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Ch.2 Mental Health Lesson 1 “What is Mental Health?” Health Ed.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.2 Mental Health Lesson 1 “What is Mental Health?” Health Ed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.2 Mental Health Lesson 1 “What is Mental Health?” Health Ed.

2 Mental Health Accepting and liking oneself; adapting to and coping with the emotions, challenges, and changes that are a part of everyday life

3 Mental Health does not mean always feeling happy. People that are mentally healthy are able to deal with their emotions People with good mental health adapt well to change

4 A person with good mental health is….. Able to meet the demands of life- able to deal with everyday problems; asking for help when big problems arise Feels good about himself/herself- not overwhelmed by their emotions for long periods of time Feels comfortable with other people- allowing other people to get close to you and for you to get close to them

5 Having a high level of self-esteem promotes good health (remember psycho-nuero-immunology, the mind, body, immune system connection)

6 Feedback Messages from others that tell you how they feel about you (parents, siblings, coaches)/ can be positive or negative

7 Positive vs. Negative A person who receives positive feedback probably has a higher self-esteem and mental health than a person who has received mostly negative feed back Someone who has received mostly negative feedback may be more likely to have a fragile mental health. They may misinterpret the feedback they receive from others, sometimes assuming messages are negative when they are not

8 Ch. 2 lesson / lesson 2 “Understanding Your Needs, Understanding Your Personality” Health ed.

9 Maslow Abraham Maslow was a psychologist from America. He studied human development and came up with group of needs that he felt all people needed He said that all human needs include biological and more complex needs

10 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 1- Physical 2- Emotional a. Need to be Loved b. Need to Belong c. Need to valued/recognized

11 3- Aesthetic needs- responding to or appreciating that which is beautiful 4- Self-Fulfillment/ Self Actualization- reaching your full potential

12 Personality Complex set of characteristics that make you unique and distinguishes you from others. This includes all of your traits, attitudes, feelings, and behavior

13 Personality Types 1)Type A – achievement oriented, tend to stress out easily 2)Type B – laid back, do not tend to get overly worried or anxious, can be considered lazy. 3)Type AB – “ ideal personality type” combination of the two, sets realistic goals, can adapt to change

14 Extroversion vs. Introversion Extravert- someone who is outgoing with meeting and interacting with others Introvert- someone who is more quiet and shy

15 “ If you don’t know what an extrovert is thinking you haven’t been listening. But, if you don’t know what an introvert is thinking, you haven’t asked.”

16 Thinking vs. Feeling Thinking- logical in their reactions Feelings- reacts to information and situations according to their emotions

17 Factors the influence the development of your personality 1)Heredity 2)Environment 3)Personal values

18 Personal values- principles that you find important and that guide the decisions that you make and the life that you live ( Have students create their own personal mission statement )

19 Ch. 2 / lesson 3 “Understanding Emotions” Health Ed.

20 Emotions Feelings that influence your thinking and behavior Emotions themselves are neither healthy nor unhealthy. However, how you express your emotions can either be healthy or unhealthy

21 Hormones Chemical produced by the body that cause physical and emotional changes Chemicals are produced to the endocrine system by glands and ducts Examples: -Progesterone, Testosterone

22 The key is to recognize and express your feelings in an appropriate manner. Expressing your emotions in a positive way is a learned behavior. Food and Moods- pg 38/ laugher- pg. 37

23 A look into two common emotions… Fear Fear is the bodies natural response to danger. When you experience fear, your nervous system relays a message to your brain that danger is present. You body responds by getting itself ready for action This is called the flight or fight response Most fear is learned (except the fear of falling and of loud noises)

24 Healthy ways to deal with fear………… Major fears- turn to pg. 40

25 Anger Anger is a natural response the body has when a person become frustrated. The important thing to keep in mind is to express your anger in constructive ways and not to explode. Some positive ways to deal with anger….. (pg. 41)

26 Strong emotions produce tension in the body. If this tension does not go away the body becomes exhausted

27 What are some ways to deal with your emotions in a healthy way… Journal (pg. 42) Develop a hobby you enjoy Do physical exercise Listen to music Call a friend

28 To properly handle your emotions you must 1- identify the emotion 2- identify the source of the emotion 3- express the emotion in a constructive way

29 It is not what happens to you, but rather your attitude to what happens to you. Lincoln story


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