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The Americans Next Chapter 2 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Spain establishes an American empire, devastating native populations.

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Presentation on theme: "The Americans Next Chapter 2 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Spain establishes an American empire, devastating native populations."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Americans Next Chapter 2 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Spain establishes an American empire, devastating native populations. England forces the Dutch from North America and establishes thirteen colonies. The American Colonies Emerge

2 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 The American Colonies Emerge SECTION 1 Spain’s Empire in the Americas SECTION 2 An English Settlement at Jamestown SECTION 3 Puritan New England SECTION 4 Settlement of the Middle colonies

3 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Throughout the 1500s and 1600s, the Spanish conquer Central and portions of North America. Spain’s Empire in the Americas Section-1

4 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Cortés Subdues the Aztec Conquistadors (conquerors)— Spanish explorers, seek gold, silver 1519 Hernándo Cortés leads army into Americas, claims land for Spain Aztec dominate region; Nahua people who resent Aztec join Cortés Montezuma thinks Cortés a god; gives him share of Aztec gold In 1520 Aztec rebel; in 1521 Spanish and their allies defeat Aztec Cortés founds Mexico City, New Spain colony on Tenochtitlán ruins The Spanish Claim a New Empire Spain’s Empire in the Americas Section-1 Continued…

5 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 5 Cortes & The Aztecs Hernan Cortes: Spanish Conquistador *1519 conquered the Aztec Empire in central Mexico

6 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 6 Aztecs believed the conquistadors were gods: therefore their religious belief helped to defeat the Aztecs. Didn’t want to make Gods Angry.

7 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 7 Cortes gathered an army of American Indian Allies to defeat Montezuma (ruler of Aztecs). Montezuma, last Emperor of the Aztecs, 16th century

8 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Spanish Pattern of Conquest Spanish settlers mostly men, called peninsulares; marry native women Mestizo—person of mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry Landlords use encomienda—force natives to farm, ranch, mine Priests object, encomienda abolished; Africans brought as slaves The Spanish Claim a New Empire {continued} Section-1

9 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 9

10 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 10 New Spain’s Economic System *Encomiendia System: the Spanish “Crown” est. this system as a way to reward settlers for their service to the “crown.” *This system gave Spanish settlers the right to tax local American Indians and force them to work. In exchange the settlers were supposed to provide, protect, & teach. In addition the encomenderos were also expected to convert the Indians to Christianity.

11 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 11 Econ System Cont. *Spain brought enslaved African Americans to New Spain as a result of : -the American Indian resistance, -high death rates from disease, - lack of success of the econ. sys. in the Caribbean.

12 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 12 Spain had 3 different types of settlements in their territories in New Spain 1. Pueblos: served as trading posts & centers of government. 2. Missions: Catholic priests started missions to convert local American Indians to Catholicism. 3. Presidios: military forts built by Spanish to protect towns & missions. Many were built in BORDERLAND areas-Florida & Texas(present day) -Example: St. Augstine

13 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 13

14 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Other Countries Explore North America England, France, Netherlands sponsor voyages in 1500s and 1600s Exploring Florida Pedro Menéndez de Avilés expels French, founds St. Augustine (1565) Section-1 The Conquistadors Push North

15 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 Juan Ponce de Leon -Juan Ponce de Leon: 1513 discovers & explored Florida& names it La Florida(“Land of Flowers”) - searching for the Fountain of Youth & riches. -Made the 1 st recorded sea voyage to what is now the USA/ Florida 15

16 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 16 Hernando De Soto & Cabeza de Vaca De Soto: Explored Florida, but began to travel North through such states as Alabama, Mississippi & North Carolina hoping to find riches 1 st European to cross the MS. River. De Vaca: along with a Moor named Estevancio explored Texas & New Mexico for 8 years for Spain.

17 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 DeSoto 17

18 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Settling the Southwest In 1540, Francisco Vásquez de Coronado leads expedition to Southwest Pedro de Peralta, governor of New Mexico, Spain’s northern holdings He helps found Santa Fe (1609–1610); several missions built in area * Santa Fe: founded in 1609 was one of the most important settlements in the borderlands.* Center of Trade in Southwest.

