Clever Connectives Complete each of the sentences with a Clever Connective. If you can match my choice you’ll earn yourself a team point!

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Presentation on theme: "Clever Connectives Complete each of the sentences with a Clever Connective. If you can match my choice you’ll earn yourself a team point!"— Presentation transcript:


2 Clever Connectives Complete each of the sentences with a Clever Connective. If you can match my choice you’ll earn yourself a team point!


4 Clever Connectives But or So? Louie was starving _____ Charlie made him a tasty sandwich. butso

5 Clever Connectives But or So? Ellen loves snail sandwiches ____ doesn’t like eating her crusts! but so

6 Clever Connectives But or So? It was nearly the 5 th November ____ Dylan and Leo made a fabulous Guy. butso

7 Sophie loved watching the fireworks ____ she was scared of the enormous explosions! but so Clever Connectives But or So?

8 Jack was extremely brave ____ he climbed to the top of the tree. butso Clever Connectives But or So?

9 Clever Connectives Before or Because Jamie was cross ________ Joseph had broken his favourite barbie doll! beforebecause

10 Clever Connectives Before or Because? Giselle finished her story _______ carefully checking all her spellings. before because

11 Clever Connectives Before or Because? Kyra read her magazine __________ putting the light out at bedtime. before because

12 Clever Connectives Before or Because Ben was made captain _________ he was the best footballer in Year 4. because

13 Clever Connectives Otherwise or Although? “Brush your teeth _____________ you might end up with fillings!” warned William’s mum. otherwise although

14 Clever Connectives Otherwise or Although? Maddy ate the chocolate bar ________ she should’ve asked Summer first! (it was hers) otherwise although

15 Clever Connectives Otherwise or Although? Chloe scored a fabulous goal _________ it was in the other team’s goal! otherwise although

16 Clever Connectives Otherwise or Although? Daniel ran like the wind ___________ the escaped lion would have caught him! otherwise although

17 Joseph couldn’t believe his eyes ______ Benjamin had tidied his bedroom for him. Clever Connectives But or So Before or Because Otherwise or Although? Joseph couldn’t believe his eyes because Benjamin had tidied his bedroom for him.

18 Clever Connectives But or So Before or Because Otherwise or Although? Mr Hanlon called the register in a strange foreign accent ______ he began the ‘Big Write’. Mr Hanlon called the register in a strange foreign accent before he began the ‘Big Write’.

19 Clever Connectives But or So Before or Because Otherwise or Although? Mr Antell opened the door quickly ____ James could carry the Liverpool trophy in to the hall. James knew he had to be careful _________ the European Cup would be dented. so otherwise

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