe that all living things have souls (including animals) Some animals, like the cow, are considered especially sacred Many Hindus are vegetarians, meaning they eat no meat

93 Believe in reincarnation- the idea that the soul does not die with the body, but enters the body of another being, either a person or an animal. The type of life a person leads determines what his next life will be like A soul is reincarnated over and over again, until the life it lives is good enough to bring it to be united with Brahman. Karma, is the belief that one’s actions determine one’s fate.

94 Caste System Another important part of Hinduism is the caste system A caste system is the belief that social class is hereditary (inherited), and does not change throughout a person’s life. The only way to move to a higher caste was to be born into one in the next life.

95 Four Main Castes Priests and wise men, or Brahmans, are the highest Warriors and rulers, called the Kshtriyas Merchants, traders, and small farmers, Vaisyas The Sudras, or peasants and field workers, are last The untouchables, or pariahs, who do work no one else would do, belong to the fifth caste

96 Buddhism Began in India 4 th largest religion in the world 6% of the world’s population today is Buddhist Siddhartha Guatama a rich young man founded the religion about 500 B.C. Believe in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path

97 Siddhartha Gautama Founded the religion about 500 B.C. Lived a life of luxury, but was concerned about the poverty and suffering he saw in the world Left his family and became a monk for a number of years, hoping that he would learn why people had to suffer After years of wandering, he understood what needed to be done…

98 He felt that people could find peace if they rejected greed and desire He agreed with the Hindu belief of reincarnation and karma but did not accept the caste system or the need for priests He became known as “Buddha,” or “The Enlightened One” by his followers

99 Four Noble Truths Buddha taught that there were Four Noble Truths in life 1. Life always brought pain 2. Suffering and sorrow were usually caused by greed and the desire for material things. 3. By giving up these greedy desires, a person could end his suffering and reach Nirvana - Nirvana means a state of perfect peace 4. To achieve Nirvana, a person needed to follow the Middle Way

100 The Middle Way The Middle Way was accomplished by following what Buddha called the Eightfold Path (8 rules for conduct) 1. Try to recognize the truth 2. Try to avoid evil actions and bad people 3. Do not say things that hurt others 4. Respect other people and their belongings 5. Choose a job that does no harm to others 6. Do not think evil thoughts 7. Avoid excitement or anger 8. Work at meditation, thinking carefully about what matters in life

101 Islam Second largest religion in the world. Began in the Arabian Peninsula in the 7 th century AD with teachings of the prophet ________________. Muhammad Islam came to India in the 1500s AD when Muslim armies swept into the country Established the Mogul Empire that ruled India for almost 200 years Muslim conquerors treated the Hindus as conquered people and introduced Islam as a new religion.

102 ______Pillars of Islam 1. Believe there is only _______god and ___________ is his messenger 2. ________ five times a day facing the direction of Mecca 3. Charity to the poor 4. Fasting during the holy month of ____________. 5. Pilgrimage to __________ at least once in a person’s lifetime

103 Muslims believe in only one god, this religion is a _______________religion A religion that believes in more than one god is called a __________________ religion Their holy book is called a __________

104 Shinto The earliest religion of Japan was Shintoism Shintoism believe in kami, divine spirits that Shinto followers believe live in nature These spirits are believed to live in beautiful places, animals, and especially as a person’s ancestor Places such as mountains and rivers are considered as sacred because they are thought to be the homes of these kami

105 Those who practice Shintoism offer prayers and perform rituals to honor and please the kami or spirits they feel are special Shinto religion does not stress life after death The worship of nature has also led the Japanese to create small, beautiful gardens, and areas of quiet and reflection Shintoism was once the state religion of Japan

106 Confucianism Confucius was one of the most important scholars in Chinese history Believed that the key to peace and social order was for people to behave with good character and virtue Golden Rule of Behavior- “what you do not like when done unto yourself, do not unto others.”

107 He believed a good ruler was one who treated his people fairly and was kind to them. Confucius was not a religious prophet or even a religious leader Confucianism is thought of as a philosophy or ethical system based on good deeds and morality rather than religion.

108 Five Basic Relationships Believed that there were five basic relationships among men: 1. Ruler and subject 2. Father and son 3. Husband and wife 4. Older brother and younger brother 5. Friend and friend He believed if each relationship were based on kindness, there would be peace and harmony in the country.

109 Your turn! 1. Which of these religions is considered one of the oldest in the world? 2. What is the Hindu belief in reincarnation? 3. What Buddhist teaching shows its followers the correct way to live their lives? 4. What is the name of the Muslim holy book? 5. In which country was Shintoism founded? 6. What is Confucius’ Golden Rule?

110 Analyzing economic systems Traditional Economy Command Economy Market Economy

111 TSW… Compare how traditional, command, and market economies answer the economic questions, such as: _______ to produce? ________ to produce? For __________ to produce?

