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Collaborative Project: Character Analysis. First Part Characterize your character using the five traits we have learned about.  Each trait should have.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborative Project: Character Analysis. First Part Characterize your character using the five traits we have learned about.  Each trait should have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborative Project: Character Analysis

2 First Part Characterize your character using the five traits we have learned about.  Each trait should have it’s on slide.

3 First Part Continued….. Your presentation can be on keynote, power-point, prezi, or any other presentation database.

4 Part Two: Charater Development You will share the development of your character in the form of a timeline.

5 Part Two Continued …. Ideas You can make the timeline a continuation of your characterization presentation You can make the timeline a continuation of your characterization presentation complete a timeline i- movie complete a timeline i- movie you can act out scenes to show the characters development. you can act out scenes to show the characters development. Use illustrators illustrations Use illustrators illustrations

6 Suggestions  I would suggest that each group member is assigned specific chapters, to analyze the characters development (6 members-2 chapters each)

7 Part 3: Movie Trailer  Create a trailer for the novel you read. -must have at least 30 seconds of live acting -music -it should summarize the novel (no spoilers)

8 How will you be graded? I will use the presentation rubric to grade you and the character analysis rubric. I will use the presentation rubric to grade you and the character analysis rubric. Everyone must have a part. You will be graded individually and as a group (two grades). Everyone must have a part. You will be graded individually and as a group (two grades).

9 Wrap Up!  Three presentations  Total time should be 7 minutes no less than 3 minutes  Due October 6 th

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