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THE PSYCHOLOGY OF Permanent Behavior Change based on Practice and Experience.

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Presentation on theme: "THE PSYCHOLOGY OF Permanent Behavior Change based on Practice and Experience."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE PSYCHOLOGY OF Permanent Behavior Change based on Practice and Experience

2 Association of Stimulus and Response Pavlov Unconditioned Response Conditioned Response Unconditioned Stimulus Conditioned Stimulus Superstitions

3 How are the actions in this photo evidence of Classical Conditioning?

4 Reward or Punishment Skinner

5 Fixed Interval - Set length of time must pass for reinforcement to occur - West Wing, Wednesdays 9:00 pm Variable Interval - Steadiest response, never know when reinforcement will be offered - Teacher wanders the room offering praise Fixed Ratio - Behavior reinforced after performed set number of times; consistent behavior - Make 30 widgets to fulfill quota and receive full pay Variable Ratio - Occasional rewards following changing number of actions; Fast, frequent response to increase reward rate - Playing slot machine

6 Thinking, Memory Formation, Learning, Problem Solving Piaget Schema Assimilation Accomodation Human Information Processing (HIP) Meaningfulness Transfer (situated learning) Chemical Influences (stimulants, depressants)

7 Albert Bandura Direct or Vicarious Experience

8 “Bobo” and Aggressive Behavior Factors: Attention: what parts of behavior is the observer watching? Retention: How is information stored? What associations are made? Motor Reproduction Processes: physically capable of imitation Motivation: reinforcement for behavior or observing original performer of behavior reinforced



11 Factors Emotional Influences: moderate arousal beneficial (curiosity, humor, fear, anxiety) Evolutionary Influences (selectionism): brains contain all cognitive processes at birth and are initiated by environmental situations Cultural Validity (cross-cultural behavior): Cultural Value: value placed on learning Perpetual Processes: sensory ability Intelligence: practical sense, adaptability

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