112 Traditional Economy Tradition means something that has been __________ ________ in a culture from one generation to another. Most economic decisions are based on c_________ and h________ (hence the word “traditional”). People mainly produce goods for their own f__________ and neighborhoods. People b___________ or swap goods.

113 In a traditional economy… Everything operates on a small, r_____ basis.

114 In a traditional economy… Consumers and producers make the decisions about w____ to produce and _____ to produce it. It becomes a p________ if people begin to w_____ and n____ products that can’t be made or traded locally.

115 Command Economy Centralized – g____________ directed “c_________ed” economy A central governmental planning group makes most of the economic decisions. They decide ◦Which g_______ and s______ will be produced. ◦The p_______ that will be charged for the goods and services. ◦W________ to be paid to the workers. ◦What j______ the workers will do ◦H___ and w________ the goods will be produced.

116 Command Economy A small ________ of people decide. This small group c___________s the economy.

117 Command Economy How are d_____________ made?  Government P_____________ What p_________ can occur in a c_________ economy?  People must secure g______________ permission to start a new business.

118 Market Economy I______________ make the decisions about what to produce and what to buy. Other names for a m_________ economy are…. ◦Capitalism ◦Free enterprise ◦Laissez-faire  (french phrase for allows them to do as they please)

119 Market Economy Who makes the decisions in a market economy? ◦I________________

120 Market Economy Who takes the financial r______ in starting a new business in a market economy? ◦I________________ business people

121 Mixed Economies Almost all modern economies in the world today have characteristics of all three types of e______________ systems. In other words, they are a m___________ of economies.

122 Mixed Economies Why are most modern economies referred to as mixed economies? ◦Most countries have aspects of all three economic types at work in their economies. Why do most economies in the world operate between a market economy and a command economy? ◦Most countries have found they need a mixture of control to be successful and protect consumers.

123 Voluntary Trade SS7E2 The student will explain how voluntary trade benefits _________ and _______ in Africa.

124 Voluntary trade occurs when _____ _______in a transaction see that they are going to ___________ from the exchange. It is the key to a __________ economy. What is voluntary trade?

125 Encourages ______________. Leads to more _________ __________. Produces higher ________. Voluntary trade….

126 _____________ Countries _____________ in producing those goods and services they can produce most efficiently. ______________ in products a country makes best and that are in demand in the world market creates a way to _____ _______ to buy items that cannot be produced locally. Specialization

127 U______ produces high quality ________. K_______ is building high quality ______plants. If they plan and work together, these two countries can benefit from ___________ trade. N___________ specializes in exporting much needed ______ to the U.S. and other industrial nations. Specialization

128 Specialization in minerals in SA has led to extremely unequal ____________ of the wealth in the country. Concentration in producing high quality cotton in Kenya has caused a decrease in the production of _______. Kenya must import ________ for its people. Specialization can have a downside.

129 _______, _________, ____________. specializes South Africa is rich in _______, _________, and ____________. SA specializes in developing this mineral wealth that is valuable to other countries. Specialization

130 Anything that slows down or prevents one country from __________________ goods with another. Trade Barriers are …

131 Some trade barriers are put in place …  To _________________ local industries from lower priced goods made in other countries.  Due to _______________ ____________ between countries. Trade is stopped until the political issues are settled. Trade Barriers


133 A tariff is a ____ placed on _________ goods to make the imported item more expensive than a locally produced product. TariffS I_________ Goodson T_______

134 A l________ or specific number set for products that can be imported in a given amount of time. I______ l_______ mean that more people will buy local products. A quota is…

135 _____ places quotas on how much ___ each member nation can produce for the world market in order to keep prices where they want them to be. N_______, a member of _____, exports __% of the oil imported by the U.S. OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

136 An e________ is when one country stops trade with another country in order to i_________ a country and cause problems with that country’s e___________. In 1963, the U. S. (along with some other countries) placed an e______ against South Africa because Americans did not agree with r_______ injustices that occurred in SA under A_____________. Embargo

137 A__________ was a set of laws passed in South Africa to regulate where black people l______, went to s________, s_________, and w________. U. S. Embargo against South Africa

138 The U. S., and some other countries, lifted the e________ against South Africa when the A___________ laws were voted down in 1992. After 30+ years, American companies were now free to trade with South A_____________ companies again. Embargo Both black and white South Africans stood in line for days in order to vote to do away with Apartheid.

139 In order for countries to buy and sell with each other, they must have a system to exchange currency. The _____ f______ is a type of currency being used in w_____ and c________ Africa to conduct trade between countries. CURRENCY EXCHANGE

140 While many countries in Africa have used trade barriers to p________ their own industries, others have developed trade a_______________ to make trade among nations in their region more o____ and mutually s______________. For example: K_________ t___________ mills manufacturing fabrics from U_______’s high quality _______. TRADE ASSOCIATIONS

141 Are You Ready for the CRCT???

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