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Unit 3 Chapter 17: The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe Standard MWH 2.1 Evaluate the consequences of the changing boundaries of kingdoms.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Chapter 17: The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe Standard MWH 2.1 Evaluate the consequences of the changing boundaries of kingdoms."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Chapter 17: The Foundations of Christian Society in Western Europe
Standard MWH 2.1 Evaluate the consequences of the changing boundaries of kingdoms in Europe, Asia, the Americas, and Africa

2 Pre-think What do you know about the foundations of Christian society in W. Europe? How did trade effect Europe’s rise? How did religion effect Europe’s rise? How did disease effect Europe’s rise?


4 Germanic Successors to the Romans
24 August 410 Alaric sacked Rome 476 Odoacer took over 470’s Visigoths took Spain Clovis leads the Franks /watch?v=VpHMPzk6uI 4&safety_mode=true&pe rsist_safety_mode=1&saf e=active

5 The Frankish Empire Clovis – Merovingian dynasty Married to Clotilda
Why was Clovis called the new Constantine by Gregory Arian/Latin controversy

6 Charles “the hammer” Martel
Battle of Tours 732 Never a king, was a deputy of the last Frankish King Grandson was Charlemagne “Charles the Great”

7 Charlemagne ?v=XGkUNK8kmDw
Reigned 768 – 814 Traveling King 12/25/800 crowned Emperor by the Pope Consistent support of the Papacy through spreading Christianity, education, militarism Bloody Verdict of Verdun Why was Charlemagne so important? How did his diplomacy make his kingdom different from other Germanic kingdoms?


9 Viking Invasion Lindisfarne monastery

10 Based on your knowledge of Christian monasticism what would make monasteries good targets for Viking raids? Accumulated wealth Isolated location Non-militaristic culture Christian missionary promulgation

11 King Otto 1 of Saxony Proclaimed emperor in 962
Strong supporter of the Papacy Ruled over a Kingdom in Germany

12 Society Lord-retainer relationships Serf-manor relationships
Decentralized political order Serf-manor relationships Free and non-free serfs Manor life Manufacturing, farming, fighting

13 Economics of Medieval Europe

14 Let’s go to the FAIR!!! Local markets/fairs
Itinerant peddlers Christian missionaries trading with Muslims in Spain Maritime trade in the Baltic Sea w/Norse Merchant-Mariners du/garmentsinthecanter burytales/home

15 Based on your knowledge of European history, how do you explain the data in this population chart? Write a 1 paragraph analysis of the data and prepare to share with the class.

16 Religion – Christianity
The Papacy What happened in 1054 between the Pope and the Patriarch of Constantinople? Pope Gregory I (Gregory the Great) Papal primacy Penance Missionaries to England

17 Monasticism St. Benedict of Nursia
Benedict’s rule : Read & analyze primary source documents St. Scholastica Monasticism’s contributions to Society Libraries, scriptoria Orphanages, inns, hospitals education

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