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© BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Teambuilding for All Employees.

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Presentation on theme: "© BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Teambuilding for All Employees."— Presentation transcript:

1 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Teambuilding for All Employees

2 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Session Objectives You will be able to: Recognize the value of teamwork Identify the characteristics of an effective team Understand the qualities of a productive team member Help build successful teams to achieve important goals

3 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 What You Need to Know Benefits of teambuilding What makes teams successful Profile of a productive team member Teambuilding techniques How to measure team progress

4 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Benefits of Teambuilding Increased efficiency Improved quality More flexible operations Enhanced creativity Greater safety Heightened motivation

5 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Effective Teams Manageable size Diverse skills, knowledge, and experience Resourceful, competent leadership Common goals

6 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Effective Teams (cont.) Cooperation Solidarity Open exchange of ideas Mutual respect and support

7 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Team Members Understand their own and others’ roles Agree on goals and responsibilities Trust and cooperate with one another Communicate and coordinate efforts

8 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Team Members (cont.) Achieve consensus through listening, debating, and compromise See value in combining all members’ skills, experiences, and perspectives Believe that the combined efforts of the team will produce worthwhile benefits

9 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Teams and Team Members Do you understand the information presented in the previous slides?

10 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Help Create the Right Atmosphere Promote an informal, relaxed, and open work environment Be open to different points of view Be professional and courteous Encourage mutual respect Be fair and consistent

11 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Understand Team Goals Be sure you understand: Group and individual expectations How goals will be achieved Priority of goals How success will be measured

12 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Help Build Commitment Develop a mission statement Cultivate group solidarity Set a good example

13 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Help Build Commitment (cont.) Show concern for other team members Share credit and responsibility Celebrate group success

14 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Encourage Participation Ask for feedback and suggestions from other team members Share your ideas Make sure everyone gets a chance at challenging assignments and meaningful tasks

15 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Promote Cooperation Emphasize collaboration, not competition Encourage the sharing of information, ideas, and expertise Endorse compromise Reinforce team- oriented behavior

16 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Provide Mutual Support Keep in close touch with other team members Help to assure necessary resources are available Ask for help when necessary and give assistance when asked Encourage team members to share problems

17 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Maintain Communication Allow enough time for group discussion Provide positive feedback Be open to constructive criticism Learn and use good listening and debating techniques Be accessible to other team members

18 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Resolve Conflicts Promptly And Effectively Understand that some conflict is normal Establish ground rules for dealing with disagreements Seek win-win solutions

19 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Teambuilding Techniques Do you understand the information presented in the previous slides?

20 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Establish Effective Networks Make useful connections throughout the organization Maintain good relationships with other teams, departments, and functions Keep your managers informed Focus on the big picture

21 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Measure Progress Keep an eye on team schedules Check workflow Monitor quality

22 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Take Pride in the Team’s Achievements Value both individual and group achievements Recognize the contributions of all team members Celebrate your success

23 © BLR ® —Business & Legal Resources 1408 Key Points to Remember Teams rely on diverse skills, knowledge, and experience to reach their goals Effective teams strengthen the organization and help make us more profitable and competitive Each team member plays an important role in helping to build the team and achieve success

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