James Madison was elected President in 1808. Madison was elected for a second term in office and served as Commander in Chief during The War of 1812. Congress.

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Presentation on theme: "James Madison was elected President in 1808. Madison was elected for a second term in office and served as Commander in Chief during The War of 1812. Congress."— Presentation transcript:

1 James Madison was elected President in 1808. Madison was elected for a second term in office and served as Commander in Chief during The War of 1812. Congress passed the Embargo Act in 1807. This stopped trade with foreign nations, however mainly effected U.S. merchants. The problems with the Embargo Act led Congress to repeal the law and replace it with the Non-Intercourse Act in 1809. This stopped trade with only France and Britain. Congress was under pressure from the War Hawks to declare war. They were members of congress who believed the only answer to Britain's insults was to declare war. This was the first time in U.S. history that Congress declared war. Henry Clay Background Information:

2 Causes: We declared war because of impressment of American sailors. This is when Britain officials would come onto American ships. If they suspected any deserters, they would force them to work for the British navy. The next reason we declared war was because of interference with trade. During the time we declared war, Britain was currently in battle with Napoleon. This blockaded America coastline. The last reason was because of violation of neutrality.

3 We fought wars both on land and in the Great Lakes. Some of the famous battles were… Battle of Guerriere (USS Constitution defeats them) Battle of Thames commanded by General Harrison Battle of Lake Erie directed by Oliver H Perry Battle of Horseshoe Bend led by Andrew Jackson Battle of New Orleans led by Andrew Jackson

4 Treaty of Ghent was signed in Belgium on December 24, 1814. It was a relief for two nations tired of war. This ended the war, however it didn’t solve the problems of impressment or trade embargoes. After the war ended, all gained lands were restored. Further more our self- confidence increased. The fact that our young nation had stood up to Britain created pride among Americas. Finally, expansion was encouraged.

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