2016 Sponsorship Opportunities. Align with a cause close to the hearts of Seattleites Your organization has an opportunity to…  Showcase your commitment.

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Presentation on theme: "2016 Sponsorship Opportunities. Align with a cause close to the hearts of Seattleites Your organization has an opportunity to…  Showcase your commitment."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016 Sponsorship Opportunities

2 Align with a cause close to the hearts of Seattleites Your organization has an opportunity to…  Showcase your commitment to strengthening our local community  Pledge your support for an innovative and progressive animal welfare organization  Gain visibility within one of the most anticipated events of the year  Reach a live audience of 250 active, passionate donors & supporters – and thousands more through digital media Become a sponsor of Raining Cats & Dogs – the sixth annual gala auction benefiting the Seattle Animal Shelter Foundation!

3 An evening in support of the Seattle Animal Shelter About the Shelter:  Mission: To foster safe, healthy and caring relationships between people and animals in our community  Nationally recognized for providing innovative and progressive animal welfare programs  Cares for homeless and neglected animals through rehabilitation and adoption  In 2015, over 1,255 animals were successfully adopted  Offers low-cost spay and neuter services  Educates the public about animal welfare  Enforces public health, safety, and animal welfare laws

4 About the Seattle Animal Shelter Foundation (SASF) Proceeds from the auction benefit SASF:  Registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit founded in 2010  Mission: To support the programs and initiatives of the Seattle Animal Shelter by engaging our community, increasing awareness and raising funds  Offers flexible funding options that enable the Seattle Animal Shelter to address urgent needs, pioneer new programs and build on current successes  Empowers a committed base of volunteers to advocate for animals  Funded over $212,000 in grants in 2015 to cover improvements to animal-care facilities, animal quality-of-life and more

5 SASF: Making an impact “Contributions [to SASF] stretch city dollars further so that we have a place we’re proud to call the temporary home for animals on their way to new futures.” - Sally J. Clark, Seattle City Council “The support of SASF is vital to providing veterinary care in animal cruelty cases, or for traumatized stray animals while an owner is being located.” - Dr. Beth Davidow, Medical Director, Animal Critical Care and Emergency Services (ACCES ) “One of the reasons volunteers stay with the Shelter is because of the support they receive. We’re thankful for the [SASF] donors that make it possible.” - Ivy Cunningham, Volunteer, Seattle Animal Shelter/SASF

6 Raining Cats & Dogs: SASF’s premier fundraising event  Date/Time: Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016, 5:00-9:30 pm  Location: Bell Harbor International Conference Center, Seattle  Fast-growing event whose proceeds benefit a variety of Seattle Animal Shelter programs  In its first five years, the auction has raised over $660,000  Includes Silent and Live Auctions for exclusive items and experiences in categories such as arts, travel and epicurean

7 Reach an audience of active, involved humanitarians The SASF audience represents the best of Seattle’s socially conscious, animal-loving community:  81% female  79% age 25-54  93% live in Seattle  94% of all registered bidders at the 2015 auction made a purchase Sources: SASF Facebook analytics February 2016; 2015 SASF auction bidding data

8 Sponsorship levels Title Sponsor $5,000 Event Sponsor $1,500 Supporting Sponsor $500 Sponsor acknowledgment, logo and URL link on SASF website ✔✔✔ Sponsor ad in Auction catalog* ✔ 2-page spread ✔ Full page ✔ 1/2 page Sponsor logo, acknowledgement and URL link on email invitation sent to approximately 5,000 email addresses ✔✔✔ Sponsor acknowledgement in on-stage welcome announcement ✔✔ Sponsor logo onscreen during Live Auction ✔✔ Sponsor acknowledgement and URL link in SASF Facebook posts ✔ Sponsor acknowledgment and URL link in SASF e-newsletter sent to approximately 5,000 email addresses ✔ Sponsor acknowledgement in press release sent to local media ✔ Sponsor acknowledgment in announcement posted in local online event calendars ✔ Sponsor logo and acknowledgement in 2016 SASF wall calendar ✔ Opportunity to sponsor Live or Silent Auction item** ✔ Other opportunities available (for an additional fee), such as sponsor logo on “red carpet” backdrop, or on printed invitation. We welcome your ideas! ✔ *Sponsor is responsible for providing ad materials/content.**Sponsor is responsible for supplying item. Note: For Supporting Sponsor level and above, a portion of sponsorship fee may be donated via in-kind goods or services. SASF can develop custom sponsorship opportunities based on availability. (Details available upon request.)

9 We invite you to join us in enhancing and enriching the lives of Seattle’s animals. Sponsorship commitment closing dates * : Title, Event, Supporting Sponsors – June 10, 2016 *Ensures placement in all digital and print media associated with the sponsorship. For more information on how to support this great cause and reach this desirable audience, contact Valerie Paquin at auction@seattleanimalshelterfoundation.org

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