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Welcome to our Third Grade Class Mrs. Tammy Davis Please Look Around! Also, please add your e-mail address on the sheet at your child’s desk!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Third Grade Class Mrs. Tammy Davis Please Look Around! Also, please add your e-mail address on the sheet at your child’s desk!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to our Third Grade Class Mrs. Tammy Davis Please Look Around! Also, please add your e-mail address on the sheet at your child’s desk!

3 Third Grade Expectations This evening is to inform you of the expectations I have for your students. Hopefully, it will answer questions that you may have about third grade. Give insights on the curriculum. Give us a chance to meet one another!

4 Communication I have signed our class up for a text message based communication tool called remind. text this number 847-457-0281 Type @ee86c Then follow the prompts to sign up

5 Photos I use to post photos of our I will email a link for you to view or purchase photos that I take during the year.

6 Absences If a child misses school, he or she will receive make-up work. Remember, your child loses the teaching moment when gone! Call the school if your child is absent or you have a planned absence.

7 Scan this QR code to visit our website

8 Assignment Notebook Students should be writing all assignments in their assignment notebook. You need to sign their notebook daily as well. All assignments are written on the board Students will get a stamp for expected behavior It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they have their notebook and write in it when time is given. Please remind your child to show me any note early in the day so I can reply to you by the end of the day.

9 Grades and Report Cards Students will receive 4 official report cards(printed) a year. Progress reports will not be printed on paper. You will need to visit the Power School site to view grades. (office will send out info for your login/password) Graded papers being sent home daily are a great way to know how your student is doing in third grade. I grade everything!!

10 Homework If students do not turn in their homework completed, they will receive an incomplete work slip for that assignment. An after school missing work session will be assigned for the next school day. Each period students will receive a “Slide” in which case they can turn their work in the next day for full credit. Missing Work Sessions will be given for the assignments that they do not complete. Missing work completed in the session can receive no higher than an 80%. Please remember all rides must arranged. Most work to be done at your home is work not completed in school and homework should not total more than one hour. If it is more, your child is not using time wisely.

11 Homework Help Please do not do your child’s homework. guide them through it if needed. Establish Routines: Where will the homework be done and when? How will it get into the backpack? Check their assignment notebook nightly for homework. Please sign the notebook. Please look over graded homework that comes home. Do not remove papers from the folder if they are note graded or marked with a “T” for together.

12 Curriculum Math Reading Language/Spelling/Writing Science and Social Studies

13 Math Everyday Math and Fasst Math, Front Row program Students need to know basic +, -, & x facts. Practice at home with flashcards. There is a math reference book that students may bring home to help with homework. Most nights there will be homework. Homelinks ( see example;HL 1.5) will be given almost every night. On homelinks and math boxes, pages are referenced for you.


15 Math (Con’t.) This math curriculum is developed with the belief that students do not learn a new concept or skill the first time they experience it. Math concepts are more fully understood after repeated and varied experiences. (spiral) Each grade level builds on these math concepts. By the end of the year students should master Subtraction in Fasst Math

16 Reading Series 6 Themes – Each theme takes about 4- 6 weeks. There are 3-4 stories in each theme. At the end of each theme there is a theme test that covers the skills learned. With the new Common Core Curriculum we are in the process of creating new units of instruction.

17 Reading (con’t.) There also will be small group work for more individualized attention.(guided reading) Students should be reading for content. Grades are based on work done in class, vocabulary and reading quizzes, tests, and guided reading. Reading Logs due on Thursdays/new one issued on Thursday. Students also will be required to take a set amount of AR tests books they have read on their own time every grading period. The book must be at their reading level/zone.

18 Language The Language grade will consist of grammar, spelling, punctuation, dictionary skills, and writing. DOL (Daily Oral Language is done daily) Language lessons/homework will be done mostly in their interactive notebook or sent home to finish and return. Spelling – (new lesson every other week) Words Their Way program. Students will be given an initial assessment test to place them in a spelling group. They will have in class work and spelling activities and a final test at the end of the 2 nd week.

19 Language (con’t.) Writing – There are 3 main types of writing that we will be working with. Narrative, Expository, and Persuasive. We will also prepare for PARCC exams. There will be at least 4 published pieces throughout the school year.

20 Science and Social Studies Students will be using an inquiry based approach in Science. Units of study are Water and Sound We will read the material in class. Reading content and vocabulary is harder. Students are welcome to take books home to review. In Science, students have binders. They can bring these home at any time to show what we are doing and study. Tests will be based on what we do in class and in the readings, and vocabulary.

21 Daily Geography Daily Geography will be assigned on Mondays and Due on Friday. We discuss the lesson for the week together. THIS WILL BE DONE AT HOME This practices map, atlas, and globe skills. Any other resource you may think of may be used as well.

22 Behavior/Discipline 1.A paper copy of the class consequence/reward sheet went home last week 2.Pull card system of warnings 3.Detentions will be given after the 3 rd card. 4.Rewards at the end of each week, grading periods and end of the year as well.

23 Book Orders At least two a month will be sent home Checks or Cash – Make payable to Scholastic Book Clubs. You may order online: our class code is GPX7D

24 Party Planner/Volunteers Please return the volunteer form if interested. All parents need to fill out the district volunteer application prior to helping in class. Supply money:$10.00 due by Oct. 3 rd Thank you!

25 Have A Great Year!

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