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Syllabus Review CEM131 – Introductory Chemistry. A Little Perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Syllabus Review CEM131 – Introductory Chemistry. A Little Perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Syllabus Review CEM131 – Introductory Chemistry

2 A Little Perspective

3 2011-2012 Grades

4 2005-2012 Grades

5 Assessment and Grades

6 800 Points Total Final Grade is determined as a percentage of the total grade. The total number of points may be changed, with notice, for pedagogic or andragogic reasons.

7 500 Points for Exams There are six exams, your best four grades count for the final grade. While you are not required to take all six exams, please look on these as a way to deal with life’s little inconveniences, rather than as a way of compensating for a lack of studying.

8 190 Points for Daily Quizzes There will be between 20-25 daily quizzes in the class. These quizzes are short ten (10) point affairs. You will have ten-fifteen minutes at the beginning of class for the quizzes and the quiz total will be calculated out of 190 points for the term.

9 110 Points for Lab The lab component of the course is fairly routine and a way to use the course theory in practical application. Your participation in the lab is required and failure to participate will lower your grade.

10 Grade Scale 4.0 = 100% - 90.0% 3.5 = 89.9% - 85.0% 3.0 = 84.9% - 80.0% 2.5 = 79.9% - 75.0% 2.0 = 74.9% - 70.0% 1.5 = 69.9% - 65.0% 1.0 = 60.0% - 64.9% 0.5 = 50.0% - 59.9%

11 Course Policies

12 Extra Credit and Make Up Work There is none. Plain and simple, any deviations from this are at my discretion.

13 Attendance Policy for the Course You will be dropped from the course (or failed after the last drop date) if you fail to complete two (2) exams or attend three (3) or more labs.

14 Incomplete Requests This is the single most misunderstood policy in any of my courses. As such, here are the minimum requirements for an incomplete.

15 Significant and Extenuating Circumstance Incompletes are not because a student fails to attend or isn’t happy with their performance, but rather for life’s experiences that cannot be circumvented.

16 Passing Grade at the time of the Request When you get an Incomplete your grades to that point carry over to the Incomplete, so you must be passing in order to get an Incomplete.

17 Regular Attendance Incompletes are not meant for students that do not attend class.

18 90% of the assessments complete The Incomplete is meant for students with extenuating circumstances where the very end of a course cannot be completed.

19 Office Hours and Contact

20 Email: Expect a response from me within 48 hours, but I reserve the right to not reply within twelve hours of a test or assessment.

21 Phone: Don’t bother… I hate phones… no seriously, I hate them. Besides, I prefer to have conversations in person or in writing so that they are not subject to interpretation.

22 Office: 136A McDivitt

23 OfficeLab

24 Office Hours: T: 10:30-12:30 W: 10:30-12:30 & 2:30-3:30 R: 10:30-12:30 & 2:30-3:30 I’ll be around other times, these are just the hours I guarantee I’ll be here.

25 Website: JetNet and I have a distinct dislike for each other, so I run everything off my blog. Nothing here is required, but it helps.

26 Final Thoughts

27 Some people think of me like this…


29 Honestly, I am a little more like this…


31 But in the end, I want you all to succeed…


33 The question is do YOU want to put in the effort?

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