Mrs. Gerow’s 3rd Grade Classroom 2013 - 2014. Language Arts Reading time will consist of whole group and small group instruction. Writing is done daily.

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1 Mrs. Gerow’s 3rd Grade Classroom 2013 - 2014

2 Language Arts Reading time will consist of whole group and small group instruction. Writing is done daily. We use the six- traits writing program. A rubric will come home showing expectations for each trait. We use the Words Their Way spelling program. Students will have homework Monday through Thursday and it will be due on Friday (test day).

3 Math Math instruction will be given in whole group, small group and individually. The best way for students to learn math concepts is to review any work completed in class nightly. Students will need multiplication flash cards! Multiplication and division facts will need to be practiced at home nightly! Please assist your child in forming good study habits early.

4 Content Science and Social Studies We alternate between Science and Social Studies topics. Test dates should be copied down by students in their planners. Graded work will consist of tests, quizzes, and class work. Study Guides are usually given at the beginning of the unit. Visit my web to see study guides, text and websites to aid in studying for content subjects.

5 At Home Start off with good study habits! Each night review any work sent home. Use the study guide and go over any material covered in class that day. Practice flash cards and complete homework. Lastly, please read with your child!

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