The First Successful English Colony. 1587 Colony off the coast of present- day North Carolina. Leader John White left to England for more supplies.

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1 The First Successful English Colony


3 1587 Colony off the coast of present- day North Carolina. Leader John White left to England for more supplies. When White returned the colonists disappeared. Carved on a doorpost CROATOAN!!!!

4  Until this day no one knows what happen to the colony????

5  After Raleigh’s failure with Roanoke, individual people stopped funding colonies  Joint stock companies started a business in which investors combine their money in order to make a profit  London Company (founded Jamestown)  Plymouth Company (Plymouth Mass)  Once a joint stock company got a charter, they could establish a colony a written contract from a government that gave the companies permission to create a colony

6  First permanent English settlement with more than 100 colonists  Began with problem Bad location- swampy Disease- malaria- carrying mosquitoes Spent more time mining for gold than building a settlement or planting crops  Climate Summer- hot and humid Winter- bitter cold  Gentlemen: did not work with their hands/labor.

7  Only 38 of the original 100 were still alive  John Smith takes over in January Made physical improvements  built a protective wall around the colony Got colonists working  “He that will not work shall not eat.” Improved relations with Powhatan Indians  Got them to trade corn with the settlers Injured in an explosion and had to leave in 1609 That same year about 500 more settlers arrived

8  Growing tensions with Indians Indians stopped trading food Increased attacks on the settlers  Colonists afraid to leave fort  Starving Time Colonists ate rats, mice, snakes & people  Only 60 survived in 1610 The next spring they were saved again  Supply ships brought food, more settlers, and soldiers  a new governor who imposed more discipline

9  John Rolfe arrives with a crop that will make Jamestown rich a high grade version of tobacco tobacco became a cash crop  a crop grown in order to be sold for money instead of personal use (food, clothes, shelter, etc.)  Became widespread and popular

10  Colony became more of a business than a colony Colonists seen as employees Colonists wanted their share of the profit  Virginia Company eventually let settlers own land This caused them to work even harder on harvesting tobacco  First African American slaves came  Population more than tripled in 2 years  More workers were needed but not many people could afford the passage  Indentured servitude was also a way to increase the amount of workers a person who sold his or her labor in exchange for passage to America after they paid the money back they were free to own their own land

11  John Rolf married Pocahontas.  Perhaps to bring peace between Natives and English.  John Rolf dies in Indian attack.  Pocahontas goes to England and at young age dies of small pox.

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