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Government and the State. What is Government Government is the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies Public Policies.

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Presentation on theme: "Government and the State. What is Government Government is the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies Public Policies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Government and the State

2 What is Government Government is the institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policies Public Policies are all of the things that a government decides to do.

3 Powers of Government Every Government has three kinds of Powers Legislative-Power to make laws and policies Executive-Power to enforce and execute laws Judicial-Power to interpret the laws, decide their meaning, and settle disputes in society

4 Origins of Government Governments are older than recorded history Government were first created to regulate people’s behavior and were necessary for survival

5 The State State is a group of people living in a defined area, organized with a government, and with the power to make and enforce law with-out the consent of a higher authority States are also known as nations or countries

6 Components of the State Population- to exist a state needs to have people living in it. Territory-needs to have land and recognized boundaries Sovereignty- supreme and absolute power within its territory Government- political organization

7 Origins of the State Force Theory- state began when 1 person or group gained control of an area and forced those within to submit Evolutionary Theory- state began with the basic family unit; the family grew to a clan; clan became a tribe; tribe became a state

8 Origins of the State continued Devine Right Theory- God gave those of royal birth a divine power or right to rule, and the people were to obey the ruler as they would obey god

9 Origins of the State continued Social Contract Theory- developed in the 17 th and 18 th centuries by John Locke, James Harrington, Thomas Hobbes and Jean Jacques Rousseau- People agree to give up power to the state for the general well- being of all, State takes care of its people, and if the State ceases to take care of them, the people must revolt or change the government

10 Purposes of Government Form a more perfect Union- strength and safety in numbers Establish justice- laws should be administered reasonably, impartially, and fairly Insure domestic tranquility- peace within own borders

11 Purposes of Government continued Provide for the common defense- defense from invasion and protection of foreign policies Promote the general welfare provide public services(Post Office, Parks) Secure the blessings of liberty- democracies cannot exist without individual freedoms

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