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Pregnancy and Childbirth By: Marisa, Violet, and Josh.

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1 Pregnancy and Childbirth By: Marisa, Violet, and Josh

2 Understanding parenting Parenting causes major changes in person’s life. – Responsibilities- that go with caring for a child – New Demands- would be made on your time, energy, money, and emotions A parent is anyone who is biologically or legally a father or mother. Parenting- using skills to care and rise a child to adulthood

3 Deciding Whether to Become a Parent Some questions you should ask your spouse before starting a family are: Are you ready to have kids? Do you want to be a mother or father? Reasons for Not Parenting – Many couples try to have kids, others decide not to have kids because they DO NOT want to commit themselves to raising a child. – Some couples choose not to have kids because of personal reasons, but some decide not to have kids because they think the world is overpopulated.

4 Deciding Whether to Become a Parent Age of the Mother – Age is one of the most important prospective to the mother. – The health and well being of the mother is also important. Parenting in the teen years – Some of the greater risks faced by young mothers include the following: Anemia, Pregnancy- induced hypertension, Placenta abruptio

5 Deciding whether to become a parent Reasons for Parenting – Considering the effect this decision will have on their lives, most couples decide they want to have children. – Healthy Reasons to having kids: They feel that they are ready to love and care for a child Personal Extension A way to pass on a part of themselves into the future Able to share their lives with a new and younger life. They can extend the family into a new generation.

6 Deciding whether to become a parent Unhealthy Reasons of having kids: People may want to parent because having kids brings prestige. Others react to outside pressures from family and friends Couple’s parents may want grandchildren Friends may encourage them to become parents so their own children have a playmate.

7 Deciding whether to become a parent Having Realistic Expectations If parent’s have unrealistic expectations they can hinder the child’s development. They may be too protective and not allow the child a chance to learn to do things alone. But they may not be protective enough, which could result in the child getting hurt. Qualities Needed by Parents – Being Emotionally Mature As people mature, their emotions become more stable. Children respond to the parent’s emotions Emotions are communicated to children even without words.

8 Deciding whether to become a parent Giving Unconditional Love – Unconditional love is the parent’s ability to love their children under any circumstance. Being Flexible – Parent- Child relationships will change throughout the life cycle. – During the early years, the children depend on their parents – As children grow, they learn to meet some of their own needs. – As teens, they need to take more responsibilities for themselves and for their actions. Through all these changes parents need to be flexible, they must be willing and able to change as the child grows

9 Pregnancy and Childbirth

10 Signs of Pregnancy Pregnancy is the condition of carrying a developing child within the uterus. It begins with conception and implantation. – Pregnancy Tests The most accurate test of pregnancy is a chemical test. It is most accurate if used at least 7-10 days after the missed menstrual period.

11 Prenatal Development The period of time from conception until birth. – The support Systems Once the Zygote implants itself into the uterine wall, the support systems begin to function. – Support system consists of four parts: the amniotic sac, amniotic fluid, placenta, and umbilical cord. – The Amniotic Sac and Fluid » Amniotic Sac-a membrane that surrounds and protects the baby until birth. » Amniotic Fluid-inside the sac; acts as a cushion for the fetus to protect against injury.

12 – The Placenta » An organ in which the mother’s blood vessels meet with the baby’s. The mother’s blood doesn’t mix with the baby’s blood. Instead, oxygen and nutrients pass through the walls of the blood vessels to the baby. – The Umbilical Cord » Connects the placenta to the embryo This cord of blood vessels also carries oxygen, nutrients, and anti-bodies to the growing baby. – The Embryo Stage Specific development takes place during this time. – The heart, eyes, and ears must appear during this stage.

13 – The Fetal Stage Last from the third month to birth. – Organs grow and function; the systems that were laid down in the embryo stage develop and work together.

14 Prenatal Care Mother’s need to keep themselves in good health because the fetus’ environment is controlled by the mother’s body. (Avoid substances that could harm you or your unborn baby.) – Professional Health Care During Pregnancy As soon as a woman thinks she is pregnant, she should call for an appointment with her doctor. At the first visit, the doctor usually gives the mother a complete physical exam. Once Pregnancy is confirmed, the doctor will estimate a due date for the baby’s birth. Regular medical checkups throughout pregnancy are important for the mother and her developing baby. – Sources of Health Care » Obstetrician-gynecologist-provides medical and surgical care to women » Family practitioner-medical doctor who provides health care for all family members » Certified nurse-midwife (CNM)-registered nurse who is trained to provide health care for normal pregnancies and births.

15 – Diet and Nutrition A woman should not wait until pregnancy is confirmed before starting to eat healthful foods. – Eat a Well-Balanced Diet » During the months or pregnancy, a mother’s diet should follow a food plan for a balanced diet. – Weight Gain During her regular prenatal checks, the mother is monitored for her weight gain. (Average gain of 25-35 pounds is recommended) – Exercise Regular exercise is important for the general health and well- being of the pregnant mother. – Rest and Sleep Pregnant woman may become tired more easily and need extra rest. (eight hours of sleep each night with a short rest during the day can help a mother-to-be handle fatigue)

16 – Handling Stress A pregnant mother should try to avoid long periods of continued stress. – High degrees of stress produce physical changes in you body. – Illness Complications caused by illness sometimes occur. – The causes vary, but include infectious diseases or poor prenatal care and nutrition. Common Infectious Diseases – Infectious diseases that a mother may contract can damage the fetus. STDs – Must be treated to protect both the mother and the baby. » It is very important that the doctor know the woman is pregnant before treatment is given. Gestational Diabetes – Develop during pregnancy » Can be detected through a glucose screening at 15 to 18 weeks.

17 Toxemia – Is the presence of toxic substances in the blood. » Poor prenatal care and poor nutrition are linked to this condition. Rh Factor – A protein substance found in the blood, can also affect a baby’s health. » Protein is inherited – Use of Drugs If the mother uses drugs during her pregnancy, the baby will be affected. – The baby’s liver is not able to break down drugs until some time after birth. The developing baby has no way to get rid of the drug or its effects. – Other Harmful Effects Tobacco, alcohol, and exposure to radiation pose serious health risks for a pregnant woman. (all have long-term effects on the developing baby) The Effects of Smoking – Tobacco smoke contains poisonous gases that enter the mother’s bloodstream, pass through the placenta, and enter the fetal bloodstream. » Two of these harmful gases are nicotine and carbon monoxide.

18 – Testing for Birth Disorders Conditions such as high blood pressure or fluid retention alert the doctor to possible complications. AFP Screening – A pregnant woman can choose to have an AFP blood test done between the fifteenth and eighteenth weeks of pregnancy. » Measures the amount of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) produced by the baby and passed to the mother’s blood. Ultrasound – Involves the use of sound waves that bounce off the fetus. » Doctors can use this test to learn about the position, size, and development of the fetus. Amniocentesis – Detects birth defects » A sample of the amniotic fluid is removed from the mother’s uterus. The Couple’s Relationship During Pregnancy – A couple may work at providing a healthy environment for their unborn baby. – The Emotional Effects of Pregnancy The couple’s relationship can affect the way they adjust to and handle the changes of pregnancy.

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