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Brogan Money Textual Analysis Vibe. Information (VIBE) circulation information: 850,000 mission statement: THROUGH THE PRISM OF URBAN MUSIC, VIBE CHRONICLES.

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Presentation on theme: "Brogan Money Textual Analysis Vibe. Information (VIBE) circulation information: 850,000 mission statement: THROUGH THE PRISM OF URBAN MUSIC, VIBE CHRONICLES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brogan Money Textual Analysis Vibe


3 publisher: InterMedia Partners InterMedia Partners is a publishing company that focuses on the media industry across all platforms: television, radio, publishing, internet and marketing. front cover analysis VIBE has used a very simple colour scheme with the black and white colours, this could show importance and give the magazine a high profile. With the splash of colour added, red, it could highlight the important features within the issue, like the master head and cover lines to make it more noticeable for the reader. Furthermore the title is bold, eye catching and stands out from the rest and also stands out against the black and white colour theme. With the black and white

4 Front Cover VIBE has used a very simple colour scheme with the black and white colours, this could show importance and give the magazine a high profile. With the splash of colour added, red, it could highlight the important features within the issue, like the master head and cover lines to make it more noticeable for the reader. Furthermore the title is bold, eye catching and stands out from the rest and also stands out against the black and white colour theme. With the black and white colour scheme for the front cover it shows a very formal tone and serious, this is reinforced clearly again as the artist T.I is dressed in a black and white suit not in casual clothes, that he could be dressed in so this might of been done purposely to give it a more serious tone. the design and the layout of the front cover is very simple. with the colour scheme there is a connection with the layout of the text as it helps to highlight main points in the magazine, for example, the quotes on the left hand side with the red it stands out. using this example, it shows VIBE with the design have used a larger font fro more important area in the magazine. this quote is form the artist chosen to star in the magazine, which would draw the reader in more if the looked up to the artists. they have used an inspiring quote that also teenagers may use or think they can relate to it. with the design VIBE haven't used much text, it is more taken up of the artist. this may show me that with the readership they think the audience would be more interested in the images and more over the artist featured than the text, and to keep it at a minimal as the reader don't lose interest. the male gaze could relate to this front cover as the artist could be used to attract many female readers. on the other hand, men may see this and want to buy it as they may look up to T.I be inspired and could like his style. The main image shows a young, well known artist within RnB music. This shows the the target audience VIBE is aiming for young teenagers as the artist is well known to an extent however, not a world class artist known by mostly everybody. The pose, style, hair and make up of the artist create a cool serious image, however more fashionable with the hat to give more a of a fashionable. with the suit being smart, he is presented to be as smart, clean and this may suggest wealth. The image is a close up of T.I which shows him taking most of the front cover, with him staring which draws the reader in to his eyes, the artist grabs your attention. However, we also take notice of the title as it stands out with the colour being bright and bold against the white and black background. With the image being in the background it makes the title more noticeable and more important as they are trying to sell the magazine and advertise the brand. With the main image being the only image may show that the artist is important and well known and there doesn’t need any ore images that one is just enough to sell. The target audience may look at the main image, T.I and be inspired and look up to him and with him taking over the page it may appeal to many people. T.I is a well known artist and this may help my when creating my mock ups to use a well to consider using jus one image that fills up the page with a well known artist and furthermore with my actual magazine to use a close up for my front cover. With the pose it reinforces the serious tone with the colours used. The artist has a straight forward face and more over a serious face emphasizing authority to the reader. This makes it even more bolder, if the artist was smiling it would contradiction with the clothing and colour scheme. Everything the artist is wearing emphasizes the serious tone and however with the hat, it brings in fashion as it shows to reader the company have thought about what to dress the artist in and showed bring in some style not just T.I wearing a plain suit. Furthermore with the classes it creates a less serious atmosphere as it is more relaxed and bring s style to the picture as now music is linked with fashion as artist express them selves though it though the media for there fans to look up to them. The composition and framing of the for cover shows the main image cropped. Which emphasis its just focusing on the artist and not the props, furthermore more with the white background this could reinforce this idea. Straight away the artists eyes get you drawn in as it is eye level. with how the text has been set out, it goes in levels on the pages so straight away your eyes are drawn to the top left hand corner firstly showing the actually audience with the artists name in bold at the top, in the biggest front maybe suggesting this is the most important thing. Then afterwards in red which is a symbolic and bold colour is a quite that is related to the artist featured which also show this is also important. Then your eyes goes down the left hand side then onto the right hand side which is all the writing. There is little writing with may suggest it is all about this artist and that the target audience may prefer images than more text. There is a link with the layout at the size of the font with ‘T.I’ at the top left hand corner above the artists ear and then on the left hand side wit the number ‘51’ at the bottom of the artists ear. This shows correlation and makes it more organized and shows to be done one purpose and is simple and attractive for the reader. The size of the writing is just big enough o read and to catching the audiences attention and I think with the white background and the bold basic colours help the writing do this but the main image again is emphasized to be the main topic.