19 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Previous The Americans Chapter 2 19 The end of the Spain’s Golden Age was caused by: Spain= European country that profited the most from land & wealth it discovered in N.America during the 1500s. King Phillip assembled the Spanish Armada to Defeat England, BUT Armada defeated by England. *Economic problems such as high inflation & the defeat of the Armada led to the end of Spain’s Golden Age. Spanish colonization came to an end as it lost power in the “New World”

20 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Conflict in New Mexico Priests convert many Native Americans, try to suppress their culture In 1670s Spanish force natives to pay tribute, do labor for missions Popé’s Rebellion Pueblo religious leader Popé heads uprising in New Mexico (1680) Pueblo destroy Spanish churches, execute priests, force Spanish out Spanish armies regain area 14 years later Section-1 Resistance to the Spanish

21 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 -Late 1500s: English attempt to strengthen their claims in North America by sending expeditions to start colonies.-like Roanoke & Jamestown -Sir Walter Raleigh: Claimed present day Virginia & North Carolina for England. -1585: Roanoke, VA, an attempt by English to found a settlement in North America, was deserted by English settlers by 1587 -Historians are not sure what happened to the settlers & colony. – still a mystery. -CROATOAN: word found by English carved in tree at Roanoke. Don’t know what it means. -English attempt to strengthen their claims in North America in the late 1500s by sending expeditions to start colonies.-like Roanoke An English Settlement at Roanoke & Jamestown Section-2

22 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 The Business of Colonization Joint-stock companies—investors fund colony, get profits, reduces the risks of business, share profits & losses In 1607, Virginia Company sends 150 people to found Jamestown - *** Jamestown: first permanent English settlement in North America is founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. English Settlers Struggle in North America Section-2 An English Settlement at Jamestown Continued…

23 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2

24 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 A Disastrous Start Colonists seek gold rather than establishing a permanent settlement, SO they suffer from disease and hunger. - High Disease & High Death Rates obstruct growth of colony until 1670 John Smith: forces colonists to farm & provides strong leadership skills to colony; gets help from Powhatan people *(1609) : 600 colonists arrive; Powhatan destroy farms; Beginning of “starving time” in Jamestown

25 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 25 Capt. John Smith **Capt. John Smith main function in the Virginia colony was providing his skills of strong leadership.

26 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 JOHN ROLFE **1612: John Rolfe develops new strain of tobacco in the Virginia colony; colony began to economically thrive due to EXPORT of tobacco(brown gold) to England Export= 1.5 million pounds by late 1620s & huge profits The English enjoyed smoking (pastime since 1560s). The English enjoyed smoking (pastime since 1560s). - -1614: John Rolfe married Pocahontas: created a temporary peace btwn. English & Powhatan Indians

27 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 “Brown Gold” and Indentured Servants Tobacco becomes profitable; export 1.5 million pounds by late 1620s -* Exporting tobacco to England made huge profits for Jamestown. Thus, making the settlement successful. 1624 : King James I makes VA a royal colony

28 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 POCAHONTAS *Temp. peace w/ Indians when John Rolfe married Pocahontas. Portrait of Pocahontas and her 2 year old son named Thom as Rolfe.

29 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Jamestown Begins to Flourish New arrivals revive and expand colony; grow tobacco -1612 John Rolfe : introduced a sweet West Indian variety of tobacco.-which the English enjoyed smoking (pastime since 1560s). -John Rolfe married Pocahontas: created a temporary peace btwn. English & Powhatan English Settlers Struggle in North America {continued} Section-2 Continued…

30 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 system set up by the Virginia Company that gave 50 acres of land to colonists who paid their own way to Virginia Headright system= 1618 system set up by the Virginia Company that gave 50 acres of land to colonists who paid their own way to Virginia — helps lure settlers to colonies Plantation owners use indentured servants— who had contracts to work 4–7 years in exchange for paid passage to new colony. * Contracts come to an end which creates demand for new source of labor

