Multiculturalism in the U.S. Contemporary American Texts.

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2 Multiculturalism in the U.S. Contemporary American Texts

3 Definitions of Culture  Aesthetic taste of dominant class.  Institutions, myths, rites, laws, beliefs, codified every day behavior, value systems, material techniques. Definitions adapted from: Trainer’s Manual for A Classroom of Difference. Anti-Defamation League, 1997.  Aesthetic taste of dominant class.  Institutions, myths, rites, laws, beliefs, codified every day behavior, value systems, material techniques. Definitions adapted from: Trainer’s Manual for A Classroom of Difference. Anti-Defamation League, 1997.

4 How is multiculturalism defined?  What’s your definition? Take a couple of minutes to write a definition of your own.  Other possible definitions:  -Many or multiple cultures.  -Public policy for managing cultural diversity in a multi-ethnic society, officially stressing mutual respect and tolerance for cultural differences within a country’s borders..  What’s your definition? Take a couple of minutes to write a definition of your own.  Other possible definitions:  -Many or multiple cultures.  -Public policy for managing cultural diversity in a multi-ethnic society, officially stressing mutual respect and tolerance for cultural differences within a country’s borders..

5 Other terms seen in this unit…  Stereotype: An oversimplified generalization about a person or group of people without regard for individual differences. Even positive stereotypes have a negative impact.  Prejudice: Prejudging, making a decision about a person or group of people without sufficient knowledge. Prejudicial thinking is based on stereotypes. Prejudice is an attitude..  Stereotype: An oversimplified generalization about a person or group of people without regard for individual differences. Even positive stereotypes have a negative impact.  Prejudice: Prejudging, making a decision about a person or group of people without sufficient knowledge. Prejudicial thinking is based on stereotypes. Prejudice is an attitude..

6  Discrimination: Behavior that can follow prejudicial thinking. Discrimination is the denial of justice and fair treatment in many arenas, including employment, housing, and political rights.  Scapegoating: The action of blaming an individual or group for something when, in reality, there is no one person or group responsible for the problem. Scapegoating is the act of placing blame on a person for problems in society because of that person’s group identity. What do you think can result from scapegoating?  Discrimination: Behavior that can follow prejudicial thinking. Discrimination is the denial of justice and fair treatment in many arenas, including employment, housing, and political rights.  Scapegoating: The action of blaming an individual or group for something when, in reality, there is no one person or group responsible for the problem. Scapegoating is the act of placing blame on a person for problems in society because of that person’s group identity. What do you think can result from scapegoating?

7  Bigotry: Being prejudiced and intolerant of those who hold different opinions from oneself.  Racism: Prejudice or discrimination based on race. Racists believe that some groups are born superior to others, and, in the name of protecting their race from “contamination,” they justify the domination and destruction of races they consider to be inferior to their own.  Bigotry: Being prejudiced and intolerant of those who hold different opinions from oneself.  Racism: Prejudice or discrimination based on race. Racists believe that some groups are born superior to others, and, in the name of protecting their race from “contamination,” they justify the domination and destruction of races they consider to be inferior to their own.

8  Personal racism: A person of color being perceived to be dangerous because of the color of his or her skin.  Institutional racism: Racial prejudice or discrimination supported by power and authority used to the advantage of one race over others, as when all all people are not treated the same by police or security guards.  Personal racism: A person of color being perceived to be dangerous because of the color of his or her skin.  Institutional racism: Racial prejudice or discrimination supported by power and authority used to the advantage of one race over others, as when all all people are not treated the same by police or security guards.

9 Top Ten Surnames from the 1990 Census  Smith  Johnson  Williams  Jones  Brown  Davis  Miller  Wilson  Moore  Taylor  Smith  Johnson  Williams  Jones  Brown  Davis  Miller  Wilson  Moore  Taylor

10 Top Ten Surnames from the 2000 Census  Smith  Johnson  Williams  Brown  Jones  Miller  Davis  Garcia  Rodriguez  Wilson  Smith  Johnson  Williams  Brown  Jones  Miller  Davis  Garcia  Rodriguez  Wilson

11 If we could shrink the earth’s population to 100 people, there’d be:  Asians 57  Europeans21  From Western Hemisphere14  Africans8  Females52  Males48  Asians 57  Europeans21  From Western Hemisphere14  Africans8  Females52  Males48

12  70would be non-white  70would be non-Christian  11would be homosexual  6would possess 59% of the entire community’s wealth (all 6 from the US)  80would live in sub-standard housing  70would be unable to read  50would be malnourished  1would be college educated  1would be near death and  1 recently born  1would own a computer  70would be non-white  70would be non-Christian  11would be homosexual  6would possess 59% of the entire community’s wealth (all 6 from the US)  80would live in sub-standard housing  70would be unable to read  50would be malnourished  1would be college educated  1would be near death and  1 recently born  1would own a computer

13 Now for the U.S.  Asians3.6  Europeans75  From Western Hemisphere?  Africans12.5  Hispanics12.3  Females51  Males49  Asians3.6  Europeans75  From Western Hemisphere?  Africans12.5  Hispanics12.3  Females51  Males49

14  25would be non-white  23would be non-Christian  8.4would be homosexual  6would possess 59% of the entire community’s wealth  5.3would live in sub-standard housing  5would be unable to read  3.5would be malnourished  13would be college educated  ?would be near death and  ?recently born  51would own a computer  25would be non-white  23would be non-Christian  8.4would be homosexual  6would possess 59% of the entire community’s wealth  5.3would live in sub-standard housing  5would be unable to read  3.5would be malnourished  13would be college educated  ?would be near death and  ?recently born  51would own a computer

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