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Organelles and Their Function

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1 Organelles and Their Function


3 Animal Cell Figure 7-5 Plant and Animal Cells Section 7-2
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4 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles and Function
Nucleus Nickname: “The Brain” Function: holds the DNA (the genetic info!)

5 Nucleus Which type of cell has a nucleus? Eukaryotic or Prokaryotic

6 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles and Function
Ribosomes Function: Assembles proteins

7 Eukaryotic cell organelles & function
2 Types: Rough ER: Rough appearance because it has ribosomes Function: makes and packages proteins (protein synthesis) Smooth ER: NO ribosomes Function: storage & makes membrane lipids 3. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

8 Rough ER works with the Golgi

9 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles and Function
Golgi complex Nickname: Post office Function: packages, modifies (changes), and transports proteins inside in and out of the cell Vesicles

10 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles and Function
Lysosomes: circular, but bigger than ribosomes Function: break down food using enzymes What is the lysosome like?

11 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles and Function
Mitochondria Nickname: “The Powerhouse” Function: Cellular respiration: makes (ATP) for cell activities Breaks down glucose to make ATP= cell respiration! ATP: is the major fuel for all cell activities that require energy

12 Eukaryotic cell organelles
7. Centrioles Make microtubules (provide structure for cell) Helps with cell division (mitosis) which occurs on microtubules

13 Eukaryotic cell structures
8. Cytoplasm Fluid that fills the cell 9. Cytoskeleton Give the cell structure (microtubules) The cell’s “skeleton”

14 Eukaryotic cell organelles
10. Cell (plasma) Membrane “Police man” Lets things in and out of cell Semi fluid boundary

15 Eukaryotic cell organelles
11. Vacuole Storage Not as prominent as plants vacuole

16 Protista: paramecium have a contractile vacuole to help get rid of too much water

17 Animal Cell

18 Now let’s talk about organelles only found in PLANT Cells!!

19 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles and Function
Water Vacuole Function: stores water & salts When there is no water, the plant wilts

20 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles and Function
Chloroplast Function: Photosynthesis! makes glucose for the plant cell Green in color because of chlorophyll, which is a green pigment

21 Eukaryotic Cell Organelles and Function
Cell Wall Function: provides support and protects cell membrane Made of cellulose Found outside the cell membrane in plant cells

22 Plant Cell

23 Prokaryotic Cell

24 Vocab cards Write word & draw picture on one side
Write function on the other When finished, play card game with a partner and a vocab checker.

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