5 Front Cover cont The language is very simple and it more so in lists that actually paragraphs, it is straight to the pint as it lists the artists and has not connecting words just straight to the pint short sentences that make sense to reader however are not complicated. The language grabs my attention for example ‘51 lost albums’ which is in a bold text type in capitals, however the language is very dramatic with the word ‘lost’ which grabs the audiences attention. The cover lines all link in with the type of magazine as it is a music magazine and all features o the front cover is music and artists. This shows it is directed tot here target audience of males and females who are interested in RnB music. I feel the front cover uses the male gaze in many ways as females or males may be attracted to this magazine, using a male artist females may be attracted to this and the magazine may have used this with the thought of male gaze and how advertisements have displayed male desirable male bodies. On the other hand, T.I is a well know and physically fit artist which men may look up to and be inspired by him. Furthermore another theory is Banston G and Stafford R where T.I a rapper/ RnB artist could be typically stereotyped for a man who has been brought up in a rough area and bringing bad publicity. However T.I has been dressed smartly and well in a suit which may suggest he’s wealthy and not stereotyped for the usual rapper. People who have picked up the magazine and are interested in it want to find out more and what is featured inside by the contents page. I feel this should be easy to read and Vibe have resented it in a simple and straight forward form, this lets the reader so straight to the information and features they desire.

6 Contents page With the colour of the contents page is very monotone, with only using black and white colours and grey. The image is a natural photograph and doesn’t seem to be staged. With the black and white tones it emphases the seriousness the image is trying to portray with the man who is facing straight on with showing no emotion, however still has a link with the music industry as it has ‘bling’ on showing a silver chain that you see artists wearing to show wealth and the glamour there music can get them. The image can bring emotion as the reader may feel for the man pictured as he doesn’t to show any emotion which could draw the reader in and want to know more. The font of the title ‘contents’ I think relates to the image as it shows its rigid, in capitals and bold and not with swirly, fancy writing which could emphasis the image. However on the right hand cover a small proportion of the page shows what’s going to be included in the magazine and through Vibes magazine they use the same style of writing and layout of having an arrow listing the categories. This contradicts with the serious image and the bold style of the title with the more relaxed and fun font. The image is shown to be more important with as the in front that’s going to be in actual magazine is shown to be less important as it is place right hand corner and the image take up the whole space however, with the composition I think it have been down very well as the text seems to part of the image, it links and flows with the image being in black which stands out and is clear to the audience with the lighter grey in the background but not too obvious. I think the main image relates to the target audience very well as it shows wealth and but still street style that I feel people listening to that type of genre of music would inspire to be and what they are like at the moment so they can relate with that and feel apart of it. The main who is the main subject has no make up and is all natural, no lighting to make it all glamorous it shows a real life situation that maybe the audience could relate to, however still bringing that element of wealth saying within the music industry and what comes with it and what most artist work towards and what others look up to. You eye and attention goes straight to the image of the man facing straight forward who seems to be subject even though there are people in the background they are not clear than the man in the foreground of the photograph. Furthermore your eye goes straight to the man and not to the text reinforcing that it the most important part. Like the front cover it is very simple, with one image that take up the majority of the room. With this is very clear and simple to the reader and if the reader wasn’t to know more they have to read on as the text in small which may be an advantage to the band as it may draw the reader in and want to know more. With Vibes contents page nothing really stands out for example, if there used an colour that would highlight the important parts and would grab your attention however, it all has a black and white tone which might have been done on purpose to grab the target audiences attention.

