2/2/15 Bell Work 1. Get out yesterday’s lab. 2. Double check your work. 3. Check each sketch for correct labeling or your drawing 4. Did you answer all.

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Presentation on theme: "2/2/15 Bell Work 1. Get out yesterday’s lab. 2. Double check your work. 3. Check each sketch for correct labeling or your drawing 4. Did you answer all."— Presentation transcript:

1 2/2/15 Bell Work 1. Get out yesterday’s lab. 2. Double check your work. 3. Check each sketch for correct labeling or your drawing 4. Did you answer all the questions?

2 2/2/15 Exit  The ocean floor is magnetic because?  It contains ore deposits  People have thrown magnetics into the ocean  Ships and airplanes have sunk  The magnetic strips on the ocean floor are _______ on each side of the mid- ocean ridge.  Random  Asymmetrical  Symmetrical  Earthquakes are more intense at _________.  Convergent boundaries  Divergent boundaries  Transform boundaries

3 2/3/15 Bell Work 1. Clear everything off of your desk you only need a pencil today. Please place you ISN on the homework turn in table. 2. When you are done testing bring the test to the teacher to scan for your score.

4 2/3/15 When you are done testing 1. Remain silent for the remainder of class. You may read a book, work on homework for another class, or I have books you may look through.  Please do not disturb or distract the others around you, NO music or games on your mobile devices.

5 2/4/15 Bell Work 1. Please update your table of contents for the start of the new unit. 2. Unit 5 will begin on page 32 and 33 of your ISN with vocabulary words. 3. Please get a book from the cabinet and wait for further instructions.

6 Vocabulary words  There are 15 words, Please NUMBER them.  Pages 140 and 141  Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4.

7 2/4/15 Exit 1. Please count your words, you should have 15 words. 2. Please have one person from your table place both books in the cabinet.

8 2/6/15 Bell Work  Page 34 of ISN copy down the objective.  Write these three questions and answer them. 1. What is a prediction? 2. What is the meaning of probability, when predicting an events occurrence? 3. What is retrofitting?

9 Bellwork Answers 1. A prediction is a statement that something is likely to happen based on past experience and is only as reliable as its source. 2. Probability: an event is probable if there is evidence or reason to believe that it will occur. 3. Retrofitting is making changes to a completed structure to meet needs that were not considered at the time it was built; to withstand an earthquake.

10 Earthquake Prediction  In the fall of 1989 Iben Browning predicted an earthquake  6.0 or greater  December 3, 1990 +/- 48 hours  30 o N and 60 o N latitude


12 Earthquake Prediction  According media Browning had predicted  A catastrophic earthquake in New Madrid Missouri  The epicenter of the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in 1811-12

13 Earthquake Prediction  The people in New Madrid  Stocked up food and water  Purchased earthquake insurance  Made travel plans  Developed emergency preparedness plans  Retrofitted buildings  Schools even scheduled “earthquake breaks”

14 Earthquake Prediction  December 3 rd 1990  The little town was overrun with television and newspaper media. Can we predict earthquakes?

15 Earthquake Prediction  What you are going to do today is similar to a literature circle.  I have divided the class into groups of about 4  Each person in the group will have an assignment  I have determined the assignments for today  Lets review each job.

16 Earthquake Prediction  I am giving each group articles to read  There are questions to answer with the articles  There is also a group presentation (everyone will be involved) to the class Monday.

17 Exit 2/6/15 Recorders 1. Make sure everyone’s name is on their work 2. Collect all the papers 3. Place the POGIL sheet on top 4. Staple everything together 5. Place it in the homework bin.

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