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New England Colonies Objective-Students will identify why colonists moved to New England and the beliefs they established that impact American society.

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Presentation on theme: "New England Colonies Objective-Students will identify why colonists moved to New England and the beliefs they established that impact American society."— Presentation transcript:

1 New England Colonies Objective-Students will identify why colonists moved to New England and the beliefs they established that impact American society today Puritans and Separatists Predestination Great Migration John Winthrop (idea on Gov.) City on a Hill Anne Hutchinson Roger Williams Fundamental Orders Confederation and Dominion of New England

2 ID- Plymouth Plantation (45) Summary #1- Describe how the homes and size of property reflect the economic status of the settlers in Plymouth. –Simple, modest homes (not wealthy, everyone is equal) What could be more important in a person’s life than money? OI- The Pilgrims End Their Pilgrimage at Plymouth 1) What was the problem that the Pilgrims faced when they arrived outside of domain controlled by the Virginia Company as squatters? –No charter (no legal rights to land and not protected by king) Mayflower Compact- set of laws written on Mayflower to ensure Pilgrims had rules to follow

3 2) What was the importance of the Mayflower Compact (relate the MC to democracy)? –1st democratic government in colonies stating that laws will be made by the majority, not a single leader 3) Why was Thanksgiving significant to the Pilgrims when compared to the Pilgrims first winter in 1620-21? –44 out of 102 settlers died the first winter, had enough food to survive winter

4 ID-The Great English Migration (46) Summary #2- Where did the majority of Puritans move to? West Indies OI- The Bay Colony Bible Commonwealth, Building the Bay Colony 4) What was the meaning of John Winthrop’s comment, “We shall be as a city upon a hill.”? Create a model, Christian society that the world will look up to/copy

5 5) How did a person, or “Freeman”, earn the right to vote? Had to be a member of the (Congregational) church 6) What was Governor Winthrop’s opinion on Democracy? He despised democracy! Distrusted common people –What requirements should we have today for voting? (Age, photo id, education, citizenship, immigrants, taxes, property ownership, volunteering)

6 ID- Anne Hutchinson, Dissenter (p 48) Summary #3- What is a dissenter? Someone who disagrees with the majority OI- Trouble in the Bible Commonwealth, The Rhode Island “Sewer” Predestination- idea God has already chosen if you go to heaven or hell when you are born 7) How did Anne Hutchinson disagree with the doctrine of Predestination? Said that you don’t have to follow God’s laws if he has already decided if you are saved or not

7 8) What were the two ways Roger Williams disagreed with the Mass. Bay’s Charter? Native Am. Should be paid for their land Gov. and religion should be separate Should religion have a place in Gov? 9) Upon founding Rhode Island, what right did Roger Williams guarantee for all colonists? Freedom of religion for all people Nicknamed “Sewer of New England”- looked down on by other NE colonies

8 ID- Seventeenth-Century New England Settlements (49) Summary #4- How many colonies started in New England? Identify the ones that became states. 6 (Mass,. Conn., RI, New Hampshire, Maine) OI- New England Spreads Out 10) What did the Fundamental Orders establish in Connecticut? Gov. by substantial citizens (clergy, land owners 11) How does this show evidence of democracy? At least some participation in Gov., more than a monarchy 12) What was the purpose of the founding of New Haven? Create an even more religiously strict colony

9 ID- Matthew Hopkins Witch Finder (P 80 Ch 4) Summary- Explain how one of Mathew Hopkin’s techniques to find witches does not make sense? Animals eat meat and blood All people float if they hold their breath (they only sink when they exhale) Why do you think so many people were tricked to believe in witches? OI- The Halfway Covenant and the Salem Witch Trials (P 79) 13) What was the purpose of the “Halfway Covenant?” (Think about religious participation) To allow more people to join (and be controlled) by the church More settlers to NEng. that are not Puritans

10 14) Why were most of the women accused of being witches? (Why would people want to get the women in trouble?) They were from successful families (women were jealous) 15) What does the Salem Witch Trial show about the growing division in American society at the time? (What is happening to the lives of people in Salem and the rest of the US?) Growing division between the rich and poor (everyone is not equally poor any more)

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