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Nine Circles of Tennis Hell Mary Prouse Period 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Nine Circles of Tennis Hell Mary Prouse Period 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nine Circles of Tennis Hell Mary Prouse Period 2

2 First Circle: Animal like Noises Grunting! Players want to hit the ball harder, so they scream/shriek/grunt. However, grunting is annoying and a distraction for the opponent.

3 Second Circle: Breaking a String Breaking a string can happen any time during a match. –Pace –Spin The point continues even if a player breaks a string.

4 Third Circle: No Court Time It is frustrating when one shows up to hit, and all of the courts are taken. It is even worse in the winter, since there are fewer courts available.

5 Fourth Circle: Double Faulting A double fault is when both serves are either out or hit into the net. The server loses the point before it even begins.

6 Fifth Circle: Bad Doubles Partner A bad doubles partner can lose the match even if the other player is Roger Federer. The opponents will quickly realize the ‘bad’ partner and hit the ball to him/her more often.

7 Sixth Circle: The Ball Dropping Over the Net One of the most unlucky shots to receive in tennis The ball bounces off the net cord and falls. No amount of speed will get one to the ball.

8 Seventh Circle: Annoying Fans Tennis is suppose to be a quiet game. However, there are annoying fans who cheer after every point. The worst is when the ball is hit into the net, and the crowd goes wild.

9 Eighth Circle: Losing No one likes to lose, but it happens in every sport. Like all losses, some are easier to take than others. Inevitably, everyone loses just like Rafael Nadal, the former number one.

10 Ninth Circle: Cheaters Playing a cheater is the only thing worse than losing, because there is always the question: What could have been? There are not officials during most matches, so calls are based on honesty.

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