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Western Garden Book.

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1 Western Garden Book

2 1. What is a climate zone? 24 zones in the region from the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific Ocean. Each zone has certain temperatures, rainfall amounts, snow amounts, and weather patterns that effect plant growth.


4 2. Latitude The further you go from the equator, the longer and colder the winters are.

5 3. Elevation Higher elevation means longer, colder winters, intense sun, lower night temp.

6 4. Ocean influence Mild, moist weather blows in from the Pacific ocean.

7 5. Continental Air Influence
Inland weather. Colder winter, hotter summer, rain throughout the year, can be windy.

8 6. Mountains, Hills, and Valleys
These change the influence of the marine air that comes in from the ocean.

9 Ocean

10 7. Microclimates The local terrain can change the climate in a zone. Hillsides, slopes, lowland – all affect the climate.

11 8. What is the climate zone for Battle Ground?

12 9. How long is the growing season in the Portland area?
280 Days

13 10. What does maritime climate mean?
Climate influenced by the ocean. Milder temperatures, plentiful rainfall.

14 11. Why is it important to know the climate zone you live in?
Determines which plants can grow there.

15 12. List a tree with red foliage (leaves) that can grow in BG
12. List a tree with red foliage (leaves) that can grow in BG. List common and sci. name. Japanese Maple Acer palmatum

16 13. List a tree that tolerates shade that can grow in BG
13. List a tree that tolerates shade that can grow in BG. List common and sci. name. Dogwood Cornus sp.

17 14. What is the scientific name for the Pansy? (Genus and species)
Viola wittrockiana

18 15. How much sun does the Pansy need
15. How much sun does the Pansy need? Look under “P”, like an encyclopedia. Varies by species

19 16. Is the Pansy an annual or a perennial?
Perennial, but usually grown as an annual.

20 17. The pansies are listed as V. species, (V for Viola)
17. The pansies are listed as V. species, (V for Viola).The main species we grow is wittrockiana. What zones will this species grow in? All Zones

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