7 Double Page Spread For the double page spread the colours throughout it are the similar to the colour scheme on the front cover and the contents page of using black, white and red. However they have used an extra colour, blue, to highlight the artists name which makes it easier for the reader and furthermore colour used isn’t random it relates to the artists picture she is wearing a similar blue around her neck and on her jacket. The colours are used well as it can make it more attractive and more interesting with the colours of her clothing shown which could draw the female viewers in a they might idolize Solange Knowles and want to now her style and everything even dow to her hair colour as it may show the latest fashion and trends. Furthermore more we know she is the main subject as the image is larger than any others, however that particular image standouts as the images being of herself are just in black and white which are shown to be not as important and noticeable. The design of the double page spread is simple to the extent that is doesn’t have lot of things going on and its easy to read as there is only one main image that has a lot of white space around it. This is also good as it the text it surround her it can reinforce that the article is about this artist even wit tough reading a word which could be useful tot the reader. with the front cover and the contents page they share some similarities and differences for example, it has used the white background with the white text and with the black and white images throughout the background however the images show the artist having fun and dancing around, and not have a serious tone like both the contents page and the front cover suggests.

8 Evaluation Overall I think Vibe magazine issued for there target audience and with the compositions and the layout of every page it shows the most important feature clearly, with out making it pack and hard to read. All three pages show a straight forward layout however draws there target audience I n in many ways efficiently. Vibe magazine considers Psychologist and socialist Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as the magazine promises to fulfill customers needs with included articles that there target audience would want to read and also a feature that may interest many of the readers. When keeping to Marlow's hierarchy of needs it makes the customers feel confident and happy about the product they are buying and makes it more reliable and this would benefit the company as it would gain customers. Without meeting the needs the products may not sell and leading to an unsuccessful magazine. This may help me to when it comes to looking at my own magazine to see what the customers want to read.

9 RWD Magazine Analysis

10 Publisher: Media LTD circulation information: 34000 mission statement

11 Front Page The colours of RWD front cover is very masculine as in includes the colours: black, white and yellow. It creates a very serious mood and gives the impression it could be directed to the males audience. On the other hand with the Male gaze, men are now seen to be sold as disable objects to females. The colour yellow is used to highlight the features inside the magazine to ket the audience know and to make it more easier for them. The image is mostly taking up most of the room, with chipmunk being the artist featured in RWDs issue. The fonts used reinforces the masculinity for example, ‘Chipmunk’ is in bold and in capitals. Firstly to emphasis and make clear to the consumers how it is and to catch there and secondly to make him the most important subject on the page. Furthermore, underneath the style of the writing reminds me and straight away I think of tattoo style writing and consequently chipmunk has recently had tattoos done. This may have been done on purpose reinforce his new look and image he has recently created for himself. Additionally, to the idea of chipmunk being the main subject the photograph take up the whole. Page however they have blurred the background to give the impression that doesn’t matter only the artist, everything around it is immaterial. Furthermore, chipmunk it covering most of the title which shows he is very important that the actual brands name and this emphasizes his importance. The pose of chipmunk, shows he is showing of his new tough looking image showing he new tattoos and t emphasis him trying to create this tough image he is dressed in black which may link in. for example, if chipmunk was wearing a white top it may symbolize innocence, however black is the opposite form white which may suggest something to the reader. The pose of the artist of him looking tough and not messing around may show us the target audience of what they are aiming for, for boys into RnB stereotypically with a chain and black vest. Like Branston G and Staffords theory. Additionally, the pose he has his fist to his mouth showing a aggressive and strong pose, reinforces the hardness he is trying to get over to the readers. Likewise, with Vibes contents page the men in the photo were wearing chains which may tie in the music industry to show off there wealth and success and also bringing in fashion and shows they take care of there appearance to there readers. The artist appears to be clean and focused this may be to inspire others who look up to chipmunk and maybe to promote a good image for the fans, a confident image. With the photograph your eyes goes straight away to his, with him grabbing your attention straight away with this serious stare. The composition of the image and framing the artist doesn’t seem to appear cropped however taking most of the space on the front cover to show his masculinity. The writing, there is a small amount however it seems to fit around the artist. Like vibe there seems to be more image than text. Furthermore the text include is very small amount as they are both lists, the top right hand corner including a list of the content inside the magazine and the bottom left hand corner is a list of all the artists included in that monthly issue. This is made for the reader to find easily and let them know what is included in the magazine, listening well known artists. The text underneath the cover line ‘Chipmunk’ we see it says ‘ fills us in on his transition…” this is the only full written sentence on the page which the reader may read as it is straight underneath the cover line which the artists name and they might of done this purposely as with the language it finishes with a ellipse which may make the reader want to know more and want the to read on which will consequently get them to buy the actually magazine if they wanted to read the article. Furthermore text underneath the cover in a relates to the main image chipmunk in the music industry has gone from a boy to a man in the press, to reinforce the ‘transition’ he has done and tattoos was one way of the artists showing his growing up and the text is written in the style of tattoo text.

