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A Feelings and Faces Presentation

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1 A Feelings and Faces Presentation
THE HAPPY TO BE ME GROUP Ashley Van Dyke Ryan Dubicki Rebecca Trainor Palmer Fry Tessa Lamirande (Therapist)


3 Silly Ashley I feel SILLY when…
My friends make me laugh When I’m playing outside with my friends When I think about funny things (I also act silly when I am feeling anxious or guilty)

4 Silly Ryan I feel SILLY when… I play outside with my friends

5 Silly Becky I feel SILLY when… I play with my friends
When I am feeling hyper

6 Silly Palmer I feel SILLY when… People make funny comments/jokes

7 What a SILLY Group

8 Brave Ashley I feel BRAVE when…
I feel like a super hero (“I have Ashley Power”) When I think that I can take care of myself It is night time and I think in my head that I can fight off bad things When someone makes a mean face at me and I handle it appropriately

9 Brave Ryan I feel BRAVE when… I use self-control when I am angry!

10 Brave Becky I feel BRAVE when… I go hiking in the woods

11 Brave Palmer I feel BRAVE when… I stand up to people who are bullies

12 What a BRAVE Group!

13 Shy Ashley I feel SHY when… I actually do not get shy very often!
I am around people that are older than me… I actually do not get shy very often!

14 Shy Ryan I feel SHY when…
I have to perform in front of a group (e.g. doing a skit in the talent show) Meeting new people

15 Shy Becky I feel SHY when… I meet new people or go to a new school

16 Shy Palmer I feel SHY when…
I talk about things that make me uncomfortable

17 What a SHY Group?

18 Scared Ashley I feel SCARED when… When I feel SCARED I know I can…
I think that ghosts exists I am alone in the dark When I feel SCARED I know I can… Think about something else

19 Scared Ryan I feel SCARED when… I am alone in the dark

20 Scared Becky I feel SCARED when… When I feel SCARED I know I can…
It is dark (e.g. going to the bathroom at night) People that do bad things (e.g. people you hear about on the news) When I feel SCARED I know I can… Tell an adult how I feel Think positive thoughts Take a time off

21 Scared Palmer I feel SCARED when… I think about getting into trouble

22 Happy Ashley These are the things that make me HAPPY: My pets
My family members My friends My birthday When I know that people love me Holidays Having good self-esteem My teacher and therapist at school When people compliment me When people talk and listen to me I am myself and nothing can change me!

23 Happy Ryan These are the things that make me HAPPY:
People treat me with respect I am complimented I earn rewards

24 Happy Becky These are the things that make me HAPPY:
When I earn my stars on my behavior chart Special Olympic Bowling (trophy) When my friends include me Getting along with my family Cheerleading When I get compliments When I can read as long as I want

25 Happy Palmer These are the things that make me HAPPY:
I get to earn rewards for doing well with my contract Having special titles (e.g. secretary)

26 All Smiles!

27 Hurt Ashley I feel HURT when… When I feel HURT I can…
Someone calls my names and hurts my feelings If someone pushed me and hurts my body AND my feelings If I get left out (when my sisters do not want to play with me) When I feel HURT I can… Tell a grown-up and TALK IT OUT Tell the person “I don’t like it when you hurt my feelings or my body.”

28 Hurt Ryan I feel HURT when… Someone calls me name Someone hits me
Someone lies to me

29 Hurt Becky I feel HURT when… When I feel HURT I can…
Someone hurts my feelings (e.g. name calling) Someone bullies me If I fall down When I feel HURT I can… Take a time off Talk it out with an adult Tell the person, “you hurt me”

30 Hurt Palmer I feel HURT when… I get a cut or fall down

31 Guilty Ashley I feel GUILTY when I… Hurt my sisters
Call my friends names When I lie If someone gets blames for something I did When I feel GUILTY I should…tell the truth!

32 Guilty Ryan I hurt my friends feelings when I am angry
I feel GUILTY when I… I hurt my friends feelings when I am angry I call my mother a name When I lie

33 Guilty Becky I feel GUILTY when When I feel GUILTY I should
I act dishonest or sneaky When I feel GUILTY I should Tell the truth and take responsibility

34 Guilty Palmer I feel GUILTY when I… Know that someone broke a rule or didn’t follow a direction

35 Sad Ashley I feel SAD when… When I feel SAD I can…
People tease me or make fun of what I say/do I argue with my sisters I think of scary things (e.g. ghosts) I get left out of a game When I feel SAD I can… Tell a grown-up Tell the person to “Please stop”

36 Sad Ryan I feel SAD when… I hurt my mother’s feelings

37 Sad Becky I feel SAD when… When I feel SAD I can…
People hurt my feelings I do not earn my rewards/privileges My friends leave me out When I feel SAD I can… Talk it out Time off STOP…THINK…ACT

38 Sad Palmer I feel SAD when… I ask someone to play and they refuse

39 Angry Ashley I get ANGRY when…
My sisters tease me, leave me out, come in my room People call me names When I get ANGRY I can: Tell a grown-up Work in my anger workbook Take time off Walk away from the problem STOP…THINK…ACT USE MY WORDS (do not use my hands for hitting) Relaxation (stress balls, deep breaths, count to 13)

40 Angry Ryan I get ANGRY when… My brother yells at me
My brother “antagonizes” me When I get ANGRY I can: Work in my anger workbook Take time off STOP…THINK…ACT USE MY WORDS Count to 20

41 Angry Becky When I get ANGRY I can: I get ANGRY when…
People act like bullies I argue with my sister and brother People lie When I get ANGRY I can: Time off (calm down) STOP…THINK…ACT Talk it out Ignore and walk away

42 Angry Palmer I get ANGRY when…
I trust a friend with a secret I have never told anyone except family and they tell

43 What an ANGRY Group!

44 Embarrassed Ashley I feel EMBARRASSED when:
I trip or fall I make a mistake When I am EMBARRASSED I can… TALK IT OUT

45 Embarrassed Ryan I feel EMBARRASSED when: New people come over
I make a mistake

46 Embarrassed Becky I feel EMBARRASSED when:
I do something wrong When I am EMBARRASSED I can… Take a time off

47 Embarrassed Palmer I feel EMBARRASSED when:
People talk about inappropriate topics

48 Cool Ashley I feel COOL when… I have a lot of friends I earn my stars
When people like to talk to me People compliment me When I earn special rewards

49 Cool Ryan I feel COOL when… I drink a cold drink

50 Cool Becky I feel COOL when… I earn all my stars

51 Cool Palmer I feel COOL when… People compliment me on my progress

52 Surprised Ashley I feel SURPRISED when… It is my birthday

53 Surprised Ryan I feel SURPRISED when…
I come home and there is a babysitter

54 Surprised Becky I feel SURPRISED when… Someone gives me a bonus token

55 Surprised Palmer I feel SURPRISED when…
My family came home from a vacation early to spend time with me

56 Surprise!

57 Worried Ashley I feel WORRIED when… When I feel WORRIED I can…
I think about ghosts and zombies I flush the toilet (I think a zombie will come out) I go to girl scouts that the kids do not like me When I feel WORRIED I can… Time off Think about positive things Use distraction Talking to an adult

58 Worried Ryan I feel WORRIED when…
Someone blames me for something I did not do I am close to earning an RD

59 Worried Becky I feel WORRIED when… I do not earn my stars

60 Worried Palmer I feel WORRIED when…
I am kept in suspense about something I obsess about (e.g. status 4)


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