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WWI Review. Questions: Name three Allied Powers U.S., Great Britain, France, Italy Name three Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire.

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1 WWI Review

2 Questions: Name three Allied Powers U.S., Great Britain, France, Italy Name three Central Powers Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire When a country must pay for damages in the war it is called: Reparations Who was the U.S. president during WWI? Woodrow Wilson

3 Questions: What are the 4 MAIN causes of WWI? Militarism, Alliance System, Imperialism, Nationalism What is Militarism? When a country builds up its weapons, military What is Nationalism? Having pride in your country

4 Questions: What event led to WWI? The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand Name two resources/goods Americans were asked to cut back on. Wheat, gas, heat, meat Who won the war? The Allied Powers The act that drafted men between the ages of 21- 30 into the military was called: Selective Service Act

5 Questions: What year did the U.S. enter the war? 1917 Why did the Russians leave the war early? They had a lot of casualties (dead & wounded) The Germans tried to get Mexico to ally with them and promised them land in the U.S. in what telegram? The Zimmerman Note

6 Questions: Name two U.S. states promised Mexico in the Zimmerman Note. New Mexico, Texas, Arizona What was the name of the British passenger ship that was sunk by German u-boats in 1914? Lusitania What role did women play in WWI? Worked in factories

7 Questions: What nickname were U.S. army men called? Doughboys True/False Troops were segregated during WWI. True True/False African Americans were allowed to fight in combat in WWI. False

8 Questions: Women in the Salvation Army who gave donuts to the troops were called: Donut Dollies Women who were in the military who were radio operators were called: Hello Girls The Bolshevik Revolutionary who took over the Soviet Union was named: Vladimir Lenin

9 Questions: The right for people to rule themselves is called: Self-determination What was the month, day and year of the end of the armistice? Nov. 11, 1918 Did Congress sign the Treaty of Versailles? No

10 Questions: Name three things the treaty made Germany do: Reduce its military, made Germany smaller, pay reparations, take full blame for the war Name two new countries created after WWI. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia True/False WWI was known as “the war to end all wars”. True

11 Questions: What was the Schlieffen Plan? Germany’s plan to go through neutral Belgium to conquer France before it invaded Russia Why the Schlieffen Plan? So Germany wouldn’t have to fight two fronts What were some problems in the trenches? Rats, no food, trench foot What countries were part of the “Big Four”? U.S. France, Great Britain, Italy

12 Questions: What weapon was used by the Germans that the other countries thought was “barbaric” to use? Poison gases What were two new weapons during WWI? Tanks, planes, gas What was the name of the international group created after WWI to keep peace? League of Nations The Espionage and Sedition Acts were passed to: Stop anti-war activities like speaking out against the government or dodging the draft

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