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Kill the Trade Union Bill Protect your collective rights.

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Presentation on theme: "Kill the Trade Union Bill Protect your collective rights."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kill the Trade Union Bill Protect your collective rights

2 What Have the Unions Ever Done for Us? Health and safety, an end to child labour, equal pay for women, negotiate on pay, sick pay and sick leave a right to challenge bullying and harassment, maternity rights … and much, much more.much more

3 Attacking 3 core rights The right to organise The right to bargain The right to strike

4 Our Concerns: Facilities Time Trade union facility time and facilities are used to: represent members both individually and collectively Negotiate with employers Review policies Accompany members at sickness absence meetings, grievance and disciplinary meetings The Bill will mean a reduction in your unions ability to represent you.

5 Our Concerns: Thresholds 50% of those eligible to vote must do so. in six sectors industrial action will be lawful only if it is supported by at least 40% of those eligible to vote in the ballot. There will be no option to be able to use e-balloting.

6 Our Concerns: Attack on the right to strike 14 days notice of a strike Mandate will only last 4 months Agency workers will be used requiring a union official to oversee pickets and have a letter of authorisation on them at all times Union official to wear an arm band

7 Our Concerns: Political Funds The NUT not affiliated to a political party and is independent of any political parties. The political fund is used for campaign activities against political parties and their candidates who promote racist, fascist and other views beyond election periods. to encourage members or groups of members to register to vote.

8 Our Concerns: Regulation The Certification Officer will be given powers to: Investigate unions Confiscate membership records Impose fines Charge unions to cover costs

9 What can we do? Lobby and rally Monday 2 nd November, Westminster Write to your MP Contact local media Petition your MP Run a stall Spread the word online

10 Kill the Trade Union Bill Protect your collective rights

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