31 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 -Indentured servants and enslaved Africans supplied labor for the farms and plantations. ** Due decline in number of indentured servants: farmers began to prefer the labor of enslaved African Americans b/c -1.did not have a contract that ended. -2. familiar with agriculture -3. less likely to escape b/c didn’t know abt their new “home” & its surroundings -(*1619 1 st Africans slaves arrive in VA colony)


33 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 The First African Laborers 1619= First Africans arrive (1619); treated as indentured servants Late 1600s, owners begin importing costly slaves because - indentured population decreases - colony becomes wealthy English Settlers Struggle in North America {continued} Section-2

34 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 The English Pattern of Conquest English do not live or intermarry with Native Americans The Settlers Battle Native Americans Continued hostilities between Powhatan and English after starving time 1614 marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe creates temporary peace Renewed fighting; king makes Virginia royal colony under his control Section-2 The Settlers Clash with Native Americans

35 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Hostilities Develop Former indentured people settle frontier, cannot vote, but have to pay high taxes; settlers get angry w/ Gov. of VA * Taxes were NOT used for the public good- used as personal profit by wealthy planters 1622: Frontier settlers battle natives; tension between frontier settlers, & wealthy plantation owners begin Governor Berkley(VA) refuses to give money to frontier settlers to build forts & fight local natives Section-2 Economic Differences Split Virginia

36 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon raises army to fight natives on frontier (1676) Governor Berkley calls Bacon’s army illegal; Bacon sets fire to Jamestown *Bacon demands representation for frontier settlers in House of Burgesses(1619 hold 1 st meeting)VA RESULTS : Growing Power of former indentured servants exposed Planters cling more tightly to their power

37 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 English Puritans come to North America, beginning in 1620. Puritan New England Section-3

38 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Puritans and Pilgrims Puritans, religious group, want to purify Church of England - 1608 some leave England & 1 st move to Netherlands b/c Netherlands are religiously tolerant. Later Puritans leave b/c the influence of the Dutch culture was too great on Puritan culture Separatists, known as Pilgrims, in 1620, fled England to escape persecution, found Plymouth Colony in North America Puritan New England Section-3 Puritans Create a “New England” Continued…



41 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 *1620 Pilgrims led by William Bradford landed the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock- in present day Massachusetts. Bradford was the leader of Plymouth Colony. -The Mayflower Compact was a document written by the Pilgrims that established guidelines for the *first form of self-government in the English colonies. -Women= more likely to have property rights & business licenses -*The English Puritans settle New England with the hope of est. a model society based upon their religious views.


43 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 43 Life in the Plymouth Colony Pilgrims formed strong community. **Most Pilgrims became farmers. The Pilgrims taught their children to Read & offered some education to their indentured servants. The FAMILY served as the center of religious life, health care, and community well-being. Worked together for the good of the WHOLE community so to survive the early years of the colony. Section 2: The Pilgrims’ Experience

44 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 44 Life in the Plymouth Colony Women: Cooked/Food, made & sewed clothing & cared for livestock *Had right to( more than any other communities) 1.sign contracts 2.bring certain cases to local courts 3.have business licenses. – *Widows could own property – *Married & widowed get licenses to run inns and to sell liquor Section 2: The Pilgrims’ Experience

45 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 ** Squanto : taught the Pilgrims farming & fishing skills. Thanksgiving= btwn Pilgrims & Wampanoag Indians.

46 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 The Massachusetts Bay Company In 1630, joint-stock company founds Massachusetts Bay Colony John Winthrop: 1 st governor of MA. Bay colony *MA Bay develop= General Court w/ 2 house legislature. Only Adult male church members= right to vote *One of 1st public educ. laws Europe & Americas MA Bay *Boston= “city on a hill” : built Puritans of MA Bay Designed = John Winthrop. “model city” for other city planners.

