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FLOWER PARTS. STAMEN Male part of the flower Made up of two parts –Anther –Filament.

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2 STAMEN Male part of the flower Made up of two parts –Anther –Filament

3 Anther & Filament Anther –Top of stamen –Has pollen on itFilament –This is the stalk of the Anther

4 PISTIL Female part of the flower Made up of 3 parts –Stigma –Style –Ovary

5 Stigma, Style, & Ovary Stigma –covered in a sticky substance that the pollen grains will stick to Style –Tube where the pollen goes Ovary –Once fertilization has taken place it will become the fruit

6 PETALS used to attract insects into the flower

7 SEPALS protect the flower while the flower is developing from a bud

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