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Taboo- Mid-term review Created by Cas Alldred 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Taboo- Mid-term review Created by Cas Alldred 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taboo- Mid-term review Created by Cas Alldred 2008

2 How to play You will see a series of clues about a vocabulary word. Try to figure out what the word is before you get to the last clue. You can print these off- 9 slides per page, cut them out and play a game with a partner. We are going to play this as a whole class, students are to write down their answers- spelling does not count!

3 mitosis Body cells Reproduction 46 -->46 Anaphase My toe

4 Photosynthesis Makes glucose Needs Carbon dioxide autotrophs Uses sunlight plants

5 mitochondria Cell organelle ATP Power-house Cellular respiration purple

6 producer Not us photosynthesis Same as autotroph plants Produce own food

7 Kingdom Animalia Fungi Protista Archaebacteria plantea

8 Hybrid Not pure The opposite of pure Car Heterozygous Rr

9 Meiosis Sex cells Reproduction Asexual Cell Not mitosis

10 Genetically modified GM Altered DNA rearranged crops

11 Sexual reproduction Heredity Two parents Results in offspring Not identical

12 DNA Watson & crick Enzyme Phosphate Double helix ATGC

13 Ask a question Start 1st step Beginning Scientific method

14 Cytoplasm Jell-O Surrounds Gel-like Organelle cell

15 Fungi Decomposers Yeast Eukaryotic Mushrooms kingdom

16 Sperm X or Y Boy or girl 23 chromosomes XY sex cell

17 Offspring Young baby Result of reproduction Child Duckling Result of fertilization

18 ATP mitochondria Energy Active Cells Cellular respiration

19 Hypothesis Educated Guess 3rd step Scientific method After you research a question

20 Homeostasis Internal Stable Balance sweating

21 Punnett squares 4 boxes Geno Pheno square

22 Scientific method Ask a ? Hypothesis Analyze data Conclusion Used to answer questions

23 Egg Woman XX Only the X 23 chromosomes Sex cell

24 Type AB Receiver Not type A Not type O Blood Can receive anyone’s blood

25 Protista Odd ones Misfits Algae Paramecium Junk drawer-kingdom

26 Sugar Example-glucose Tasty Cellular respiration Result of photosynthesis Needed to make ATP

27 Homozygous Not hybrid RR Alleles -same pure

28 Stimulus Reaction Sudden Effect Lights off-iris to get smaller

29 Asexual One parent Fission, mitosis Identical to parent Bacteria Yeast-budding

30 Alleles Letters Genotype Punnett squares Tt

31 Type O Universal donor Not type B Not type A blood

32 cloning Ex: cutting Molly Alike DNA

33 cells Organelles Make tissues Eukaryotic Prokaryotic Building blocks

34 Cell wall Structure Cellulose Chitin Plants & fungi Not cell membrane

35 nucleus President Controlling Nucleolus Center Boss

36 phenotype Physical Traits Hair color Opposite of genotype

37 Active transport Uses energy Substance across cell mem Low to high Endocytosis & exocytosis

38 Animalia Kingdom Eukaryotic Multicelled Most complex sexual

39 Archaebacteria Kingdom Prokaryotic Unicellular Extreme oldest

40 Selective breeding Poodle Racing horses Genetics Evolution Humans choose

41 carnivore Consumer Tiger Not a rabbit Meat eater

42 chlorophyll Plants Photosynthesis Organelle Chloroplast green

43 community Populations Biotic Interactions of population Not an ecosystem

44 Consumer Humans Not plants Herbivores Heterotroph carnivore

45 Dichotomous key 2 questions A or B Identify Yes or no

46 diffusion osmosis High to low particles Gas, liquid or solid

47 Endocytosis Active transport Large particles Vesicles Brought into the cell

48 Eukaryotic Cell Animal With a boss Not Bacteria Not prokaryotic

49 Endocytosis Active transport Large particles Vesicles Brought into the cell

50 Pedigree chart O = girl Square= boy Shows a trait from generations Dog food

51 osmosis Water Cell membrane Diffusion ____ Jones- movie

52 organ Cells Tissues Stomach Heart liver

53 organelle Cells Vacuole Job Chloroplast ribosome

54 Thymine DNA Bases G - C Adenine-

55 Golgi complex UPS Organelle Vesicles Packages things Goldish color

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