47 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 47 Politics & Religion closely linked Massachusetts Bay Colony. Govt. leaders were also church members. Ministers= great political power. *ONLY male church members-allowed to vote. **This is how gender is related to politics in MA. Colonists became full church members by becoming a member of the elect. **The elect = those chosen by God. Difficult process. Individuals pass a public test to prove their faith = strong. Section 3: The New England Colonies

48 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 “City Upon a Hill” Puritan adult males vote for General Court; Court chooses governor Church and State Civic officials are church members, have duty to do God’s will Importance of the Family Puritans generally migrate as families Community makes sure family members behave in “God-fearing” way Section-3 Puritans Create a “New England” {continued}


50 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 The Founding of Providence Roger Williams—extreme Separatist minister with controversial views- “dissenter” General Court orders his arrest; Williams flees In 1636 he founds colony of Providence - negotiates for land with Narragansett tribe - guarantees separation of church and state, religious freedom - later becomes the colony of Rhode Island Anne Hutchinson Banished Anne Hutchinson teaches church, ministers are unnecessary Hutchinson banished 1638; family, followers leave colony Section-3 Dissent in the Puritan Community

51 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 51 Puritan Response to Dissenters -*Dissenters : mistreated & accused of witchcraft, brought to trial, and put to death. -* Example: The Salem Witch Trials. 19 put to death. **Peak of community & religious conflicts in New England -*As Puritan colonies grew people= disagree abt. - level of church involvement in local govts. Section 3:The New England Colonies

52 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 52 -*REV. Thomas Hooker & followers left MA. to est. indep. colony based= religious freedom. Helped found Connecticut.(CT) -* Fundamental Orders of CT: 1639 drafted - Thomas Hooker *Set of principles -made CT govt. more democratic. * Regarded : FIRST constitution in the Americas.

53 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Disputes Over Land Settlers spread to western Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut Natives think land treaties temporary, Europeans think permanent The Pequot War Pequot War—Pequot takes stand against colonists, nearly destroyed King Philip’s War Deprived of land, natives toil for English, must follow Puritan laws Wampanoag chief Metacom organizes tribes to wipe out settlers (1675) King Philip’s War fierce; hunger, disease, casualties defeat tribes Section-3 Native Americans Resist Colonial Expansion

54 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 The Dutch settle New Netherland; English Quakers led by William Penn settle Pennsylvania. Settlement of the Middle Colonies Section-4

55 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 A Diverse Colony In 1621, the Dutch West India Company colonizes New Netherland Settlers from other European countries and Africa welcomed; religiously tolerant Dutch farm & also trade for furs with Native Americans Section-4 The Dutch Found New Netherland Settlement of the Middle Colonies

56 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 English Takeover Gov. of New Netherland unpopular. -Didn’t have support of people to fight English take over. - “Dutch Wedge” separates N & S English colonies - Surrenders to Duke of York(English) -In 1664, Duke of York becomes proprietor (owner) of New Netherland - renames colony New York - later gives part of land to friends, names it New Jersey

57 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Penn’s “Holy Experiment”: 1681-82, William Penn founds Pennsylvania on Quaker principles ( religious & political reasons) Quakers ideas: equality, cooperation, religious toleration, pacifism & anti slavery, -Penn also recruits immigrants; thousands of Germans go to Pennsylvania PA(propriety colony) meant to be a “holy experiment” - adult males get 50 acres, right to vote - representative assembly - freedom of religion - Farming= economic pursuit Native American Relations Penn treats native people fairly; over 50 years without conflict Section-4 The Quakers Settle Pennsylvania Continued…

58 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Previous The Americans Chapter 2 Founder & YearREASONS FOR FOUNDING TYPE OF CHARTER ECONOMIC PURSUIT MD:1632 Cecilius Calvert(Lord Baltimore -Religious: refuge for English Catholics -1649 Toleration Act: crime to restrict rights of Christians Propriety - Farming(Tobacco) Manufacturing: shipbuilding & iron works NC: Founded in 1663 by English nobles given a Charter by Charles II - Political -Many were farmers from VA - Had few Plantations, churches & towns Propriety later changed to Royal Some Plantation Agriculture (Rice, indigo, tobacco )& Small Farms SC: same as NC, but 1729 became colony Political & Economic 1730 higher population of enslaved Africans than free whites Propriety later changed to Royal Agriculture CRIT Livestock NY: NJ: PA : GA:

