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Documents of Destiny. 1.) Allied/Central Powers Allied Power: England, France and Russia (eventually U.S. and Italy) Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary,

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Presentation on theme: "Documents of Destiny. 1.) Allied/Central Powers Allied Power: England, France and Russia (eventually U.S. and Italy) Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Documents of Destiny

2 1.) Allied/Central Powers Allied Power: England, France and Russia (eventually U.S. and Italy) Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria U.S. – remains neutral until 1917

3 2.) Lusitania It was a British ship sunk by German u-boats (submarines)

4 3.) Nat’l Defense Act Warm-up yesterday

5 U.S. entry to war German submarines sunk 5 U.S. ships Zimmerman Note – Germany proposed Mexico join Central Powers

6 Declaration of War April 4, 1917

7 Selective Service Act Made it mandatory for men ages 21-30 to register with local draft board

8 Espionage and Sedition Acts Avoid the overthrow of gov’t by radical groups Prohibit public from saying/writing anything disloyal about gov’t

9 Russia - 1917 Overthrow Czar Nicholas II Communist Revolution

10 Schenck Passed out pamphlets telling those drafted to avoid service to their country

11 Methods/Weapons Submarines Planes Big Bertha (cannon) Poisonous gas

12 Fighting End November 1918

13 Death toll 8.5 million

14 14 Points Created by President Wilson 1-9 (Self-determination) 10-13 (Causes of modern warfare) Final Point: League of Nations

15 Big Four – Treaty of Versailles Wilson: U.S. George: England Clemenceau: France Orlando: Italy

16 Outcome of Treaty of Versailles German disarmament Forced to admit full responsibility of war Made to pay 6 billion in reparations

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