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MIDDLE SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2009-2010. S chool M eans S uccess ●B●Be Responsible ●B●Be Here ●B●Be Respectful ●B●Be Positive.

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Presentation on theme: "MIDDLE SCHOOL HANDBOOK 2009-2010. S chool M eans S uccess ●B●Be Responsible ●B●Be Here ●B●Be Respectful ●B●Be Positive."— Presentation transcript:


2 S chool M eans S uccess ●B●Be Responsible ●B●Be Here ●B●Be Respectful ●B●Be Positive

3 Be Responsible!

4 BE RESPONSIBLE … Agendas should be carried at all times. Students may not check out of class without an Agenda. (No water or bathroom breaks during class.) You cannot be in the hallways without a signed Agenda. Treat it as a textbook. It is school property. $5.00 for a new one.

5 BE RESPONSIBLE … Have your Agenda signed in the office if you leave and return during the school day. Bring your Agenda to the office to be signed if you have been absent the previous day. If your Agenda is not signed and you have been absent you will not be allowed in class until you have checked into the office.

6 BE RESPONSIBLE … Do not write in anyone else’s Agenda. Do not add pictures or drawings to the Agenda. Remember it is school property, just like a textbook and should not be written in except to record assignments. Write your name with a highlighter across the hall pass section.

7 TELEPHONE CALLS AND MESSAGES Students may only use the phone in case of emergencies from the middle school office only. Students will be notified that they have messages in the office in the afternoon announcements.

8 BE RESPONSIBLE … Do your best work in class. Turn your assignments in on time. Missing assignments result in a zero, a grade of “F” Every two weeks students who are failing classes will be placed on the Failing List and will not be eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities. You may also be required to stay afterschool for extra help.

9 BE RESPONSIBLE … Make sure to bring money for your breakfast/lunch account. Students will not be allowed to charge their lunch or breakfast. Students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves in the lunchroom and pushing in their chair when they leave. Students who make a mess will be responsible for cleaning it up.

10 BE RESPONSIBLE … Cell phones must be kept off and in the student’s locker at all times. MP3 players may be brought to school only if you are passing all your classes and may only be used during Directed Study at the discretion of your teacher. No other electronic devices are allowed at school. Cell phones and MP3 players (except during D.S.) will be taken and kept in the office if they are found outside a student’s locker during the school day. A parent will need to pick it up in the office.

11 BE RESPONSIBLE … Lockers are the property of the school, provided for student use for school purposes. The locker is not the students’ private property and may be opened by school authorities at any time. Lockers will be checked and inspected periodically during the school year by the principal and/or staff members.

12 Students must keep their lockers locked at all times. Do not under any circumstance reveal your combination to anyone else. Students may only use lockers that are assigned to them. Students may go to their lockers before school in the morning, before and after lunchtime, after period 5, and at the end of the school day.

13 BE RESPONSIBLE … If you need help, ask your teacher. If you do not understand, ask your teacher. We are here to help you be SUCCESSFUL! We want every student to learn and to do well in school.

14 Be Here!

15 BE HERE… School starts at 8:15 and ends at 3:28. Students may go to their lockers upon arriving at school and then must report to the multipurpose room or breakfast. Students are not to be in the hallways before school starts.

16 BE HERE… If you know you will leave school during the school day, check into the office with a note or parent phone call and have your Agenda signed as soon as you arrive at school. Once you arrive at school you are not to leave the school grounds. If you do, you will be considered truant (cutting school).

17 BE HERE … Do not leave school grounds without first checking into the office and have your Agenda signed. When you return to school after being signed out check into the office again with your Agenda. Always check in and check out in the office with your Agenda.

18 BE HERE … Students who are late to class will be SWEPT back to class, they will be counted tardy to that class. The third time a student is SWEPT in a week will result in one day of OSS. Future tardies will result in an afterschool detention until 5:00. Students who do not attend afterschool detention will serve one day of ISS or OSS if ISS is full.

19 Be Respectful!

20 Treat others as you wish to be treated. Do not use profanity on school grounds or the school bus. Act respectfully in your speech, written communication and gestures. Do not yell in the hallway, lunchroom or classrooms. Do not bully, shove, trip or gossip. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. BE RESPECTFUL …

21 Dress Appropriately Short shorts, halter tops, spaghetti strap tops, strapless tops, midriff tops and half shirts are not permissible attire for school. Student attire that reveals breasts, buttocks, belly buttons, bra straps or underwear is not acceptable. Clothing which promotes inappropriate products or activities is not permitted. BE RESPECTFUL …

22 Jewelry that may be used as a weapon is not allowed. This includes, but is not limited to chain-like adornments, spiked necklaces or belts. No hats or headgear. Hooded sweatshirts are allowed but the hoods may not be worn on the head. Any clothing that displays abusive language, profanity, gang symbols or illegal organizations or substances is prohibited. BE RESPECTFUL …

23 Gum may be chewed but must be disposed of properly. Students should not bring candy, pop, sunflower seeds, permanent markers, perfume, fingernail polish, rubber bands, correction fluid or any aerosol can to school. All food must be eaten in the cafeteria. Food from outside restaurants will not be allowed in the lunchroom during the school day. BE RESPECTFUL …

24 Rules while riding the bus are the same as school rules. Students that misbehave on the bus may lose the privilege of riding the bus or be brought back to the school. The bus driver may assign seats at any time. Cameras on the bus are used to record your behavior. Students may only get off the bus at their assigned stop. BE RESPECTFUL …

25 BE RESPECTFUL Any time another student physically assaults or strikes another student or teacher he/she will: Be suspended outside of school for ten (10) days. (First offense) Second offense: receive long term suspension or be expelled from school for the remainder of the school year. The student who was physically assaulted will not be suspended if there is evidence to show they did not participate or retaliate. If you have a way out, you should not fight back. If an adult is nearby you have a way out.

26 Please Be Aware: The following acts are illegal and will result in suspension up to ten days and possible expulsion: BE RESPECTFUL …

27 Weapons Illegal drugs – possession or use or distribution of, including drug paraphernalia Prescription drugs or over-the-counter drugs – abuse, or distribution, or ingestion Alcohol or tobacco products -- possession or use of either Explosives – this is to include fireworks, ammunition, matches, lighters, etc

28 Pornographic materials – possession, or distribution of Huffing Verbal abuse of or disrespect towards school personnel including profanity and vulgarity Physical assault Theft of school or personal property Vandalism, defacing, damaging or destroying school or personal property

29 Threats towards staff or assaulting staff Truancy – this includes skipping school or leaving school without permission Any disruptive act by a student as to prevent the teacher or any student from performing their duty – South Dakota Codified Law 13-32-6.

30 Be Positive!

31 Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching? ~Dennis and Wendy Mannering

32 Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. -Henry Ford

33 The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes. ~William James

34 Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference. ~Winston Churchill

35 Let’s Make it a Great Year!

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