59 C ALL TO F REEDOM HOLT HOLT, RINEHART AND WINSTON Beginnings to 1877 59 Religion :major role in Maryland. (MD) MARYLAND(MD)1632 -Founded(religious reasons) as refuge - English Catholics. -Propriety Charter -Tobacco farming main economic porsuit -Cecilius Calvert(founder)-a.k.a Lord Baltimore. Religious conflicts develop btwn Catholics and Protestants. Toleration Act of 1649 one of 1 st laws protecting religious tolerance in the colonies. *Showed govt.: offer some religious freedom & protection for rights of minority groups. Section 4:The Southern and Middle Colonies

60 Colony : Maryland Founded in 1632 by George Calvert (Lord Baltimore)who started a charter but didn’t live to see it come true. He believed all people should have religious freedom. TYPE: Propriety colony REASON: Religious=Refuge for English Catholics King Charles I was king and didn’t agree with the religious freedom. In 1649, the Toleration Act was passed that guaranteed equality of rights for everyone for religion. Economy: Manufacturing in colonial Maryland concentrated on shipbuilding and iron works. Agriculture focus was on corn, wheat, rice, and indigo. 1649: Religious Toleration Act: law made it a crime/illegal to restrict the religious rights of Christians Southern Colony George Calvert, Lord Baltimore

61 Colony : North Carolina Founded in 1663 by English nobles. Propriety later Royal Charter granted by Charles II. Charleston: main city was named after Charles II. Became very important port city. REASON: Bad politics forced a split of the colony into North and South. Economy : centered on Plantation Agriculture. Plantations in North Carolina produced indigo, rice, and tobacco. Settlers: many were farmers from VA Had few plantations, churches or towns Southern Colony King Charles II

62 Colony : South Carolina The South Carolina Colony was part of the Carolina Colony in 1663 settled by English Colonists. In 1729 South Carolina received its name after a political dispute and became a propriety colony 1 st ; later to royal. Economy: Had large plantations for growing crops(rice, indigo, cotton, tobacco) and raising livestock. 1730 had a higher population of enslaved Africans than free whites Southern Colony

63 Colony : New York 1609 Originally Started as the Dutch colony of New Netherland Dutch wanted to est. religious tolerance, profitable fur trade & sought new farmland James Duke of York was given it from Charles II. The English took over in 1664 and renamed it New York. Political & Economic Reasons Economy: Agriculture, Trade,& manufacturing. ( cattle, grain, rice, indigo, and wheat. Manufacturing centered around shipbuilding and iron works. Middle Colony (Breadbasket Colony)

64 Colony : New Jersey Founded in 1664: by Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret The Duke of York split NY land in half to give to 2 friends REASONS: Political & Economic Dutch, Swedes, Finns, & Scots made up colonits Propriety later to royal Economy: agriculture, fur trade & manufacturing. Iron was mined and manufactured in N.J Middle Colony (Breadbasket Colony)

65 Colony : Pennsylvania In 1681, William Penn was granted a Propriety charter for land between Maryland and New York. King Charles was in debt to Penn’s father. Penn was a Quaker ( Quakers ideas: equality, cooperation, religious toleration, pacifism & anti slavery) and he gave the people two rights: 1. Freedom of Religion(advertised) 2. Right to elect public officials to have a just government. - Mix of Quakers, Welsh & German settlers -Political & Economic Reasons Economy : Mixed of agriculture & manufacturing. The manufacturing industry was made up of textiles, paper making and ship building. Middle Colony (Breadbasket Colony

66 Colony : Georgia It became a Royal colony in 1733. James Oglethorpe was granted a charter to start Georgia for the poor and unfortunate who leave prison in England. Political Reasons for founding GA: served as a buffer zone between the Spanish and the English colonies. Economy: Agriculture was the dominate economy in colonial Georgia. Crops included indigo, rice, and sugar. Savannah founded along coast Southern Colony

67 Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company Next Previous The Americans Chapter 2 1732-33 James Oglethorpe founds Georgia(propriety) for political reasons. -Founded as haven for debtors. -Served as buffer zone btwn. Spanish Florida & English colonies. -Small farms & Plantations=economic pursuit -Savannah= Oglethorpe est city on coast of GA. By 1752, there are 13 British colonies in North America


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