12 Contents page The contents page for this issue is very different from the first cover as it was very serious and had dark tones with the background image. However the contents page involves four images or different artists that are featured in the magazine, with all with lighter backgrounds. This has lifted the mood an stereotypically could now appeal to the female audience more. The colours used for the title of the categories are bright colours except the ‘Features’ cat orgy which is very interesting Chipmunk is featured under that category which shows a link between the front cover and the contents page as the front cover used darker covers, black white and yellow. However it is the complete opposite as the background colour is white and it shows a different side of the magazine and I feel has changed the atmosphere. The design of the contents page is very simples and goes in the format of a list. The images fit together well, however they all have different background colours which may suggest that they are all different and separate articles within the magazine. It is clear that this is the contents page as the title right in the middle and to where your eye goes immediately is the boldest and biggest font in black which stands out from the white background. The layout and text is simple as they list the page number with the feature beside it, making it very easy for the reader to understand and its colour categorized which is helpful and makes it more interesting against the white background. Furthermore the actual categories go in an order, for example it started of with regulars which is helpful for people who regularly buy RWD to go straight to that category to find the articles, interviews or other pages that are always included. This come under Marlow’s hierarchy of needs as it under customer satisfaction and what they expect in to find in the magazine every time and feel confident when buying the product. Next category is ‘style’ which brings in fashion within the music industry as the artists perform with various costumers and also artists now care about there appearance like we saw with chipmunk a transaction that the fans see in the news and furthermore the fans see the artists style and want to copy it. The pose, style and make up are all different for the individual photos on the contents page as they are all separate artists and bands. This shows the reader there individual style, where they show there own fashion by wearing what they want to wear or to be suited with the type of music they are trying tot promote. The language in the text is very informal and straight to the point with no long sentences, and just shows the reader what the page is about about, either with articles title or a general summery in a few words of what the page is about. Overall I think is is quite an individual page, I personally don’t know if it goes with the front cover as it would of done it differently however it had broadened the target audience as it now goes suit female readers more than the front cover.

13 Double Page Spread The double page spread straight away is eye catching with the colours used, with the black ground and the electric blue to stand out. The right hand page is very interesting as it seems to be an illustration which could catch your eyes ad what you know more. However the illustration is music related as the girl in the middle holding and umbrella id meant to be Rihanna as the same situation in her music video ‘Umbrella’ she appears to be in a triangle in that pose to be covered in gold hence the sparkles in the illustration. I think is done clearly as Rihanna is a world famous artist so it isn’t as obvious but people will recognize and realize it is Rihanna and would want know why she was in the artwork and make them read on. The design of the left hand page is more difficult that rest of the pages before as the layout is slated and have a lot of crazy and different styles of writing at the bottom which is hard to understand. However it does include the word ‘RnB’ which reinforces it target audience. We know the left hand side of the text is more important and maybe more over an overview view as it is in a bolder text than the right hand which may suggest it goes into more detail which may indicate for people and they might stop reading there as they have just had the overview of the article a don’t want to go into detail. With the language it straight away draws you in with asking a question on what the article is about and many of them readers may not no the answer of what context it is in so it they are encouraged to read on. Furthermore in the first sentence I uses three questions and says ‘says sold their soul to the devil’ by ‘conspiracy theorists’ which straight away bring mystery and excitement. Furthermore icons like Kanye West have used ‘sold their soul to the devil’ in their music and many more over the years in the music industry which shows it is a music related article. Overall, I think it draws the reader in straight away and have subtle clues it is about rnb artists in the charts however it gets the readers thinking and involved which means they haven't got it out in front of you and not to be easy its a challenge for the reader which may make them feel about of the article and magazine.

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